Tag Archives: prayer

CoulterWatch Goes on Hiatus

My dear readers,

CoulterWatch will go on hiatus for one month – February – taking a mini-sabbatical.


Would you be so kind as to do something for me?

Last year, Ann Coulter oscillated between exemplary commentary and hellish behavior. Ann appears to be on a positive path right now and my request is that you join me in prayer for her: that God may minister to her heart, soul, and spirit. Pray for her spiritual, emotional, and intellectual healing. Pray that God enlighten Ann and strengthen her to follow the path that He places before her.

And pray for me, that God continue to grant His peace, grace, and fresh insight, that He guide and direct my steps this coming year, and that my heart might be united more fully with His.

Thank you, my dear readers.

This blog will remain up and running with already published material available for your comments. Please feel free to email me with any suggestions, observations, recommendations, and – oh, alright – complaints.

In the meantime, I will continue to post items (unrelated to Coulter) on my other blog, BrotherWatch. Please feel free to check it out.

Thank you, again, in advance.

Yours in liberty,

Dan Borchers