Tag Archives: immigration

.@AnnCoulter Rejects Ukraine’s Heroism and Accepts Putin’s War Crimes

Ardent isolationist Ann Coulter resurrects the spirit of Charles Lindbergh, who was an apologist for Hitler and shared many of his views on the preservation of the white race.

If Lindbergh was pro-Hitler, Coulter is pro-Putin.

Replying to a tweet noting the massive number (almost a million at that time) of Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Poland, Coulter tweeted:

“Yeah, but they get Ukrainians. We get the Tsarnaev brothers, the Pulse nightclub shooter, the illegal who just murdered all his kids in CA, and a million Mexican meth and fentanyl dealers.”

(Don’t expect any compassion or empathy from Ann.)

Coulter had previously dismissed Putin with this tweet:

“I have no idea what sanctions against Putin will work at this late date, but I suggest we start with mask mandates, quarantines, and mandatory lockdowns.”

Coulter even suggested that Putin’s War is a false flag operation:

“Have you noticed a lot of the Ukraine fire footage on TV looks suspiciously like stock shots from Kenosha or Seattle?”

In the first of two back-to-back columns on Ukraine, Coulter demanded: “Stop Talking About Ukraine, Republicans!” She wrote:

“Whenever you see any media talking about Ukraine, your Pavlovian response should be, Oh, I see. They don’t want me to think about immigration or crime.”

Continuing that thought, Coulter stated:

“This year, the worshipful reverence for Ukraine’s borders has the added bonus of blocking Americans from thinking about immigration and crime.”

Coulter continued:

“In our ruling class’s ideal country, there will be nothing but defense contractors, Black Lives Matter activists and Latin American gardeners.”

Coulter even blamed Trump for Putin’s war.

Coulter also contends:

“Republicans ought to be talking their heads off about the unprecedented crisis at our border, Afghan ‘refugees’ raping little kids in our country, illegal aliens hauling meth and fentanyl into our country, rampant shoplifting, carjacking and assaults destroying neighborhoods in our country.”

Coulter concluded her first column with dripping sarcasm:

“GOP 2022 Contract With America: ‘Putin’s like Hitler.’”

In reality, Putin IS like Hitler. Both committed atrocious war crimes and were responsible for massive refugee crises.

Coulter said the 24/7 media coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian War is a diversion designed to help Biden and Democrat Party prospects in the upcoming election. This is conspiracy theory nonsense. Wars always get intense media coverage, especially one as dramatic and impactful as Putin’s War.

American Thinker agrees:

“And it’s silly to think that the war has distracted Americans from the country’s festering domestic woes.  Sillier still is the idea that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is Biden’s means of offloading the troubles he’s created.  Biden and his hapless White House handlers would surely love to pin Biden’s across-the-board failures on a distant war.  But a majority of Americans aren’t suckers.”

“Moreover, importantly, all politics are local and personal.  Middle- and working-class Americans are seeing their paychecks shrink daily as their family budgets continue to stretch.  That’s happened for many months now.”

Coulter’s opening paragraph in her second column managed to diminish the import of the Russian-Ukrainian War and … attack Jared Kushner!

“As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon … Jared!”

(Coulter always blames Jews.[1] By the way, the heroic and Churchillian Zelensky is Jewish.)

Coulter recounted U.S. policy vis-à-vis Russia from Obama to Biden and remarkably gave credence to the Russia Hoax, writing,

“(This was absolutely NOT an insane conspiracy theory supported by zero evidence.)”

Coulter’s conclusion?

“Unlike the experts and journalists whose deep study has led them to a sophisticated take on Russia (that flips back and forth with the politics of the moment), my position on Russia has been as unchanged as the Rock of Gibraltar, at least since the end of the Cold War. Coincidentally, it is exactly the same as my position on Taiwan, Haiti, Uganda and North Korea.”

“It is this: Tens of millions of illegals are pouring across our border and must be stopped.”

(Remember, Coulter claims that ALL immigrants are bad!)

In other words, let the whole world go to hell in a hand basket and let refugees die the deaths they deserve for not being Americans.

War crimes are OK for Coulter.

At least Lindbergh was appalled at what he saw in Nazi death camps!

How can Coulter be so shockingly wrong? See Case Study: From Jingoist to Pacifist in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.


[1]              See Case Study: #BlameJewsFirst in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

Coulter’s Cognitive Dissonance

Is the often brilliant Ann Coulter scatterbrained? One could arguably say so.

Indeed, for over two decades, Coulter has suffered from cognitive dissonance and the negative consequences of addictive thinking.[1]

In Orwellian terms, Coulter suffers from doublethink – believing two diametrically opposite things at the very same time.[2]

Coulter’s column on 9/15/21 is emblematic of this strange phenomenon.[3]

In it, Coulter simultaneously condemns the dismantling of Confederate “antiquities,” which she calls part of her history, while taking pride in her Presbyterian ancestors who were abolitionists fighting for the Union against slavery.[4] Cognitive dissonance.

Her essay title: Gray Lives Matter.

