Tag Archives: Never Trumpers

Coulter’s Perfect Presidential Candidate

Having previously called Mitt Romney the “perfect candidate” for both the 2012 and 2016 election cycles, now propagandist Ann Coulter declares Donald Trump to be “the perfect presidential candidate.”

Coulter’s Perfect Presidential Candidate

In an astonishing interview on the Opie & Jimmy Show (8/22/16), Coulter exclaimed:

“I would not have sat back in a laboratory and designed Donald Trump as my perfect presidential candidate but now that’s it’s happened, I realize that ‘Oh my Gosh, he is the perfect presidential candidate.’”

What makes Trump her perfect candidate? Here are some of the traits she concludes are necessary for a perfect candidate: “It’s not like we looked around the country and said, ‘We need a boorish, coarse reality TV star. I wanna make that man president.’” Her book describes Trump as “a tasteless, publicity‐seeking, coarse, billionaire, reality TV star.”

But Coulter concludes that those negatives are actually positives. Coulter claims, “It turns out, that is exactly what we needed.”

Why? Because Trump is coarse enough and boorish enough to withstand the media onslaught against him. In her mind, his tasteless ego is like the protective scales of a dragon.

As it turns out, narcissism (something Coulter is acquainted with) is good. Coulter concludes: “If it takes a narcissist to do that, we need more narcissists running for public office.” (Coulter redefines narcissist as “a self‐confident alpha male.”)

Coulter claimed, on the Opie & Jimmy Show, that Trump’s “problems are purely stylistic. Hillary’s are, she’s a corrupt liar who will only serve Wall Street.” (Hasn’t she heard, so is Trump?)

(I suspect people without character do not value people with character. Perhaps these charlatans only see people with character and integrity as potential rubes.)

Coulter also claimed, “What everyone loves about Trump are his positions,” adding, “It’s 100% Trump’s issues which have propelled him to the top.”

Whoa! Seriously? Trump’s positions change on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

In her book, Coulter claims, “Trump is like a Shakespearean ‘fool’: he seems crass because he speaks the truth.” Even Coulter has admitted that Trump is a fraud and “mental,” so one wonders why she would lie so spectacularly.

Here are a few possibilities: 1) Coulter is used to being a propagandist; 2) Coulter is selling herself and her books; 3) Coulter has staked her reputation and career on a Trump victory; and 4) Coulter views herself and Trump as only saviors of America.

Regardless of the reasons for Coulter’s subterfuge, her “perfect candidate” is the worst possible option of Republicans, for constitutional conservatism, and for America. Of all the GOP candidates, Trump is the only one who could actually lose to Hillary. Coulter’s latest RINO will ensure that Democrats win the White House (and Congress?) this November.