Monthly Archives: February 2021

.@AnnCoulter Has Incurable #CPAC-Derangement Syndrome!

Long before Ann Coulter was beset by a virulent form of Trump Derangement Syndrome,[1] Coulter developed CPAC Derangement Syndrome.

Since then, Coulter seeks out every opportunity to berate and defame CPAC, which she regards as America’s enemy!

Coulter retweeted agreement with this tweet: “Florida’s useless sellout bimbo of a Senator – Marco Rubio – was invited to CPAC but true conservatives – like @AnnCoulter – weren’t? Seriously?”

Since then, Coulter continues to CPAC, suggesting that CPAC is America’s enemy!

Coulter tweeted:

  • It’s the “Chamber of Commerce PAC,” used to promote Matt Schlapp’s lobbying clients. – 2/24/21, 2:24 a.m.
  • CPAC IS unsafe. It’s Matt Schlapp’s lobbying clients masquerading as “conservatives.” – 2/24/21, 4:09 p.m.
  • This isn’t your older brother’s CPAC anymore. – 2/24/21, 4:10 p.m.

Coulter has also claimed that CPAC is funded by the Koch rothers, whom she has said are evil! In her mind, the Koch brothers = George Soros!

Who are these enemies of America?

CPAC’s primary sponsors this year are the American Conservative Union, Fox Nation, and Liberty Health Share.

Coulter was a featured speaker at CPAC for 17 consecutive years from 1998 to 2014. Her time at CPAC represents both a microcosm of and an allegory for her career.

Presenting Sponsors” comprise: Save the American Inventor, Korea CPAC, Save Our States, and World Forecast. The “Partnering Sponsors” are Liberty Ecosystem and Washington Times.

Oh, the horror!

But it gets worse! “Supporting Sponsors” include The Epoch Times, Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, Turning Point USA, and Young America’s Foundation.

Say it ain’t so! (These are hardly anti-American organizations.)

The funny thing is that Young America’s Foundation sponsored Coulter’s speeches for almost two decades, Turning Point USA has sponsored several speeches, and Coulter gave at least one speech at the Heritage Foundation.

CPAC “Contributing Sponsors” include Project Veritas, Citizens United, and the Leadership Institute.

But … Coulter participated in several documentaries for Citizens United and has recently given speeches for the Leadership Institute, which vigorously promoted her speaking tour. Moreover, Coulter was best friends for over two decades with David Bossie, President of Citizens United.

CPAC “Participating Sponsors” include CFACT and the Center for the Claire Boothe Luce Conservative Women, both of which sponsored Coulter’s speeches. Indeed, the latter did so for over fifteen years!

Who has changed? All of these splendid American and conservative organizations? Or Ann Coulter?

Was Ann Coulter an enemy of America then or is she an enemy of America now?

Sampling of Coulter’s Attacks on CPAC!

In 2015, Coulter told the Washington Examiner: “I wasn’t invited. I might just show up anyway just to piss them off. I could be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC.”

Why would Coulter want to piss off CPAC? Ego? The woman scorned? A vengeful nature?

Did you notice, Coulter places herself and her situation on par with that of Bibi Netanyahu?! Coulter likens herself to the Israeli Prime Minister, renowned for his courage, his eloquence, and his principled character.

But beyond that, Coulter’s tweets also reveal her own denial of reality and her self-absorption.

  • CPAC = Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee
  • “attendees surveyed after the conference consistently chose Coulter as the most popular speaker”
  • Of course, if I want to watch a bunch of rich white people suck up to the Mexicans, I’ll watch the Oscars again.
  • I’ll be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC!

Finally, CPAC discovered that we should Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age![2]

Even though she considers herself indispensable to CPAC (and CPAC indispensable to her standing as a great conservative leader), Coulter was missed only by herself.

In 2018, Coulter told the audience of the Lars Larson Show, “I remember when CPAC wasn’t funded by the Koch brothers.” (Those evil anti-Americans!)

In 2019, Coulter again sniped at CPAC.

