Tag Archives: Mike Huckabee

Jews: Quality, not Quantity

Don’t be fooled by Ann Coulter’s lies about her anti-Semitic tweet. Her very own words betray her heart.

Coulter has repeatedly justified her anti-Semitic tweet (“f—ing Jews”) by arguing that she was addressing the quantity, not the quality, of Jews. This is nonsense! The epithet modifies “Jews,” not “many.”

She also claims she was attacking the panderers, not Jews. Poppycock!


Ludicrously, Coulter claims that there was nowhere else to place Effing in that sentence. If that were true – and it isn’t – then write a different sentence. But her assertions are and remain lies.

All Coulter had to do was place Effing in front of “many” (thereby modifying the quantity) instead of after it (making it a statement of quality) – or – to place it before “people” (panderers) instead of before “Jews.”

Quality or Quantity?

Coulter tweeted (emphasis added):

“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

Coulter did not tweet (emphasis added):

“How f—ing many Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

Coulter’s actual tweet expresses the quality of Jews. To express the quantity of Jews, all Coulter had to do was move her modifier over one word to the left.

Yet, Coulter claims that the only place she could find to put Effing in that sentence was before Jews. Coupling those two words together is ipso facto anti-Semitic. In context or out, they are anti-Semitic by the very coupling of Effing with Jews.


Panderers or Object of Pandering?

Coulter still claims she could not express her views any other way in that short space of characters. She further claims she was talking about the panderers, not the object of their pandering. But then, why not write:

“Those f—ing candidates are pandering to Jews, who are very few in U.S.”

Simple. Easy. Anyone with a pulse could come up with that formulation.

Let’s return to Coulter’s original tweet (emphasis added):

“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

If Coulter had truly meant Effing to condemn the panderers and not the object of the pandering, she should have placed Effing three words to the right, in front of “people.”

Coulter did not tweet (emphasis added):

“How many Jews do these f—ing people think there are in the United States?”

Again, she didn’t.

Why? Because Coulter intended that epithet for Jews.

Not quantity. Not panderers. But Jews.

Coulter’s Choice of Words and Their Placement

Writing is all about word choice and word placement. Coulter chose her words and she placed them exactly where she wanted them.

Why would she do so? Why would she attack Jews?

Because she was exasperated by what seemed to her to be too many references to Israel. Again, she did not attack the alleged pandering of GOP candidates; she attacked the object of their alleged pandering: Jews.

Coulter’s words self-evidently reveal that she believes Jews really do wield power disproportionate to their numbers, prompting the pandering she so despises and, thus, her attack on Jews.

First, Jews; Now, Catholics?

Ann Hart Coulter is a modern-day Know Nothing.


Following her anti-Semitic rant[1] against Jews and Israel,[2] Coulter has now embarked upon a Know Nothing approach to Catholicism. This is especially strange as she attended a private Catholic school until she entered high school. One would think she would know better.

Coulter’s Anti-Catholic Tweets

Among Coulter’s many tweets disparaging the Catholic Church (emphasis added):

Time Tweet
9:55 a.m. Equally accurate statement to the Pope’s: The Catholic Church was “largely built by pedophiles.” twitter.com/WSJ/status/646…
10:04 a.m. I’m an American and this is why our founders (not “immigrants”!) distrusted Catholics & wouldn’t make them citizens. twitter.com/DavidLimbaugh/…
10:06 a.m. Catholics were not accepted until they became more AMERICAN Catholic less ROMAN Catholic-Harvard’s Samuel Huntington twitter.com/DavidLimbaugh/…
10:29 a.m. Yes, 55 Protestants & 1 Catholic. Can we admit immigrants in that wildly diverse proportion? twitter.com/michaelbd/stat…
10:40 a.m. No, I’m attacking the Pope. So did Martin Luther. So did America’s settlers. So did Dems when it was John Paul II. twitter.com/dmataconis/sta…
11:05 a.m. THIS Pope’s philosophy of worshiping the poor, blaming the rich leads to Latin American poverty. American Catholicism leads to success.

Coulter’s WASP Nativism

Coulter has a distinctly WASP (White and Protestant)[3] view of America. For years now, Coulter has hated immigrants.[4] Her nativism has been especially pronounced[5] this year. Coulter even hates the idea of Christians serving overseas.[6] Indeed, she insists that all other nations suck.[7]

During the 2012 election cycle, Coulter compared social conservative Rick Santorum to ultra-liberal Ted Kennedy – because of their shared Catholicism. To Coulter, Santorum was “more Catholic than conservative.”

Last year, Coulter condemned Catholics as “moral show-offs” and “fake Christians,” expressing contempt for church leaders and parishioners alike whose theology compels them to adopt political positions with which she disagrees.

