Ann Coulter: “Let Them All Die!”

Instead of saying, “Let them eat cake,” polemicist Ann Coulter has effectively said, “Let them be killed, tortured, and raped.”

The fall of Kabul over the weekend is obscenely worse than the fall of Saigon in 1975, yet Coulter lauds Biden’s botched pullout from Afghanistan and berates Trump for not doing the same.

Does the horrific chaos not intrude upon Coulter’s conscience or touch her heart?

What transpired over the weekend is grotesque! And the worst is yet to come.

But, according to Baghdad Babs, “everything is going swimmingly in Afghanistan.”

Coulter tweeted:

“Once Osama was killed, the American people wanted us out. President Obama wanted us out. Trump promised to get us out … But generals (the WORST) and military contractors wanted us to stay forever, so we did.” 8/15/21

Coulter had to attack Trump, not realizing the utter catastrophic nature of Biden’s debacle.

Tens of thousands of AMERICANS are trapped in Afghanistan. Hundreds of ISIS terrorists have been released from prison. The Taliban has not only seized the nation, but taken our Blackhawk helicopters and sophisticated American weaponry.

And they are chanting, “Death to America.”

But Coulter feels compelled to celebrate as she feels safe in her isolationist cocoon.

Coulter also tweeted:

“We didn’t lose! We won the war in about 3 weeks, hung around for another decade to get Osama, and then stayed for another 10 years FOR NO NATIONAL SECURITY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. (But military contractors got rich and generals got more ribbons!)” 8/15/21

Here’s one very pertinent response highlighting Coulter’s failure to grasp foreign policy and its implications for America First:

“In 20 years we had few terrorist attacks on our turf. And zero under Trump once he obliterated ISIS. Now you’re gonna have China and Russia supporting the Taliban. But I’m sure this can only be good for us, especially now that we have a open border.”

A small American troop presence in Afghanistan kept America safer.

Another respondent made this point:

“The usual Ann Coulter schtick: maintaining comedic effect at the expense of reflective thought. This President Trump-hater has lost the entire point of her boy, Joe Biden’s, disgrace in Afghanistan. “America risks being seen as harmless as an enemy, and treacherous as a friend.”

Exactly right! Trump kept America safe and even brokered numerous Middle East peace deals, which Coulter despised. Why? Did she hate the name: The Abraham Accords? Trump was a peace and prosperity president. Biden is a chaos president, and Coulter prefers Biden!

Quadrupling down, Coulter tweeted:

“How about: Thank you, President Biden for fulfilling one of Trump’s many broken promises by FINALLY ending the pointless war in Afghanistan.” 8/15/21

This was a humiliating travesty for America, a strategic blunder, and will be a moral stain on America for generations. Who will trust us now?

Who will trust Ann Coulter now?

Posting a video of hordes of Afghans striving to escape Afghanistan (many would cling to the planes and fall to their deaths), Coulter commented:

“Isn’t this the opening scene in “Camp of the Saints”?” 8/16/21

Coulter – gloating in chaos and death!

In response to Sen. Tim Cotton’s call to “destroy every Taliban fighter” near Kabul (perfectly feasible since they were all together in one location), Coulter riposted:

“Why not “every bad person in the whole wide world”?” 8/16/21

Making light of the chaos and dramatically-amplified threat to America, Coulter asserted that Tropical Storm Fred is more important:

“This is of far more importance than anything happening in Afghanistan.” 8/16/21

The Taliban NOW is more dangerous than they were THEN! They have routed America and have weaponry beyond what they could have ever imagined. Afghanistan will become a magnet for every jihadist who wants to destroy America and Western Civilization!

Coulter also tweeted:

“Every minute we were in Afghanistan after killing Osama bin Laden in 2011 was a betrayal of America.” 8/16/21

One person stated the obvious:

“We’re still in Japan and Germany 75 years later.”

We also still have troops in South Korea and other strategic places around the world – all with good results.