One person tweeted: “Every societal movement will eventually turn into a grift once people realize they can gain money and power by pilfering the herd. If you join one, join early and get out early.” Coulter retweeted thusly: “See, e.g., CPAC.

Coulter also retweeted (“Duh.”) to a tweet claiming: “What everyone is saying: ‘CPAC isn’t fun without Ann Coulter. And hasn’t been for years.”

Yes, Coulter still believes her own press. Meanwhile, in the real world, CPAC thrives and expands!

Why CPAC Rejected Coulter

After 9/11, Coulter’s CPAC appearances were continually mired in controversies of Coulter’s own making. Her provocative rhetoric became ever more extreme. She regularly employed elimination rhetoric. Coulter seemingly sought to upstage CPAC at every turn.

One year, a host of conservative organizations and bloggers threatened to boycott CPAC if Coulter was invited to speak. Coulter was rejected as a speaker but, through slight-of-hand, spoke anyway. In both 2013 and 2014, Coulter was invited at the last minute, due to aggressive campaigns by Coulter to appear.[3] (Friends in high places have always come to her aid.)

Coulter’s antics continued in 2014, with Coulter coordinating a phony “debate,” disparaging poor people, issuing death threats, and falsely claiming to have been raped.[4]

But in 2014, Coulter crossed a non-negotiable red-line: Coulter boasted publicly of betraying CPAC.

Coulter has a long history of betraying friends,[5] colleagues,[6] and clients.[7] Then, Coulter publicly betrayed CPAC.

Within weeks of her appearance at CPAC 2014, Coulter boasted of scamming CPAC. She bragged about this “really so brilliant” scam to thwart CPAC’s agenda “despite CPAC’s best efforts.”

Nicely done, Ann.

Such is Coulter’s ego that she believes – after scamming CPAC and bragging about it – that CPAC would be obligated to invite her to speak in subsequent years.

See Case Study: CPAC Escapades in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged for more details.


[1]              See Case Study: #CoulterMeltdown in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[2]              See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age at

[3]              In the early 2000s, CPAC routinely promoted its next conference far in advance, often nine months or more before the conference date, and Coulter would regularly be highlighted as one of the first speakers invited.

[4]              See “Case Study # 8: Life Issues,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter at

[5]              See “Preface: Alamo Remembered,” The Beauty of Conservatism at

[6]              See “Case Study # 2: (Linda) TRIPPed Up!” Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory at

[7]              See “Case Study # 1: Oh, Paula (Jones)! Ann Coulter’s Betrayal,” Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory at

Ann Coulter: Black Women Belong at the Back of the Bus

Ann Coulter is the anti-Rosa Parks!

Recently, Coulter dismissed (no, denied) Kizzmekia Corbett’s contribution to the development of Moderna’s COVID vaccine. Coulter was outraged that the “lead NIH coronavirus researcher” would get any credit for the vaccine that she helped develop.

This is typical Ann Coulter, whose views on race are abhorrent![1]

Regarding Halle Berry’s Oscar win, Coulter wrote:

Coulter claimed that Halle Berry won her Oscar by being white enough, writing: “Large-breasted, slightly cocoa women with idealized Caucasian features finally have a chance in Hollywood. They will, however, still be required to display their large breasts for the camera and to discuss their large breasts at some length with reporters.”[2]

How denigrating!

But this fits into Coulter’s WASP,[3] Alt-Right[4] worldview. Here’s another Coulter gem: Only Westerners (especially WASPs) create and invent things:

“Democrats don’t want all immigrants. What they want is welfare recipient immigrants, which is why they’ve rigged the rules. … It’s extremely difficult to come in if you’re coming from a Western European country. However, if you are from a Third World country, ‘Welcome.’ If your genetic ancestors did not invent the wheel, ‘Oh, well, let them come in.’ But they’re the natural Democratic voters.”[5]

Unlike fine wine, Coulter’s decades-long racist views have not improved with age.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged examines the origins and exhibition of Coulter’s racist, WASP, Alt-Right worldview.


