Monthly Archives: July 2019

.@AnnCoulter, Coward of the Country

Erstwhile “conservative icon” Ann Coulter continues to prove herself to be the Coward of the Country!

Coulter, author of In Trump We Trust and Resistance Is Futile (both failures), quickly became a member of the Resistance and has even declared herself Never Trump for the rest of her life in a remarkably rash and remarkably clear vow to the American People.

Those familiar with her work know that Coulter is prone to making rash and hasty decisions and intemperate declarations such as her vow quoted above.

Does she regret her words? Her rashness? Has Coulter, at the age of 57, yet to learn from past mistakes?

Conversely, has she fled the massive negative feedback from her views by retreating into other areas and missions?

Repentance and forgiveness are not part of Coulter’s repertoire. Admitting error, or weakness of any kind, is not in her moral or emotional DNA.

Indeed, Coulter lacks the courage to admit she made a mistake. Apologize? Never! Admit error or a moral failing? Not a chance!

At a recent event at the New York Young Republicans Club, Coulter exhorted the audience: “Be brave, be Christian, and don’t worry about Liberals.”

Does Coulter practice what she preaches? Decidedly not.

“Be brave, be Christian, and don’t worry about Liberals.” – These are not attributes which are prevalent in Coulter’s own life.

Has Coulter Kept Her Vow?

As of this writing, Coulter has written 25 columns since pledging to denounce Trump in every one of her columns for the rest of her life.

Did she follow through on her promise to her fans, her audience, herself?

Of course not.

Only five columns (20%) denounced Trump and/or his “bloodsucking relatives.” In some of the remaining columns, Coulter took a few slight snipes at Trump, but they were hardly denunciations. In other columns, Coulter tacitly defended Trump on the periphery.

In four columns, Coulter actually explicitly defended Trump (on Cohen’s porn-star payoff, fake Russian collusion narrative, false Epstein-Trump narrative, and phony Charlottesville-Nazi narrative).

Three columns addressed immigration and its societal costs and changing racial demographics.

Two columns condemned marijuana while a third addressed those incarcerated for drug-related crimes.

Two columns were devoted to Robert Mueller.

Two columns lambasted the Central Park Five.

One column covered Felicity Huffman and the elite college admissions scandals.

One column deified Thurgood Marshall while vilifying Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

One column vindicated Thomas Jefferson from historical revisionism while another column addressed historical revisionism and cultural Marxism in general.

One column explicitly attacked the Swamp (instead of Trump) and another column examined the relationships between Jeffrey Epstein, Alex Acosta, and Barry Krischer (tacitly defending Trump).

Coulter Has Not Kept Her Vow!

Why not?

Either she quickly realized the foolishness of her vow, or she fears that by keeping her vow she will alienate the dwindling remainder of her fans, peers, and colleagues. Either way, Coulter has again taken the coward’s way out.

Coulter should either courageously own up to and apologize for making a mistake or she should courageously keep her vow even if it has a negative impact on her career and livelihood.

Coulter loves to be viewed as a courageous heroine, but, whenever the going gets rough, she chooses the easy (cowardly) way out. This is but the most recent example.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.

@AnnCoulter, NOT @Drudge, is the #WackyNutJob

Ann Coulter calls President Trump a coward for not calling Matt Druge a #WackyNutJob.

Ann, not Matt, is the wacky one!

Coulter is the Real Culprit!

But it is Coulter – not Drudge – who has done the following:

Coulter wrote a book, In Trump We Trust, and, for three years, has not trusted Trump.

Coulter wrote a book, Resistance Is Futile, and has joined the (futile) Resistance as one of its most vocal and virulently hostile critics of Trump.

Coulter had a lengthy, infective-filled shouting match with the President – in the Oval Office – and is actually proud of her moment of ignomy.

Coulter is the alleged “conservative” who has, over the course of three years, threatened and bullied the President of the United States with impeachment if he does not do exactly what she wants done the way she wants it accomplished.

Coulter is the alleged “journalist” who has engaged in a nasty name-calling campaign against President Trump for three years, vilifying his character, integrity, intelligence, and America First agenda. No reputable, objective journalist would do that! (Is Ann auditioning for CNN?)

Highlights of Coulter’s Invective Against Trump

“Our candidate is mental. Do you realize our candidate is mental?” – Ann Coulter!

In a rather strange interview with Politico, Coulter expressed her frequent frustration with Trumpgetting the details wrong” and going off-script. So much so that Coulter said three times: “I wanted to shoot my TV.”

On the Sean Hannity Show (11/15/16), Coulter declared:

“The wall and deporting illegals … renegotiating trade deals and not starting pointless wars – those are the big ones. If he betrays us on those, they’ll impeach him and there’ll be nobody to defend him.”

