Tag Archives: American Renaissance

.@AnnCoulter Crack-Up

The end of May 2020 saw #WackyNutJob Ann Coulter going even more berserk than ever!

Coulter had a Twitter meltdown on May 24th,[1] an interview meltdown on May 26th,[2] and another Twitter meltdown on May 28th.

In that May 28th meltdown, Coulter made asinine assertions, proffered fabricated “facts,” employed hysterical hyperbole, and irrationally impugned both the motives and agenda of Trump and his administration.

On May 28, 2020, Coulter:

  • claimed that Trump has done nothing for his supporters, calling him a “big betrayer.”
  • accused Trump of narcissism in going after Twitter for fact-checking him.
  • asserted, once again, that Trump is not building a wall.
  • repeatedly blamed Trump for riots in Minneapolis, calling it “Trump’s America.”
  • “A violent mob is about to burn down a Minneapolis police precinct in Trump’s America.”
  • “Even a senile dementia patient sitting in his basement with a mask on would send in the National Guard to stop this sickness.”
  • claimed Trump’s executive order on big tech companies is all bark and no bite.
  • sarcastically feigned surprise that Trump had (allegedly) broken a campaign promise.
  • berated (again) Trump for opposing her favorite candidate, Jeff Sessions, commending Sessions in multiple tweets.
  • called for someone else to run for president in place of Trump.
  • objected to Trumps tweets about Joe Scarborough.

We are witnessing a Coulter crack-up (or breakdown, if you prefer) because reality, facts, and truth do not align with the world according to Ann Coulter.

Coulter has become unmoored from any fixed principles apart from her own ego and desire to set America’s agenda. (Who made Coulter president?)

Coulter’s obsession with a wall blinds her to reality,[3] to the far bigger strategic vision that President Trump has been pursuing to Make America Great Again. Instead, all Coulter wants is to Make Coulter Great Again!

Consequently, Coulter has become the Left’s not-so-secret weapon again Trump and America First![4]

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, Coulter was proclaiming an apocalypse in the very midst of an American Renaissance![5]

Since then, Coulter has become wackier than ever![6]

Coulter’s ever-increasing wackiness is recounted in Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged, which provides an in-depth, detailed and holistic exposé of Ann Coulter.


[1]              See @AnnCoulter’s Memorial Day Madness at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-sh.

[2]              See @AnnCoulter’s Unhinged Meltdowns over Trump! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-sq.

[3]              See @AnnCoulter – Walled Off … From Reality! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-nr.

[4]              See @AnnCoulter, the Left’s Secret Weapon Against America at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-oh.

[5]              See Apocalyptic @AnnCoulter Screams Doomsday in Midst of American Renaissance at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-pa.

[6]              See @AnnCoulter – Wackier Than Ever at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-qO.

Happy 58th Birthday, @AnnCoulter

Conservative celebrity Ann Coulter turned 58 today. What has she accomplished in her nearly six decades of life?

Coulter’s life and work, worldview and self-identity, are all filled with myriad contradictions and conundrums. From whence do those arise? Hers is a fascinating story of elite privilege, hubris, and insecurity.

Almost sexagenarian Ann has both achieved her wildest dreams and squandered her life.

Raising a Narcissist

Ann’s first few weeks of life were spent in an incubator and her child and teenage years were also lived in an incubator of sorts, one which nurtured and molded the narcissist so many have grown to either love or hate. Those incubators have isolated Ann from real life and real relationships. (Now, she confesses to be an agoraphobe who reads a lot.)

As a child, Ann, the last-born baby princess, was both doted upon and the object of high expectations. Ann had much to live up toher family name, her Puritan ancestry, and her WASP settler roots.

Higher Education and Networking

Ann was reared by elites in the elite town of New Canaan, Connecticut, and she later attended elite academic institutions: Cornell University and the University of Michigan Law School.

As a child, Ann quickly learned how to manipulate people with her looks and quick wit. In later years, she put her skills to good use, creating a vast network of useful contacts in academia, the media, and among various political organizations.

Coulter used those useful contacts to obtain jobs and, later, media gigs. Indeed, she would later all of those connections into lucrative book deals and speaking engagements, even cross-country speaking tours (and a Canadian speaking tour, as well).

Coulter would inevitably be drawn to the three power centers of America: Washington, D.C., (politics), New York (media), and Los Angeles (entertainment).