[1]              See Case Study: America in Black and White in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[2]              Ann Coulter, “I like black people too, Julia!” 3/27/02.

[3]              See Case Study: WASP America in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[4]              See Case Study: Alt-Right in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[5]              Ann Coulter, MSNBC, 8/23/96.

.@AnnCoulter, Jew-Hater

Anti-Semite Ann Coulter, the Dowager Queen of the Alt-Right,[i] is at it again!

Coulter has a history of anti-Semitism going back at least three decades! If anything, her anti-Semitism has escalated since the 2020 election.

In 2021, Coulter attacks, on an almost daily basis, Jews, Israel, and Trump’s Jewish relatives, and, now, President Biden’s Jewish appointees.

Notice, of all the demographics highlighted in the article, Coulter chooses one: The Jews. Coulter obsesses over the (in her eyes) over-representation of Jews in Hollywood, the media, and politics.

Why does Coulter embrace the Left’s mantra of having a group’s composition “look like America?” Because Coulter has her very own version of identity politics, one which elevated WASPs[ii] above everyone else.

Coulter is also engaged in doublethink (cognitive dissonance), decrying the presence of too many Jews in power in the Biden administration. Coulter often contends that Jews have an alliance to Israel over America, but the leftist Jews in Biden’s world hate Israel.

Coulter has often virulently attacked the alleged Israel Lobby but, if anything, the entire Biden administration is an anti-Israel Lobby!

Responses on Twitter:

  • There are many ways to disagree with Biden’s cabinet choices on policy grounds. But pointing out their religious affiliation sends an inappropriate message. Judging by many of the Antisemitic comments to Ann Coulter’s tweet, that message was clearly received by these followers.
  • Funny that when it comes to people like Ann, it’s always skin pigment and religion before character.
  • This disgusting remark belongs in Germany 1921, not America 2021
  • Article clearly states that the bulk are Catholics. But take a pot shot at the Jews. really nice.
  • Antisemite gonna antisemite.
  • An(n)tisemite Coulter
  • Did you read the article you reposted? Because it says 22% are Jewish, not 73%.
  • Feh! This from a meshuginah blond shiksa!!!
  • Oy Ann!

Coulter’s anti-Semitic Twitter rant in 2015, on the eve of Yom Kippur, did not go unnoticed:

The hawkish Zionist Organization of America blasted Coulter’s “appalling, anti-Jewish remarks which evoked the classic, antisemitic trope about Jewish manipulation of America for the purposes of supporting Israel at America’s expense,” and the Orthodox National Council of Young Israel condemned her “ill-advised decision to spew hatred by denigrating the state of Israel and the Jewish community.” Commentary Magazine editor and conservative commentator John Podhoretz tweeted simply, “Shame on you.”

Sadly, Ann has learned nothing and has not changed!

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged explains how her Alt-Right worldview and demands for the restoration of a WASP America[iii] have instilled a deep-seated of Jews and Israel inside her very soul.


[i]               See Case Study: #BlameJewsFirst in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[ii]              See Case Study: Alt-Right in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

[iii]             See Case Study: America in Black and White in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at

Crazy @AnnCoulter Demands Trump Conviction for Wall

For weeks, Ann Coulter has tweeted that the Senate Republicans create a grand bargain in which they trade conviction of an innocent man for a border wall that the Democrats will never build.

Now, she has published an insane column to that very end!

Once again, Coulter is delusional!

And, yet again, Coulter continues to lie about Trump, who did build a wall.

When will her TDS end?

(Ann truly needs our prayers!)

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged explains why Coulter has become so unhinged!

FreeRepublic Responses

Ann O’ Rexia.

Coulter just does not get it. The purpose of impeaching Trump is to destroy his America first, anti globalist ideology. An open border is critical to the globalist dream of a one world govenment controlled by elites. A border wall is a horror to the globalist. An open border is necessary to destroy the American nation and its culture.The globalist Democrats would never build a wall or do anything to enhance or protect the American nation.