Now, the terrorists have a place to call home as they make their plans to attack us here in America. Brilliant, Ann.

But reality still escapes Coulter’s notice. She tweeted:

“The only thing I want to hear the president address is the ongoing crisis at our border, Covid pouring in and the unprecedented murder rampage in America. The idea that Americans on on tenterhooks about “WHITHER AFGHANISTAN” is absurd.” 8/16/21

Ann loves using the word “tenterhooks” when she is upset.

Has Coulter forgotten? There are still thousands of Americans in danger in Afghanistan. Yes, of course we should care. Feckless Biden warns them to exercise caution; Trump would be doing something constructive.

Coulter, again, sidestepped the historic catastrophe still unfolding in Afghanistan by attacking Republicans for wanting to launch an investigation into this colossal blunder of epic proportions. Coulter tweeted:

“How about an investigation of his border strategy? (There’s something mentally wrong with elected Republicans.)” 8/16/21

For Coulter, the only thing that matters is the border and immigration. Isn’t it funny, Trump came up with many great solutions (which Biden undid), yet Coulter keeps attacking Trump and not Biden.

Coulter is aghast that Trump would seek to keep America’s commitment to America-loving Afghan interpreters who faced death to help America. Coulter tweeted:

“Wow. Will THIS finally wake up the few remaining Trump loyalists? Does he have to fly them here himself? Send care packages to the border?” 8/17/21

I guess, now, Ann doesn’t believe in keeping promises?

Exploding is anger at the suggestion that a properly planned and carried out exit strategy would have been preferable to what Biden did, Coulter shouted:


What prompted Coulter’s ire? This tweet from a friend of hers:

“He abandoned the airbase, had no contingency plan to get Americans out, ignored intelligence agencies, prevented contractors from helping the Afghan airforce, and cut off the Afghan military from intelligence or support.”

Exhibiting total ignorance of the terror threat posed by Taliban and ISIS, Coulter absurdly tweeted:

“They’re happy the way things are. Why can’t we leave them alone? 99% of Afghans support sharia as official law.” 8/18/21

Of course, with armed Taliban leaders posing the question, the people replied logically, though not necessarily accurately.

For over a decade, Coulter has dismissed terrorist threats (focusing exclusively on immigration). Coulter asked, “Why can’t we leave them alone?” Because they won’t leave us alone!

Remember, they continue to chant, “Death to America!”

Nevertheless, Coulter remains utterly obsessed with Trump, tweeting:

“It’s hilarious how Trump has aggressively turned against all the issues that got him elected president.” 8/18/21

Coulter can’t stop herself!

Coulter has proven to be the Left’s secret weapon against America.

Astonishingly, Coulter posted her weekly column several hours early and it was devoted to praising Biden for his betrayal of Afghanistan. Here are a few excerpts:

“President Biden ended the war in Afghanistan earlier this week, fulfilling the broken promises of the last three presidents, whereupon both the liberal and conservative media rose up as one to shout: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sorry, Ann, but Biden did not “end” the war. He capitulated. The enemy is still at war with us! And, now, they are better armed!

“Now Biden has done it. It’s our country’s good fortune that our president is too senile to be outmaneuvered by the generals as Bush, Obama and Trump were.”

Who is senile: Biden or Coulter?

“At this rate, maybe he’ll build the wall.”

Magical thinking does not work, Ann.

“On Monday, Biden gave the best presidential address in recent memory — a full-throated, America-First statement of our interests. ‘I want to remind everyone,’ he began, ‘how we got here and what America’s interests are in Afghanistan.'”

In her diatribe against Trump and all those who condemn the chaos sparked by Biden’s reckless and self-serving action, Coulter completely ignores that very real chaos which will continue, dismisses the plight of Afghan interpreters (and Christians), and has not a single word to say about the multitude of AMERICANS trapped in Afghanistan.

How can you be America First if you willingly jeopardize the lives of American citizens?

To fully understand the evolution of Coulter’s views, see Case Study: From Jingoist to Pacifist in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

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