Gray = Confederate, not Union.[5]

Coulter has – for decades – defended the Confederacy while simultaneously extolling her heroic Union ancestors.[6]

Coulter has insisted that everyone should listen to her yet has admitted that she’s bad at making predictions. Indeed, she has come to loathe every presidential candidate she endorsed or campaigned for.[7]

Coulter was fiercely for the war on terror before she was against it.[8]

Coulter championed tax cuts for decades but now is in favor of a (Socialist) wealth tax.[9]

Once ardently pro-life, Coulter abandoned the pro-life movement for personal and political purposes.[10]

To further understand Coulter’s wacky worldview and why she takes such contradictory positions at the very same time, see Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.


[1]              See Chapter 2: The Cuckolding of Conscience in the Beauty of Conservatism at http://bit.ly/2a79k0j.

[2]              See Chapter 2: Delusional – New Ann Coulter Book in Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter at http://bit.ly/1N7zDji.

[3]              See Coulter’s America (belongs uniquely to Ann) at https://bit.ly/3tKwkdA.

[4]              See Case Study: Alt-Right in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[5]              BLUE Lives Matter would have championed both the Union and law enforcement.

[6]              See Case Study: Alt-Right in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[7]              See Case Study: #CoulterMeltdown in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[8]              See Case Study: From Jingoist to Pacifist in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[9]              See Case Study: #AnnOcasioCoulter in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[10]             See Case Study # 8 – Life Issues in Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter at http://bit.ly/1N7zDji.

Coulter’s America (belongs uniquely to Ann)

Ann Coulter’s column this week confirms what I have been saying for years: Coulter believes America belongs to her!

Hence her being the authority on who a real American is.

Hence her dismissal of 13 heroic Americans who died in Kabul (they weren’t WASP enough).[1]

Hence her obsession with immigration and blindness to the chaos of the Biden administration (which she blames on Trump).

Here’s necessary context for Coulter’s column. Because the world revolves around Coulter,[2] the American Identity revolves around Coulter’s family.[3]

Coulter demands sole control over America’s identity[4] and role in the world.[5]

Coulter’s views on race, immigration, and foreign policy must be strictly adhered to or you will be denounced as a traitor. Trump’s failure – in her eyes – to pursue her agenda for America First fostered her hatred for Trump.[6]

So much so that Coulter trashed Trump despite Trump’s triumphs for peace and prosperity,[7] even going so far as to demand his second impeachment for yet another hoax and witch hunt.[8]

Coulter’s Narcissistic Column

Coulter began her column, writing:

My ancestors were Presbyterian abolitionists who fought on the Union side, but I get really ticked off when imbeciles take a sledgehammer to my country’s history.”

Coulter lauds her perfect WASP ancestors fighting against slavery, calling it “my country’s history.”[9] (Ironically, her ancestors also owned slaves.)

Coulter continued, defending Robert E. Lee:

“Never has a civil war ended with such love between the former enemies. That’s our history, our country, our war — North and South, black and white.”

Coulter then segued to bashing immigrants and blaming them for the carnage (without citing any evidence):

“No, the moving force behind this frenzied destruction of American history isn’t black people suddenly offended by monuments that have been around for a century; it’s pushy newcomers, bitter that their ancestors had nothing to do with the creation of this country. After other people’s ancestors carved a nation out of the wilderness, they just kind of showed up. Now they go around obliterating anything that reminds them that this country was up and running long before they got here.”

Are these so-called “pushy newcomers” really the ones trashing America? Where’s her proof?

Coulter again defended the Confederacy while undercutting her own argument:

“America’s leading hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, titles its report on Confederate symbols ‘Whose Heritage? Public Symbols of the Confederacy.’ Yes, exactly, it’s not their heritage, so it must be destroyed. My ancestors fought on the Union side, but they were involved, and it matters to me.”

Coulter again confuses the Confederacy with the United States, even though she repeatedly tells us her ancestors fought for the Union.[10]

“MSNBC’s smirking Chris Hayes can get weepy about some ancient Roman ruin, and Rachel Maddow about a building in Warsaw, but I care about my history. These savages are smashing and graffitiing my antiquities.”

Coulter is rightly upset over cultural Marxism and the toppling of statues and monuments by people whom she calls “savages.” Are Confederate statues and monuments really Ann’s “history” and her “antiquities”?[11]

To further understand Coulter’s worldview, see Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.


[1]              See Ann Coulter: “Let Them All Die” at https://bit.ly/3kmDIYH.

[2]              See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory at http://bit.ly/1M2z2O5.

[3]              See Case Study: Settler in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[4]              See Case Study: WASP America in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[5]              See Case Study: From Jingoist to Pacifist in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[6]              See Case Study: #WackyNutJob in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[7]              See Apocalyptic @AnnCoulter Screams Doomsday in Midst of American Renaissance at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-pa.

[8]              See Crazy @AnnCoulter Demands Trump Conviction for Wall at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-uR.

[9]              See Case Study: WASP America in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

[10]             See “Coulter Confuses Confederate and American Flags” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-fg.

[11]             See Case Study: Alt-Right in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

BREAKING NEWS: New Ann Coulter Book – In Biden We Trust!

2020 has been a pivotal year for provocateur Ann Coulter. She has always prided herself on being a conservative Christian. Coulter once worshiped Donald Trump. In recent years she has despised him.

Now, Coulter has firmly embraced Joe Biden. Her latest book title: In Biden We Trust!