Coulter claims that American Catholics are better than Roman Catholics. Yet, Coulter condemns liberal Catholics in America for their liberalism, while the traditional pro-life Roman Catholic doctrines remain extant. Ironically, Coulter has waged war on pro-lifers for defending the unborn while claiming to be totally pro-life herself. Confused? So is Coulter.

Coulter does not make sense. To reiterate, she claims that American Catholics are better than Roman Catholics because they have been assimilated. Yet, many of those Catholics who have been assimilated into American culture have become more secularized and embraced leftwing views on social issues (abortion, homosexuality, marriage, etc.) while the foreign Roman Catholics hold the views that Coulter cherishes. Reality is the exact opposite of what Coulter claims it is.

As noted by National Memo, Coulter’s ire at Latin American Catholics may stem from her anti-immigration thesis in Adios, America! They correct Coulter on the historical record:

“Catholics in the New World had easily become Americans following the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803, and the acquisition of Florida from Spain in 1819. And Catholics did indeed play a role in the early polity of the U.S. This included one signer of the Declaration of Independence, Charles Carroll of Maryland, and two delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Daniel Carroll of Maryland (and cousin of Charles), plus Thomas Fitzsimmons of Pennsylvania.”

Catholics in the Revolutionary War

Contrary to Coulter’s assertions, Catholics were among the “American settlers” Coulter cherishes. And they fought for America! Several of America’s Founding Fathers were Catholic.

From “Catholics and the Founding”:

“The preeminent Catholic patriot was undoubtedly Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Heir to the fortune of an early Maryland Catholic family, it was said that Carroll risked more (in financial terms) than any other when he became the only Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence.”

“Carroll’s cousin, John, was also an important figure in Revolutionary America. John Carroll had been a Jesuit priest before the suppression of the order by Pope Clement XIV and had continued to minister as one of the colonies’ few priests. Uniquely positioned as an ardent patriot and a Catholic religious leader, he was called upon by the Continental Congress to join Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carroll on an unsuccessful mission to Canada to try to convince the colonies’ northern neighbor to maintain neutrality during the war with Britain. Carroll would become the first American bishop in 1789.”

“A thousand miles to the west, another Catholic with less economic clout and fewer connections would also play an important part in the military plans of the Americans. Father Pierre Gibault was a missionary of French descent in southwestern Indiana. When the Virginia militia under Colonel George Rogers Clark entered the area, Gibault and others met the American commander and pledged the support of the region to the forces of independence in return for assurances of religious freedom. Against the wishes of the bishop of Quebec, Gibault led the French residents of the Vincennes region in cooperating with the Americans.”


[1]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[2]               See “Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a9.

[3]               See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s WASP Fantasy” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7H.

[4]               See “Coulter’s Soccer Flop – Part Trois” at http://t.co/uy7FDPu79v.

[5]               See “Coulter: All Immigrants Are Bad” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8w.

[6]               See “Ann Coulter’s Xenophobic Anti-Gospel of Hate” at http://t.co/aQGhLuWwtD.

[7]               See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)

Ann Coulter’s incendiary “f—ing Jews” tweet was quickly countered by her claim, “I like the Jews.” Really?

As I pointed out last week,[1] Coulter’s tweet was, is, and remains indefensible. Yet, she defends herself. Before analyzing her rebuttal, let’s take a quick look at exactly what her initial tweet said.


Effing Jews – Expletive of Endearment

Coulter tweeted, “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Notice her exquisite courtesy in bleeping out the offensive adjective. Very polite. Who could possibly imagine what that bleeped word is?

The subject is not, as Coulter later claimed, panderers. The subject is Jews – and the modifier is an expletive! (Yet, just hours later, Coulter claimed to “like” “the Jews.”) Coulter’s criticism and wrath was directed at Jews, not GOP candidates. The adjective employed applied to Jews, not politicians.

Regardless of the context of her tweet, even taking in the totality of all of her tweets during the debate, there is no denying the anti-Semitic nature of those two words. In context or out, they are anti-Semitic by the very coupling of Effing with Jews.

Again, as I pointed out last Thursday, who (besides Ann) uses an expletive as an endearment?

Just thinking those two conjoined words is bad enough, but to actually tweet them? And, having tweeted them, to justify using them? Yes, Ann Coulter is an impenitent propagandist.[2]

Coulter and GOP Panderers

As noted in last week’s column,[3] Coulter quickly attempted to rebuff criticisms of her tweets by claiming she was attacking the GOP candidates for pandering. But prior to the fallout, Coulter never tweeted the word “pander.”