From Senate Staffer to Conservative Star

Since her teenage years (oh so long ago), Ann sought to become a star, a mover-and-shaker, a President-maker. In the late 1990s, Coulter was an obscure Senate staffer who quickly rose to prominence within conservative circles and would, in time, become close friends with multi-millionaires and billionaires.

In 1997, Coulter betrayed Paula Jones in order to impeach President Clinton. Ever since, she has sought to control the nomination process and electoral outcome of every presidential election, by whatever means necessary.

President-Maker and Pretender to the Throne

Beginning with the 2000 presidential election, Coulter sought to make a president. For fully two decades, Coulter smeared all opposition to her preferred candidates, fabricating “facts” and employing elimination rhetoric to achieve her personal, professional, and ideological goals. The politics of personal destruction became her métier.

Coulter became the gold standard for scorched-earth politics and relished identifying herself as a polemicist and provocateur.

Coulter found success in Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory campaign and has often claimed credit for his agenda and success. Indeed, during the first three years of Trump’s presidency, Coulter has acted as if she were president and that he should do her will.

Losing Her Moral Compass

In the end, Coulter discarded the values and principles instilled in her by Father and the grace, compassion, and generosity exemplified by Mother. Coulter abandoned the faith of Father and twisted the faith of Mother into her own unique gospel.

While despising the “godless Left” for its anti-Americanism and moral relativism, Coulter adopted the Left’s axiom of “the end justifies the means.”

Though claiming to be “totally pro-life,” Coulter has bashed the pro-life movement for over two decades, placing political pragmatism over eternal principles. Despite claiming to be “an extraordinarily good Christian,” Coulter has attacked Christians for over two decades – for behaving like Christians!

Once the fiercest neo-conservative warrior, Coulter became a strident nativist, pacifist, isolationist, and immigration hawk. With each incarnation, Coulter called those who opposed her views “traitors.”

From #InTrumpWeTrust to #NeverTrump … all over a Wall!

With Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory, Coulter’s dream of making a President (in her eyes, she gets almost all the credit) came true. But the honeymoon was over even before the election results came in.

Coulter vacillates between being #InTrumpWeTrust and #NeverTrump seemingly by the day, if not the hour. One moment she worships her “Emperor-God Trump” and the next she declares doomsday because of Trump! (Talk about mood swings!)

Beginning around 2014, Coulter’s peers, sponsors, and fans began rejecting her. President Trump called her a #WackyNutJob! Coulter became walled off from reality! Even at the end of 2019, in the midst of an American Renaissance, Coulter screamed doomsday! In effect, Coulter became the Left’s secret weapon against Trump and against America.

Coulter’s myopic view of #BuildTheWall walled her off from the reality of Trump’s 3D chess strategy. Coulter remains oblivious to Trump’s phenomenal achievements, all the more astonishing in that he is opposed by the #Resistance and a series of #WitchHunts seeking a #DeepStateCoup! Nevertheless, Trump keeps winning and winning.

Victim of Her Own Success

Power corrupts. So does fame. Coulter acquired both in a short period of time. All of the forces in her life fed her ego, puffed her up with pride, and propelled her to ever greater heights of hubris and hyperbolic polemics.

Coulter has garnered considerable attention, fame, glory, and infamy. She has achieved much, perhaps beyond her wildest imagination. She has received countless awards and accolades and strutted over many red carpets, but what has she really accomplished?

Coulter is intensely hated by the Left, is a pariah on the Right, has been rejected by those who know her best, and is at Ground Zero of the catastrophic forces which are tearing America apart – forces which she herself helped unleash!

Coulter’s perhaps well-intentioned efforts have often proved counterproductive. Justifying her extremist polemics, at CPAC 2002, Coulter argued that moving ever further right would pull people from the left to the center. Instead, her polemical approach pushed the left further left, exacerbating the political and cultural divide which plagues America today.

Coulter fuels the fires and fans the flames of hostile polemical rhetoric so palpable in contemporary America. Yet, she feels no guilt or shame and accepts no responsibility for her behavior and her role in the deterioration of political discourse in America.

Impenitent, not Irredeemable

Even though Coulter remains impenitent, she is not irredeemable. God loves … even Ann.

There are encouraging signs. Ann’s commentary appears much more factual and far less polemical than at the height of her career. Her verbal and Twitter outbursts of rage are less frequent. Certain anecdotal evidence gives me hope that Ann may be turning toward God, who alone can heal her brokenness.

My dear readers, please pray for Ann’s redemption and healing this Christmas season.

May God bless you all, bless Ann, bless President Trump, and bless this great nation.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positive and negative aspects of Coulter’s life and career.