According to The Times, Coulter told Trump, “I’m the only one losing money trying to get you in the White House, you’re going to listen to me.” After Trump’s immigration flip-flop, a piqued Coulter joked, “He just said something stupid, which he’s done before, and he will do again … he does need a little slap now and then.”

“Then it will be a bloodbath. Not only Trump, but also the entire GOP, is dead if he doesn’t build a wall. … It would be an epic betrayal … If he can’t do that, Trump is finished, the Republican Party is finished, and the country is finished.” – Ann Coulter, 4/26/17

“If you defend this man [Trump], I am coming down to your studio and holding your head under water until the bubbles stop.” – Ann Coulter, 5/3/17

“I think all of the Trump true believers are petrified.” – Ann Coulter, 5/14/17

“I am mad at the emperor God over this. He’s behaving like an infant.” – Ann Coulter, 7/26/17

“Trump is the worst negotiator I’ve ever seen.” – Ann Coulter, 9/14/17

“It is 100% his fault [that he isn’t building a wall]. … This is 100% Trump’s fault. The blame has to be laid at his feet so innocent Republicans don’t get blamed for this. … It is 100% Donald J. Trump’s fault that there is no wall and that he’s trying to push amnesty now.” – Ann Coulter, 9/15/17

“In order to prove he doesn’t have dementia, as alleged in a recent book, President Trump called a meeting with congressional leaders on Tuesday – and requested that it be televised. … He then proceeded to completely sell out the base and actually added to his problems by appearing senile.” – Ann Coulter, 1/10/18

I knew he was a shallow, lazy ignoramus, and I didn’t care.” – Ann Coulter, 3/27/18

“Trump’s claim that he was pulling out of the Iran deal in order ‘to protect America’s national security interests’ is a big, fat lie.” – Ann Coulter, 5/9/18

“[Trump] has a suck-up personality.” – Ann Coulter, 8/29/18

“The Swamp has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. Trump seems to have completely forgotten about the one policy the left fears most.” – Ann Coulter, 9/5/18

“If he offered to pardon witnesses in exchange for their agreement to blame Steve Bannon for shooting Kushner – again: excellent example of obstruction of justice … But Trump hasn’t shot Kushner, and he probably won’t, since he doesn’t even realize that Kushner is wrecking his presidency.” – Ann Coulter, 9/13/18

“I’ve been a little upset with the president for keeping – let’s see – none of his promises.” – Ann Coulter, 10/17/18

“If Trump doesn’t keep his immigration promises, Hillary might as well have won. Trump will leave no legacy whatsoever. Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble.” – Ann Coulter, 11/28/18

Essay title: “GUTLESS PRESIDENT IN WALL-LESS COUNTRY” – Ann Coulter, 12/19/18

“Either Trump never intended to build a wall and was scamming voters from the beginning or he hasn’t the first idea in how to get it done and no interest in finding out. My prediction is his support will evaporate and Trump will very likely not finish his term and definitely not be elected to a second term.” – Ann Coulter, 12/19/18

“But you’ve chickened out. The only edifice you have built is constructed of tweets, press conferences and speeches.” – Ann Coulter, 1/23/19

“The longer our border stays open, the more I think Trump colluded with Russia.” – Ann Coulter, 2/12/19

“Look – the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.” – Ann Coulter, 2/15/19

“The bill President Trump signed last Friday is worse than anything Hillary could ever have gotten through Congress.” – Ann Coulter, 2/20/19

“Hey liberals! Hot tip for you: You want to go after Trump? Point out he hasn’t kept any of his promises.” – Ann Coulter, 3/24/19

“No collusion and no wall. I’d prefer collusion and a wall.” – Ann Coulter, 3/25/19

Essay title: “ALL THE PRESIDENT’S BLOODSUCKING RELATIVES” – Ann Coulter, 4/17/19

“It turns out that instead of taking us away from hell, he’s zigzagging all over creation, sometimes getting stuck in a parking lot, sometimes heading straight for hell, then suddenly taking a left at the last minute, so that it’s never clear where we’re headed.” – Ann Coulter, 5/8/19

“Throughout 2016, we gave Trump cheese crackers every time he said, ‘Build the Wall!’ Yet, as with the Myna bird, it turns out he lacks any comprehension of what those words mean.” – Ann Coulter, 5/20/19

“Instead of Kobach, who could have saved the country, Trump appointed a series of imbeciles, who managed to engineer the worst immigration crisis in the nation’s history.” – Ann Coulter, 6/26/19

Yes, Ann, YOU are the #WackyNutJob!

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.