Much of Coulter’s recent commentary is, frankly, delusional.[1]

In January, Coulter demanded that the Senate convict Trump of (a phony) impeachment … in exchange for a wall![2]

Throughout the Biden presidency, Coulter has lashed out at Trump instead of Biden.[3]

Despite the utter chaos precipitated by the Biden administration, Coulter blames Trump!

Millions of illegals stream across our southern border and Coulter blames Trump – even though Trump solved the problem and Biden reversed all of Trump’s policies.

Somehow Trump is to blame for everything Biden does: explosion of crime in Democrat-run cities, Americans killed by immigrants or first- or second-generation Americans (they’re all the same to Coulter), and, now, Afghan refugees fleeing the collapse of Afghanistan and craven and cowardly capitulation of the war on terror by Biden[4] – which Coulter fiercely lauds!

Coulter not only denies the tragic reality of what has transpired in Afghanistan and the deeply enhanced threat of terrorism against America,[5] but she also totally disregards the tragic deaths of thirteen American heroes and the plight of thousands of Americans and American allies trapped behind terrorist enemy lines (as well as Christians who are being hunted down and tortured).[6]

Coulter defends Biden’s debacle with Democrat talking points, using various straw man arguments. Yes, Americans wanted out of Afghanistan, but, no, they did not want a massacre and empowerment of our terrorist enemies!

Now, Coulter appeals to Biden: “Build a wall and you’ve got my vote!

Huh? In the midst of the unravelling of political order across the globe and within the United States, Coulter continues to blame Trump and pleads for a wall.[7] (By the way, Trump already built one.)

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged explains why Coulter has become so bizarre and even more so as time goes on.


[1]              See @AnnCoulter ‘s Worst Column – EVER! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-un.

[2]              See Crazy @AnnCoulter Demands Trump Conviction for Wall at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-uR.

[3]              See @AnnCoulter Lashes Out at Trump AGAIN! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-vi.

[4]              See Ann Coulter: “Let Them All Die” at https://bit.ly/3kmDIYH.

[5]              See @AnnCoulter Denies Reality, Lauds Biden’s Debacle at https://bit.ly/3goVpFD.

[6]              See Afghanistan Atrocity: Coulter loves AMERICA but hates AMERICANS! at https://bit.ly/3tcm3qr.

[7]              See @AnnCoulter – Walled Off … From Reality! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-nr.

.@AnnCoulter Does It Again: Total #TDS – Lies Against Trump

Propagandist Ann Coulter is at it again. Five months after the 2020 election and two months after Biden’s inauguration, Coulter is still lying about Trump, seemingly in an effort to inflict as much damage as possible and destroy any chance of him remaining the de facto leader of the GOP and, more importantly, of the MAGA movement.

Coulter keeps telling the exact same liesover and over and over again – 1) as if they were true and 2) to convince us that they are true. But mere repetition absent proof will never convince any American who voted for him.

Her arguments are neither factual nor rational!

Coulter’s most recent iterations from March 2021:

“Here’s a tip, Democrats: Trump was all talk, no action.” (3/9/21)

But Trump did act!

Trump’s accomplishments are indisputable. Unparalleled peace and prosperity. No new wars. Bringing troops home. Building a wall and curtailing immigration (remain in Mexico policy). Five Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Exposing the Deep State and Fake News Media.[1]

“Even the election of Donald Trump, a ridiculous creature who became president by promising to crack down on illegal immigration and build a wall (promises he ignored), hasn’t put a dent in Washington’s enthusiasm for overwhelming the country with the third world.” (3/17/21)

There she goes again!

Trump did “crack down on illegal immigration and build a wall.”

As for her linguistic sleight of hand at the close of the above sentence, NOTHING will “put a dent in” the Deep State’s “enthusiasm for overwhelming the country with the third world.”

Ironically, Coulter rails against the Biden administration and the border crisis resulting from his policies, but she ignores this crucial fact: Biden reversed Trump’s immigration policies which were working!

Where has Ann been for the last several decades or during the entirety of the Trump administration. Trump was vigorously fighting the Deep State every single day in pursuit of his America First MAGA agenda.[2] Biden embraces the Deep State and globalism.

Americans know all this. Millions more Americans voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. Americans know the truth!

Ann Coulter does not.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged explains why Coulter has such a hatred for Trump and seeks his destruction.


[1]              See Apocalyptic @AnnCoulter Screams Doomsday in Midst of American Renaissance at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-pa.

[2]              See Crazy @AnnCoulter Demands Trump Conviction for Wall at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-uR.

A Very Ann Coulter Christmas

Ann Coulter, who calls herself “an extraordinarily good Christian,”[1] strangely seems totally oblivious to the true meaning of Christmas. Indeed, on those rare occasions when she mentions Christmas, she almost always politicizes the day and the season.

In fact, over the past 21 years, Coulter has published an almost annual “Christmas” column, penning 14 repetitive, nearly identical columns on Kwanzaa and its FBI origins.

For Coulter, there is no Jesus at Christmas.

Coulter’s last words on-air to her good friend and talk show host, Mark Simone, were an enthusiastic, “Happy Kwanzaa!”[2]

Merry Christmas, Fellow Christians

In 2017’s iteration of her (almost) annual Kwanzaa column (virtually identical to her 2013 version), Coulter concluded with these words (all caps): “MERRY CHRISTMAS, FELLOW CHRISTIANS!”

