Tag Archives: ugly

@AnnCoulter Ends 2019 with Putrid Polemic

Although Ann Coulter wrote some powerful and praiseworthy columns in 2019, she ended the year publishing a putrid polemic, thus exposing her dark heart.

It was ugly!

While denouncing the evils of Hollywood’s portrayal of America, Coulter’s column was, in large measure – evil.

Much of what Coulter wrote about Hollywood scripts was accurate, but, she went out of her way to lambaste a particular person – Celine Robinson – vilifying both her ideology and her looks, and treating her as representative of all lesbians, Jews, and feminists.

What prompted this column by Coulter? Robinson had enraged Coulter with this tweet:

Coulter, creatively, in paragraph after paragraph, made it clear that in her eyes, this “half French, queer, Jewish feminist” is ugly and the antithesis of the “hot actors and actresses” who play the characters in her scripts. (Coulter was uncharitable, to say the least!)

Indeed, these hot actresses are “the molecular opposite of” Robinson and Robinson’s photo alone is proof that it is “Opposites Day” every day in Hollywood. (Coulter adroitly included a link to a tweet from 2016 which contained a photo of her nemesis and victim.)

Coulter used the phrase “queer, Jewish feminist” five times, notably dismissing as inconsequential the “half French” portion of Robinson’s personal self-identity. (I gather that Freedom Fries have long passed their expiration date.)

The bulk of the remainder of Coulter’s column was devoted to Third World sodomy and pedophilia, in graphic terms. She seemed to delight in being outrageous.

(Coulter is known for being somewhat tardy at speaking engagements and in posting her columns. On this occasion, she posted this column one day early, as if she couldn’t wait for others to see it.)

In the early weeks of 2020, Coulter continued with her attacks on the looks of those with whom she disagrees. Looksism is extremely important to her: She wants to be perceived as beautiful and hot while denigrating her foes as being not.

Here’s one example:

Here are a few responses:

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.