@AnnCoulter, the Left’s Secret Weapon Against America

Ann Coulter is 100% wrong about Donald Trump and the 2020 election – and here’s why!

Coulter is a brilliant writer, but she is totally wrong about the 2020 election.

Coulter has claimed throughout Trump’s presidency that unless he builds a wall, he will lose in 2020 and Democrats will forever be in power overseeing America’s demise.

Coulter’s apocalyptic prediction has far less validity than any of the polls showing Hillary winning a landslide victory in 2016.

Even without a wall, Donald Trump will win with a landslide victory.

Let’s examine the validity of each of her claims.

Trump Will Lose the 2020 Elections

Coulter absurdly contends that Trump will get less votes in 2020 than he got in 2016.


First, Trump is an incumbent and incumbents generally possess huge advantages from that status.

Second, every demographic has benefited from Trump’s policies, which have resulted in a roaring and soaring economy, record unemployment for every demographic and increased wages and incomes across the board. Moreover, America has become energy independent, exporting oil.

Third, Trump has fought for Americans – all Americans – most notably the working class, the unborn, and people of faith.

Fourth, Trump is the most pro-American, pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-free market, pro-liberty, pro-military, and pro-Israel president America has had in my lifetime.

Fifth, Trump has exposed the Left for who they really are, showing them to be anti-American, anti-liberty, anti-Constitution, and anti-Christian fanatics who will subvert the law and employ mob rule to achieve their Progressive utopia.

In doing so, Trump has exposed the depth of – and subversive nature of – the fake news media, the deep state, the resistance, and all those who have sought and continue to seek to overthrow the results of the 2016 election.

Americans have discovered that there was “No collusion, no obstruction” and that it truly was a Russia hoax and witch hunt. We have also learned of spygate and the shadow government, tracing back to the Obama administration and Clinton candidacy.

Sixth, Trump has clearly delineated deep distinctions between the Left and the Right, between Socialism and Capitalism, between Identity Politics and Liberty for All.

Seventh, Trump’s enemies have overplayed their hands or are no longer in play: FBI, CIA, DOJ, Fake News Media, Obama, Hillary, and Hollywood. The Deep State is dwindling and scurrying for cover.

Meanwhile, the Left has proven itself to be the party of illegal aliens, infanticide, reparations, mob rule, and many other extremist positions in a growing number of areas – all anathema to most Americans, including moderate Democrats.

The Left has moved so far left that, contrary to Coulter’s assertions that Democrats will get more votes in 2020 than they did in 2016, I predict moderate Democrats will abandon the party and simply walk away.

Far from a shrinking fan base, Trump’s base is expanding in every demographic.

Democrats Will Get More Votes in 2020

A Politico feature listed a number of ways the Left can forfeit victory to Trump in 2020. Among them: “Hold firmly to the idea that Twitter is the beating heart of the real Democrat Party,” “Embrace the weird,” “Keep promising lots of free stuff and don’t seat paying for it,” “Go ahead and abolish private health insurance,” “Spend time talking about reparations,” “Lots more focus on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” “Socialism,” and be extremist on abortion, guns, and court-packing.

A Breitbart feature contended that it is already too late for the Democrats to pivot for a 2020 election victory. Joel Pollak’s lead paragraph:

“The near-unanimous verdict across the mainstream media about last week’s Democratic debates – from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal – is that the party has moved so far to the left that it is jeopardizing its chances to unseat President Donald Trump in 2020.”

Pollak concluded: “It is not clear Democrats can right themselves. They are gambling the country will hate Trump so much by 2020, it will not matter.”

That gamble is disastrous for the Left, as Trump’s approval ratings among all demographics rises.

Philip Klein tweeted:

“There’s actually a relatively broad consensus among 2020 Dems on policies. It’s just that Biden wants to work with Rs to not get them; Warren/Harris want to steamroll Rs to not get them; and Bernie wants to start a revolution to not get them.”

To which Jonah Goldberg replied:

“This analysis is spot on, but leaves out Williamson who wants everyone to hold hands to form a human circle of love and positive energy to not get them.”

A tweet by Janie Johnson encapsulated Trump’s 2020 opposition:

“Democrat Platform 2020: Reparations, Abortion at 39 weeks, infanticide, pack the Supreme Court, Abolish the Electoral College, let 16 year olds vote, gun takeover, free healthcare to illegals, ocare for citizens with mandates, and open borders!”

Even avowed Never Trumpers might turn away from Democrats and toward Trump. In The Bulwark, Sarah Longwell admitted:

“if Never-Trump type Republicans want a candidate whose policies broadly align with their own preferences, they have one. His name is Donald J. Trump.”