Coulter’s politics infuses every aspect of her life, even her theology. Coulter seems to believe that if America is for Americans (which it is), then Christmas must be for Christians. But the Gospel of Christmas heralds Joy to the World!

Christmas is a means to reach non-believers with the message of Jesus, born Savior of the World.

Coulter’s gospel is as exclusive as her immigration policy (only WASPs need apply) and neglects- indeed, is oblivious to – the heart of God.

Ann says, “No!” and God says, “Yes!”

God seeks to reach every human heat, even those of Scrooge and the Grinch. In contrast, Ann has hardened her heart, whereas, God seeks to soften and enlarge our hearts.

Who do you believe? Ann Coulter who writes, “MERRY CHRISTMAS, FELLOW CHRISTIANS” or God who proclaims “JOY TO THE WORLD”?

Ann’s Christmas is very small, courtesy of a very small heart.

It is through the Prince of peace that mankind can experience true peace. Yet Coulter prefers political salvation for America and wishes a “Merry Christmas” to her “fellow Christians.”

Actually, the Christmas season is a spectacular time to introduce the Savior of the world to those in the world who do not yet know Him. Wishing non-Christians a “Merry Christmas” with a heart of love can, at the very least, point them toward Jesus. Moreover, it offers Christians an opportunity to share our faith with non-believers.

Christmas is all about the gospel of Christ, whose birth has been celebrated for two millennia. Favorite traditional Christmas songs (Joy to the World, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, etc.) celebrate the incarnation of the Messiah into our world, our lives, and our hearts.

The most well-known Bible verse, John 3:16, encapsulates the gospel message: “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Our Father’s gift of Christmas was followed by His gift on the cross.

In other words, Christmas is transcultural. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of the world. Christmas is über-inclusive. (No, Ann, Jesus was not an English-speaking WASP using the King James Bible.)

Santa Claus is a WASP

Coulter insists that Santa Claus is white! Saint Nick is a fictional character inspired by an historical figure, a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop. Our contemporary picture of Santa Claus derives from an 1881 illustration which was created in a dominant white milieu.

Of course, Santa Claus in America was white – in 1881! But Santa is a fictional figure and his race has no bearing on who he is or what he does. Santa transcends race. (Just as Jesus does.) Every individual and culture can envision Santa as they choose. Christmas is celebrated worldwide by a variety of different customs, in diverse cultures, with different representations of Santa.

It’s not about race; it’s about God’s gift to mankind – Jesus Christ.

Coulter’s “Christmas” Columns

Coulter seldom writes columns about Christmas and when she does, they are uniformly political in nature.

In 2007, Coulter’s purpose was to derail Mike Huckabee’s presidential ambitions.

In 2010, Coulter’s purpose was to denounce liberalism.

In 2015, Coulter’s purpose was to promote an anti-immigration agenda.

When will Coulter publish a column that explicitly promotes Christmas and Christ within that holy day and season?

Many Christians have contended they are embattled in a war on Christmas with countless skirmishes in which even saying the word “Christmas” becomes a legal battle, a war in which “Christmas” has become worse than a dirty word.

In 2004, Coulter proudly said “Merry Christmas” not as a joyful greeting to share the gospel of Christ, but as an epithet to outrage the hearer.

Reconciliation is the very last thing Coulter wants. Coulter began 2005 reveling to a reporter, “Oh, it was so much fun this year, because saying ‘Merry Christmas’ is like saying ‘Fuck you!‘”

As National Review noted, “If you know someone is not Christian or hates Christmas for some reason, and you say ‘Merry Christmas’ out of spite or vindictiveness, rather than with joy and good cheer, then you are the one putting the ‘ass’” in Christmass.”

The Christmas spirit still eludes Coulter.

The Christmas Spirit is filled with Joy, Love, and Peace, yet, Coulter is perpetually at war – with everyone!

Coulter’s first and only Christmas tweet in 2016 proclaimed not the gospel but her political views on immigration: “My Christmas card: 7-Eleven Men’s Room Door, Bonner Springs, Kansas, today …” (Build the Wall).

Coulter – again – left Christ out of Christmas!

Real Meaning of Christmas

The real meaning of Christmas perpetually escapes Ann. Despite her Christian upbringing and proclamations of being saved by Jesus, the gospel message of Christ eludes Coulter.

Speaking of the great significance of Christmas, Mike Huckabee wrote (emphasis added):

“The real meaning of Christmas is not giving toys but giving God’s grace in person to someone who is no longer in a position to give back.”[3]

From pastor Timothy Keller’s Hidden Christmas:

“Christians should never be starry-eyes about glamour. They should never be snobs or make it a goal to get up into the higher echelons of the sleek and beautiful.”[4]

Keller continued (emphasis added):

“The fact that God became human and emptied himself of his glory means you should not want to hang out with the people with power and glitz, who are networked and can open doors for you. You need to be willing to go to the people without power, without beauty, without money. That is the Christmas spirit, because God became one of us.”[5]

(Ironically, Coulter falsely claims that Keller was her pastor in New York City.)