Let’s convict a innocent man, for a crime others committed, which his accusers and judges facilitated through willful inaction, for which they all said worse, for a wall that will not be built. Articles like this are a reminder Ann crossed over to crazy years ago.

AC is just one initial away from AOC.

Can we build a wall around Ann’s house? Good lord, woman, just shut up.

I tired of Ann some years ago. She began to strike me as another one who was about herself and little else. (Ann, have you ever had a Big Mac?)

What a kook. No deals. He needs to be found innocent. Period.

Ms. Coulter’s proposal is equivalent to suggesting, “How about if I offer to let the mob drag my wife out into the streets and rape her and, in exchange, they promise to not molest my daughters?”

[Articles like this are a reminder Ann crossed over to crazy years ago.]

After unrelenting opposition from Republicans, democrats, Federal judges, he got about 750 miles of the wall built. Betrayal??? That woman has lost her mind.

Back in the nineties.we were all focused on the Clinton’s, and she was solid on the issues we were addressing. In the two thousands she started writing a bonehead article every so often. Now it seems she has gone full tilt moron.

Coulter used to be brilliant. Now she sits in the corner babbling nonsense and drooling on herself.

Can Coulter use the same Gorilla Glue that the idiot woman put in her hair on her 2 lips? Spare us, you haggard harridan.

Ann has come to the place where she is politically illiterate.

I absolutely loathe this woman. Always have from the moment she first came on the political scene.

Ann is a whore of the lowest degree

What a lunatic!

There is a logical gap in Ann’s reasoning. The obvious thing is the Dems will never fulfill a promise. They, like Lucy, will pull away the football and the Pubbies will fall on their asses. Ann does not need a football to kick. In this case, she has fallen on her ass all by herself.

Ugly says as ugly is

For quite a long time I was delusional as I thought good of this crazy woman.

She is a clown.

.@AnnCoulter’s Grand Bargain

TDS-addled Ann Coulter has repeatedly urged the Senate to convict Donald Trump in exchange for a wall!

Irrational? Yes!

Constitutional? No.

Coulter ignores several very obvious points:

  1. Trump is innocent. (But Coulter would convict an innocent man in order to get whatever she wants. Indeed, if the Left can convict Trump, who was president, for a crime he did not commit, then they can convict anyone!
  2. Trump is no longer president. Impeachment is designed to oust a president, but Trump is already out of office, so impeachment is nonsensical, except as a means of political and public humiliation. Coulter is obviously in favor of humiliating Trump in this, and any, fashion.
  3. Coulter would never get her wall. No matter what Democrats might promise, they would never build a wall. They hate the 450 miles of wall that Trump already built (but which Coulter denies exists)!
Comments on Coulter’s Tweets

Most comments on Coulter’s tweets were highly critical. Here is a sampling:

So you want to convict an innocent man out of what? Vindictiveness? You want the Senate to convict without any facts or proof of wrongdoing? You ant the gov’t to have so much power that all they have to do is point a finger at someone and falsely claim they committed a crime.

Please stop being obsessed with Trump. He’s gone. Focus your energy on stopping amnesty for 20 mil. illegals. Do something good for a change instead of continually being bitter with Trump.

What a wretched thing you are.

You hate our greatest President! You are sick!

Hey Ann how’s that TDS working out for you?

Ann, you are nuts. Biden already stopped your wall. Get over it.

You’re f’ing insane.

How can a lawyer from Cornell who authored 12 books be so ignorant?

Ann, what do you want to convict Trump for? Are you out of your mind? You seem to be pushing this BS that is all Theater. Impossible to convict so move on to another agenda.

Ann, you’re so sad, sounding like that little girl who didn’t get her way.

Offer a conviction in an unconstitutional process for funding for a project that has no majority support in the government? Are you insane?

She thinks an impeachment is fun. What a disgrace. If she needs that for fun, I wonder what life is for her.

Conviction in exchange for a wall? So that your wish can be fulfilled, let’s throw someone under the bus? What about a right to impartial process?

Give up the hatred.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged shows why Coulter is so demented when it comes to Trump and his MAGA agenda.