There is an intense civil war within the Democrat Party, spearheaded by freshmen congresswomen hell-bent on a canvas-cleansing revolution employing scorched-earth polemics to create a progressive paradise in America. Americans do not want that and will not vote for that outcome.

Trump Hasn’t Kept Any of His Promises

Raging at reality, Coulter churlishly screams, “Trump hasn’t kept any of his promises.”


Trump is winning by every economic indicator!

Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) provided a brief list of Trump’s accomplishments.

Charlie Kirk summarized some of Trump’s key kept promises (video here):

Immigration is All that Matters!

Whenever a prominent Democrat (e.g., Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden) evinces interest in building a wall or controlling immigration, Coulter believes them – but she doesn’t believe Trump!

Since Trump’s inauguration, Coulter has said it would have been better if any of those other Democrat candidates had become president because, then we might have a wall. In each instance, they said something she agreed with on immigration – as if any one of them would have built a wall!

No sane person believes that to be the case.

Coulter is living in an alternative reality giving Twilight Zone commentary.

Coulter claims that demography is destiny. It is not. As Erick Erickson noted,

“hispanic and black voters tend to support traditional marriage and cultural conservatism and be more religious than the rich white people making up the Democrat coalition with them.”

Erickson added:

“As cancel culture and wokeness have picked up speed and girls are suddenly fighting for their own bathrooms instead of having to let boys in or let boys into girls sports, more and more data is showing plunging rates of support for leftwing social engineering among younger voters – the post-millennial voters.”

People from every imaginable demographic are benefiting from Trump’s foreign, domestic, and economic policies – and they will reward Trump with their votes!

Trump’s Enemies!

All this in the face of astonishing opposition which would have crushed anyone but Donald Trump.

American Thinker offered its list of Trump’s enemies:

  1. The Democratic Party.
  2. The Mexican and Central American Governments.
  3. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  4. The Wall Street Journal.
  5. The Leftist News Media.
  6. Hollywood.
  7. The Deep State.
  8. RINOS.
  9. Unelected Leftist Democrat Judges.
  10. George Soros and His Open Society Foundation.
  11. Left-Wing Think-Tanks and Academia.
  12. The Lawyers Guild. 
  13. The United Nations. 
  14. The pope.
  15. Assorted U.S. Industries.
  16. The Russian and Chinese Governments.
  17. Jihadis.
  18. Labor Unions.
  19. The Mexican Crime Cartels.
  20. The Reconquista Movement.
  21. The Illegal Aliens.

One could arguably add Coulter’s name to this list (as well as the GOP establishment even today).

Given the insidious forces arrayed against him, Trump’s tremendous accomplishments are that much more breathtaking! (People of faith might suspect that God has had a hand in this – and they would be right.)

Coulter is 100% Wrong on the 2020 Election

If anything …

  • America’s prestige and power have been greatly enhanced
  • America has experienced the longest economic expansion on record under Trump’s watch.
  • Trump’s economic, judicial, and foreign policies have all been vindicated.
  • Trump’s political base has greatly expanded.
  • The Democrats’ base has significantly contracted.
  • Moderate Democrats will either stay home or vote for Trump. (#walkaway)
  • The fake news media is dying.
  • The deep state is being ever more exposed for what it is on a daily basis.
  • Christians, pro-lifers, and constitutionalists who once doubted Trump’s genuineness and commitment to their issues have had all of their doubts removed.

Coulter’s Idée Fixe

Coulter suffers from an idée fixe. For the past five years, it has been her vehement contention that immigration – and only immigration – matters. (Prior to that, for a dozen years, she claimed that terrorism – and only terrorism – mattered.)

Coulter repeatedly, ad nauseam, claims that every other problem will be solved by controlling immigration. Well, not really.

Trump has consistently proven Coulter wrong. Trump has shaken up the 3D-chessboard in a new realignment of America First priorities, exposing opponents of America First as enemies of America.

Trump has blown up political correctness and infuriated snowflakes, making it far easier for regular Americans to think more clearly and speak more freely.

Coulter’s obsession with immigration is her panic over the prospect that Democrats will have total power forever in America.

But Trump has routed the Left. They are in panic. They are desperate. They are doing everything they can to stop Trump. (And they will fail and America will succeed.)

The Left failed in 2016. The Russia Hoax and Spygate failed. Their continued Resistance continues to fail. And the American People now know the truth. The truth will set America free.

The more the Left lurches leftward, the fewer Americans will heed their siren call.

Trump can more than handle any Democrat nominee in any debate. Even with the fake news media and establishment elites against him. Even with Coulter, a #TDS-addled #NeverTrumper constantly on the attack.

A #Trump2020Landslide is just around the corner.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.