For an extensive analysis, see Case Study: Jesus, Santa, and Christmas in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged.[6]


[1]              “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html. See also “Ann Coulter is Not a Good Person – An Open Letter to Erick Erickson” at http://t.co/7LQTKwbWcg. See also The Gospel According to Ann Coulter at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[2]              Ann Coulter, Mark Simone Show, 12/16/20.

[3]              Mike Huckabee, A Simple Christmas, Sentinel, 2009, pg. 51.

[4]              Timothy Keller, Hidden Christmas, Viking, 2016, pg. 49.

[5]              Ibid., pg. 50.

[6]              See Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at http://www.coulterwatch.com/joker.pdf.

CRUSHING Defeat For @JeffSessions AND @AnnCoulter

Jeff Sessions was trounced by his rival for an Alabama senate seat, despite years of endorsements and support by anti-Trump “conservative” Ann Coulter.

Indeed, over the past few weeks, Coulter’s tweeter rants against Trump and for Sessions proved futile!
Ironically, Coulter blames Trump and neither Sessions nor herself for their defeat!
What do the people of Alabama know that bi-coastal elite and New England carpetbagger Coulter does not know?
Why was Coulter so very wrong about Sessions and why does she continue to be so obtuse about President Trump? #TDS!
Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

.@AnnCoulter – Wackier Than Ever!

#WackyNutJob Ann Coulter both claims that she is “the head of Trump’s re-election campaign” and declares that she will attack Trump more than ever in 2020.

Last year, I exposed Coulter as the Left’s secret weapon against Trump and against America.[1]

Coulter was also exposed as a betrayer extraordinaire![2] Nevertheless, Coulter has the audacity to charge Trump with disloyalty.

Cognitive dissonance reigns in Coulter’s mind. Doublethink prevails.

Coulter continually attacks Trump for pursuing our #AmericaFirst agenda (in a holistic and not compartmentalized manner), consistently denounces Trump’s character and integrity, yet, somehow, this is helping him get re-elected?

Coulter has – for years – been a liability to Conservatism, America, and Trump’s #AmericaFirst agenda. (This series of essays will flesh that out in more detail.)

Coulter is virulently anti-Trump (she hates his entire family), is crazy about a wall and only a wall, and loves his “Mexican rapists” line – which is the line which the Left points to as proof of Trump’s racism.

Thanks a lot, Ann.

Trump Keeps His Promises

Every day, we see more evidence that Trump already has an amazing record of extraordinary achievements[3] toward Making America Great Again, and most Americans – apart from Coulter and the #TDS-addled Left – can see those accomplishments and want to reward him with a #Trump2020LandslideVictory!

Unlike Coulter, Trump keeps his promises. Yet, Coulter absurdly contends that Trump hasn’t kept any of his promises.

In contrast, last year Charlie Kirk highlighted many of those kept promises:

(Question for Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA: If Coulter has continually blatantly lied about President Trump for almost four years and is siding with the #FakeNewsMedia against Trump, then why are you sponsoring Coulter’s speeches?)

American Thinker recently reported on a Trump rally, writing (bold and underlined emphasis added):

When Trump spoke about outreach to the black community, the whole crowd roared its approval.  People there clearly believe that blacks have been enslaved by the Democrat party for too long. It’s time for them to break free and come to a community that welcomes them as fellow Americans who can enjoy this land’s bounty, rather than as a victim class that can reliably be played for votes as needed.

While the crowd may have been mostly white, there was nothing else “mostly” about it. Judging by looks, there were young families, retirees, current and former military, cops, blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, bikers, farmers, scads of “women for Trump,” high school and college students, polished urban people, and rough hewn country people.  What bound them together was a shared love of country and, because he is serving this country well, love of Trump.

In 2020, they’re supporting him more fervently than ever because he kept those promises. That was the theme they came to over and over again: he kept his promises.

And they agreed with his policies: a controlled border protects us from criminals, job-takers, and disease; socialism is bad; the Second Amendment is good; law enforcement is good; Trump’s economic policies are great; skin color shouldn’t matter; and Israel deserves America’s support. They see only good coming from Trump having four more years – and, given how Congress and the press treated him during three of his first four years, they jokingly agree that he should get a do-over.

To the above list, I would add his revamping of the judiciary, incredible support for the pro-life movement, opposition to human trafficking, and restoration of America’s position on the world stage.

In contrast, Coulter attacks Trump whenever he deals with anything which is not related to the wall or immigration. Coulter’s tunnel vision blinds her to the reality of what Trump is doing – an end run around the #DeepState, #Resistance, and #FakeNewsMedia.

Moreover, President Trump is for all Americans, not just the white Americans Coulter demands he cater to.

Trump’s Kept Promises!

American Thinker provided superb analysis of Trump’s economic achievements, writing (emphasis added):

When Trump took office, the U.S and World economies were slowing. The CBO projected job growth of 1.8 million in Trump’s first three years. We were told that the labor force was aging and that is all we could get.  Economic “experts” like Paul Krugman and Mark Zandi, who always shill for Democrats, predicted a severe recession with millions of job losses.

Instead, in the first three years we got around seven million new jobs, one million fewer part time jobs, a higher labor participation rate, a record high around seven million job openings and we finally got rising wages, especially for those at the bottom.

We also got record oil production because of Trump’s policies, and despite rising interest rates, we have had soaring stock markets, until the current coronavirus scare, because of Trump’s tax cuts.

We also got stabilized health care insurance rates after Trump got rid of the individual mandates – despite predictions prices would soar. Freedom of choice and more competition always work. We have a lot of slow earners. Life expectancy finally ticked back up after getting rid of the individual mandates.

We also have fewer people on food stamps because more people, especially minorities, the disabled, blue collar workers and the less educated, have more economic opportunities and are earning more. Many categories of workers have reached record low unemployment. No, President Obama, it did not take magic to bring back manufacturing jobs, it just took good policies.

We were told that the tax cuts would only help the rich and would cause revenues to go down trillions. Those were both lies.

It is not luck that the U.S economy is doing so much better than Europe and other countries around the World. It is because Trump’s policies focus every day on getting the power and purse back to the people as fast as possible instead of building up the greedy, powerful government. He is the opposite of the dictator and fascist that he is called.

American Thinker also outlined many of Trump’s judicial accomplishments, writing:

In the two to three years since that rash of decisions, Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell have been working steadily to break the stranglehold activist judges have on the federal judicial system. To that end, they have placed 193 new judges in the federal system.

These are judges who do not believe that it is their role to legislate from the bench, who do not believe that the Constitution is a “living document” that can be folded, spindled, and mutilated to justify any outcome they want, and who do not believe that their emotional responses override the law.  Instead, strict constructionists believe that it is their responsibility to interpret the Constitution and the law as written, and as the drafters intended, regardless of their preferred outcome.

Donald Trump is finally able to fulfill his promises regarding immigration. And unlike what Obama did, when he unconstitutionally implemented his “DREAMer” policies, Trump is not rewriting or ignoring existing law. Instead, Trump has been working to enforce federal immigration laws as written. It took getting a majority of strict constructionist judges on the federal bench to stop activist judges from blocking his efforts to enforce the law.

But Coulter still vilifies Trump for not building a wall on her timetable!

#RussiaHoax Continues

American Thinker also had a feature which addressed the illogical and ideological fallacy of the whole spectrum of #RussiaHoax claims that we have seen over the past four years. He writes (emphasis added):

It is relatively easy to surmise the kind of leader whom Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping would love to see leading America.

That leader would be weak, show little interest in a militarily strong America or its allies, and implement policies that would weaken America and American influence. That leader would be skeptical of capitalism and would be advocating the dismemberment of the U.S. energy sector, since this would significantly boost Russia’s economic prospects and global influence while crippling America. That leader would propose obscene levels of government spending to bury the country under a mountain of debt. He would be all in on open borders.  He would be groovy with unfair trade agreements and would seek to tie America’s hands behind its back with ineffective international treaties and agreements. That leader would be a committed globalist inclined to see America as the problem. He might even own a flexible red plastic reset button.

Notably, there are candidates aplenty in the race who check the right boxes, and none of them is named Trump. Anyone who is telling you Russia wants Trump to be re-elected is telling the big lie, one that is so absurd that only a university-educated fool would believe it. It also demonstrates that the media and their fellow Democrat travelers are convinced that Americans really are a special kind of stupid.

Coulter ignores the daily and hourly onslaught of attacks against President Trump and foolishly adds to those attacks!


Is Coulter unmindful of the depth to which the Left has sought to undo the 2016 election and prevent a #Trump2020LandslideVictory?

In fact, Coulter seems sure that he will lose if he doesn’t build a wall to her liking.

American Thinker offered highlights from 2015 to the present. Here are a few selected paragraphs:

The Justice Department then used this fictitious document to commit fraud on the FISA Court. The DOJ needed to lie in order to spy on and infiltrate the Trump campaign. Its agents needed insurance to make sure Hillary won. They didn’t care how many people and families they destroyed and how many crimes they had to commit to achieve their only goal, which was to elect Hillary. So far, few, if any, of the criminals in the Justice Department have been charged.

Most of the media never cared about any of the crimes or unrelenting attacks on Trump. In fact, they were a major participant.

Then, Heaven forbid, Trump beat the odds and won, and the attacks escalated. Most of the media, bureaucrats, and other Democrats set out to impeach Trump, no matter how many fictional charges they had to bring. The investigations and fake articles have been unrelenting. The number of people Democrats are willing to destroy as they quest for power is pathetic.

Still, Coulter joins the chorus of far-left activists denouncing Trump, while claiming she is helping him!

Coulter’s ever-increasing wackiness is recounted in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged, which provides an in-depth, detailed and holistic exposé of Ann Coulter.


[1]      See @AnnCoulter, the Left’s Secret Weapon Against America at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-oh.

[2]      See @AnnCoulter: Betrayer Extraordinaire at https://bit.ly/2GzovR1.

[3]      For a partial list of Trump’s many accomplishments, see https://www.docdroid.net/KDaSuMo/trumpaccomplishments.pdf.

@AnnCoulter’s Last CPAC Conference (2014)

Ann Coulter had been a perennial speaker at CPAC since 1998. For a number of years, she was a favorite of the crowds.[1] More often than not, Coulter became involved in some sort of Coulter-generated controversy which threw the spotlight on her rather than the conference itself.

Indeed, many conservative organizations boycotted the conference because of Coulter’s participation in it. Since then, each year, her credibility and stature declined, a reflection of her bizarre behavior and conflicted ideology.[2]

Coulter’s CPAC 2014 Highlights

Skipping to Coulter’s last appearance at CPAC, several noteworthy observations must be made.

Coulter’s Death Threats at CPAC

Coulter accelerated her use of elimination rhetoric in 2014.[3]

Coulter Trivialized Rape – Again

Coulter, who would deny life to babies conceived by rape, now equated immigration with rape using graphic terms. Clearly, Coulter does not truly believe in the sanctity of human life.

For nearly two decades, Coulter has railed against rape hoaxes, such as Tawana Brawley’s, which were perpetrated to make political points.  But Coulter’s real attitude toward rape is cavalier.  Babies conceived in rape have no value in her eyes. Coulter speaks favorably of raping the planet. And, here, she claimed immigrants were raping her!

Coulter’s Courage at CPAC

Coulter applauded her own courage in debating “the smartest living liberal” – except, it was all a scam. Coulter and Kaus, best of friends, colluded to an ostensible “debate” which would really be a forum for Coulter to advance her immigration agenda.

In a series of tweets (and, presumably, emails) Coulter repeatedly requested that Mickey Kaus debate her at CPAC. It must have taken enormous courage to “debate” a close personal friend in agreement with her views.[4]

Others quickly noticed what I had discerned: It was a sham “debate.” The American Spectator’s bold headline asked: “Where Was the Debate?”

But this was really a scam from the beginning. Three years later, Coulter reminiscently gloried in her victory over CPAC.

Coulter Scammed CPAC – Again!

Yes, Coulter’s “debate” was just the latest (and last) scam Coulter would perpetrate against CPAC, it’s sponsors, and its audiences.

Speaking on-air with her friend, Joyce Kaufman, Coulter gloried in her hijinks, saying:

“Oh, by the way, this scam I pulled with CPAC was really so brilliant, I just need to take thirty seconds to tell you about that.”

“They weren’t letting me speak, even though – I think I told Joyce this – I’m sorry I have to say this but it’s relevant to the story; every year they poll ten thousand CPAC attendees and every year I’ve been voted, for a decade now, the most popular speaker, even when Rush is speaking, even when Sean Hannity is speaking. They’re wonderful people, but I’m an excellent CPAC speaker.”

“And so, ‘Well, that’s weird, they’re not inviting me to speak this year.’ And they keep saying, ‘The invitation’s in the mail, the invitation’s in the mail,’ and then, finally, ‘Oh, we have an idea. Why don’t you have a debate?’ Why?”

“So, Mickey Kaus and I were ‘debating’ [air quotes here] and no matter what question we were asked – it’s a wonderful video, you should look it up – no matter what the question was, we turned it back to immigration.”

“They had immigration panels last year. No one was allowed to be anti-amnesty. But I just give a speech. They don’t ask what I’m going to say, so my speech last year was anti-amnesty. Thus, the trouble this year. … We weren’t on the schedule, weren’t on the agenda. Nobody knew I was even going to be at CPAC, but we still packed the ballroom.”[5]

 Coulter’s Shamelessness at CPAC

Coulter’s shamelessness extends beyond her betrayal of friends, colleagues, and the organizers and sponsors of CPAC. Coulter’s shamelessness is obvious in her words, behavior, and hypocrisy. At CPAC, she asserted, “shaming is good” and demanded that we tell poor people to “keep your knees together before you get married.” Does she follow her own advice?

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis in this holistic exposé of Ann Coulter. This is but one of many CPAC escapades by Coulter presented in Joker.


[1]      Not surprisingly, Coulter does not regard these crowds numbering in the hundreds and thousands to be “mobs.” Her flawed definition and analysis of mobs can be found in The Beauty of Conservatism.

[2]      We should Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age.

[3]              Her obsessive employment of elimination rhetoric is highlighted in The Gospel According to Ann Coulter.

However, I actually thought one of her jokes was funny, placing her phone conservation in the context of one in a popular movie, Taken. But Coulter has a long and deep history of employing elimination rhetoric and passionately expressing her hatred for a vast number of individuals and groups, thus counteracting any humorous content contained in the “joke.” Moreover, one could argue that, in this joke, Coulter was equating Obamacare employees with Serbian killers and human traffickers.

In the most recent case, quoting a line from the movie Taken could be taken as humorous coming from someone who does not have Coulter’s track record. If Coulter were less cavalier about life – and less liberal in using elimination rhetoric – her death “jokes” might have some value. But she has dipped into that well far too many times.

[4]      The myth of Coulter’s courage is debunked in several chapters of The Beauty of Conservatism.

[5]      Ann Coulter, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 3/22/14.

@AnnCoulter Still Enraged at CPAC Rejection

Polemicist Ann Coulter remains enraged at CPAC for its six-year-long rejection of her, despite the fact that she is wholly responsible for her plight. Over many years, Coulter snookered, scammed, and betrayed CPAC … yet she still feels entitled to speak at CPAC.

How blind arrogance can be!

Since even before 2014 (her last appearance at CPAC), Coulter has disparaged CPAC for not being conservative enough. Even in 2020, Coulter has tweeted multiple times attacking CPAC.

Here’s one:

For years, Coulter’s ego fed upon her self-identity as the darling of CPAC and, now that CPAC has resoundingly rejected her, she acts like the stereotypical scorned woman.

Her devoted fans seem immune to the irony and puzzled by the fact that CPAC has also banished RINO Mitt Romney. Coulter was devoted to Romney for fully a decade or more, this despite him calling himself an “extreme conservative” (at CPAC, no less) – as if any conservative would self-identify as extreme.

Let’s review what happened. (Facts matter.)

CPAC Shunned Coulter in 2015 and Ann was Incensed

In 2015, for the first time in 18 years, Ann Coulter was not invited to speak at CPAC.

CPAC Finally Rejected Coulter, despite many factors in her favor:

Longevity. Coulter has spoken at every CPAC conference from 1998-2014.

Coulter was the author of ten books (nine were best-sellers) with an eleventh book to be released this June.

Coulter was the legal correspondent for Human Events, author with Regnery, and a speaker for the Young America’s Foundation, the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute, and the College Republicans, all represented at CPAC.

Many of Coulter’s powerful friends were speakers at CPAC and associated with the leadership at CPAC.

Still, CPAC snubbed Coulter. Why?

Why CPAC Rejected Coulter

After 9/11, Coulter’s CPAC appearances were continually mired in controversies of Coulter’s own making. Her provocative rhetoric became extreme. She regularly employed elimination rhetoric. Coulter seemingly sought to upstage CPAC at every turn.

One year, a host of conservative organizations and bloggers threatened to boycott CPAC if Coulter was invited to speak. Coulter was rejected as a speaker but, through slight-of-hand, spoke anyway. In both 2013 and 2014, Coulter was invited at the last minute, due to aggressive campaigns by Coulter to appear. (Friends in high places have always come to her aid.)

Coulter’s antics continued in 2014, with Coulter coordinating a phony debate, disparaging poor people, issuing death threats, and falsely claiming to have been raped.[1]

But in 2014, Coulter crossed a non-negotiable red-line: Coulter publicly betrayed CPAC.

Coulter has a long history of betraying friends,[2] colleagues,[3] and clients.[4] Then, Coulter publicly betrayed CPAC.

Within weeks of her appearance at CPAC 2014, Coulter boasted of scamming CPAC. She bragged about this “really so brilliant” scam to thwart CPAC’s agenda “despite CPAC’s best efforts.”

Nicely done, Ann.

Such is Coulter’s ego that she believes – after scamming CPAC – that CPAC would still be obligated to invite her to speak in subsequent years.

Coulter’s Ego Wounded

As a self-absorbed narcissist, Coulter feels entitled to speak at CPAC, no matter what she has said or done in the past. That sense of entitlement has been apparent for more than a decade.

In 2014, Coulter was irate that she was invited to only a debate (even though she was able to pick her debate partner, her friend, Mickey Kaus). Coulter did not want to settle for a debate. She wanted to give a speech.

Coulter then took the grace extended by CPAC and “scammed” them.

In 2015, even though she was justifiably not invited, Coulter extended her wrath toward CPAC.

Coulter on the Offensive

Coulter told the Washington Examiner: “I wasn’t invited. I might just show up anyway just to piss them off. I could be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC.”

Why would Coulter want to piss off CPAC? Ego? The woman scorned? A vengeful nature?

Did you notice, Coulter places herself and her situation on par with that of Bibi Netanyahu?! Coulter likens herself to the Israeli Prime Minister, renowned for his courage, his eloquence, and his principled character.

(Instead of accusing CPAC of conspiring to silence her, Coulter should have acted like a lady and either demurred to answer or acknowledged the wealth of talented professionals available to speak at CPAC. As for CPAC, ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp responded with grace: “Ann Coulter is welcome at CPAC. We come up with the agenda. There’s so many speaking slots; you go through who would be a good fit. She’s a great fit here. She’s welcome to be here.”)

But beyond that, Coulter’s tweets also reveal her own denial of reality and her self-absorption.

In the top tweet, Coulter mocked CPAC, a sure strategy to elicit their future support.

In the next tweet, Coulter boasted of her popularity, not a particularly endearing trait.

In the third tweet, Coulter again claimed that the reason for her exclusion from CPAC is amnesty. This is a red herring. That year, CPAC repeatedly addressed amnesty. Many of the speakers, including presidential candidates, spoke of amnesty. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio were specifically queried about their views on immigration.

Coulter also tweeted what she had emailed to the Washington Examiner: “I’ll be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC!”


CPAC has discovered that we should Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age![5]

Even though she considers herself indispensable to CPAC (and CPAC indispensable to her standing as a great conservative leader), Coulter was missed only by herself.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis in this holistic exposé of Ann Coulter and offers many stories of her CPAC escapades.


[1]      See “Case Study # 8: Life Issues,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, 2014, available as a free PDF download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[2]      See “Preface: Alamo Remembered,” The Beauty of Conservatism, 2011, available as a free PDF download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[3]      See “Case Study # 2: (Linda) TRIPPed Up!” Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free PDF download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[4]      See “Case Study # 1: Oh, Paula (Jones)! Ann Coulter’s Betrayal,” Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free PDF download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[5]      See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, 2013, available as a free PDF download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.