Coulter claims: “My tweet was about Republicans and the pandering. It wasn’t about Israel, it wasn’t about Jews. It’s what Republicans are thinking in their little pea brains. I could say the same thing about Evangelicals. Who are you pandering to? A lot of it is to Sheldon Adelson and the Evangelicals…. This kind of suck-uppery is humiliating.”

Wait! Effing Jews isn’t about Jews? Jews was the subject of the tweet and the object of Coulter’s wrath. To claim otherwise is ludicrous.

As Coulter has made painfully obvious, in her view, the Jews are to blame for GOP candidates pandering to them. (If that is, in fact, what the candidates were doing.) Coulter has obviously bought into the narrative that she claims other Republicans have embraced.

A column on Jerusalem Post asks why the GOP would “pander” to Jews: “As Coulter well knows, Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama, not once but twice. She is also aware that the vast majority of Iran-deal opponents is Republican. Sheldon Adelson, whom she made a point of mentioning in her Daily Beast interview, is an exception, not the rule.”

David French noted “a small irony about Ann Coulter: Even while she was slamming the GOP for ‘pandering’ on issues like abortion and Israel, she herself was using specific language that panders to the small, race-obsessed far-right crowd that is particularly focused on those same issues.”

French continued: “We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, ‘All are one, in Christ Jesus.’ Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.”

Coulter: “I like the Jews”

Coulter’s defense includes the self-evidently fraudulent assertion, “I like the Jews.”

We know this is a lie for many reasons. First, is the definitive article “the” preceding “Jews.” If someone said “I like the blacks,” would you believe her? If someone claimed to like “the Hispanics” or “the Asians,” what veracity would you give their claim? (Remember, Coulter is a linguist and a wordsmith who knows how to effectively and accurately use the English language.)

Second, speaking of “the Jews,” Coulter is speaking of all Jews. But we already know from 35 years of commentary, that Coulter “hates,” “despises,” and “loathes” (her words) liberals and feminists, many of whom are Jews. Indeed, a majority of Jews in America vote Democrat. Does Coulter really “like” those “Jews?” Hardly. Coulter has often attacked liberal Jews (as a group or individually).

Binyamin Jolkovsky, the founder of Jewish World Review, wonders: “She could have been drunk, she could have been high, I don’t know, I have to give her the benefit of the doubt … but I don’t have to delude myself. Pandering to Jewish money is about as anti-Semitic a stereotype as you could put forth. Her ‘eff-ing Jews’ comment is not identifying Israel – it’s identifying Jews, plural, and all Jews. There is no excuse for that. You can’t just wiggle out of something that vile and hateful.”

Tom Sykes observes that Coulter’s “whole argument echoes a historic libel against Jews that they hold secret influence.”

Third, claiming to either like or dislike an entire race of people is, itself, a racist claim. It is called stereotyping. Does anyone like all people of a given racial or ethnic group? Or of a particular religion? Or of a particular political persuasion?

Wasn’t it Coulter who said, “All nations suck compared to America?”[4] Isn’t Israel a nation?

Coulter’s Twitter Rebuttal

On September 17th, Coulter tweeted a ludicrous assertion: “No: It’s pro-Semitic. Where is all the GOP pandering on Israel getting us? US becoming Mexico very bad for Israel. twitter.com/ANewSarah/stat…

Coulter has just redefined anti-Semitism as pro-Semitic!

Many of Coulter’s tweets reiterated her many false claims during her book tour that the only issue that matters is immigration. She uses that narrative to justify her attacks on pro-lifers,[5] on Reagan lovers,[6] and, now, on defenders of Israel.[7]

Coulter’s joke – “Boy were they wrong @ Jewish influence! I complained about pandering on Israel (Reagan & abortion) & haven’t heard a thing about it!” – merely reinforces her contention that Jews have too much power, the root of her anti-Semitic rant.

Undermining her own arguments, Coulter retweeted from her friend, Ben Shapiro: “RT @benshapiro: This I know of @anncoulter: she is far more a friend to Jews and Israel than Jewish Obama voters now jumping on her.”

Does Coulter really “like” those Obama-voting Jews? Remember, Coulter called Jews, not Israel, “f—ing!” She obviously has a high regard for Israel’s policies, but not necessarily her people (or Jewish people outside Israel).

Finally, “John Derbyshire @DissidentRight reviews indexed references to Israel in my smash bestseller “Adios, America!” – bit.ly/1V13f9x.”

Derbyshire actually promotes the anti-Semitic stereotype of a disproportionately powerful Jewish lobby –and Coulter is using that as one of her defenses!

According to the Zionist Organization of America, “Ann Coulter made appalling, anti-Jewish remarks which evoked the classic, anti-Semitic trope about Jewish manipulation of America for the purposes of supporting Israel at America’s expense.”

As for Derbyshire’s quotes from Coulter’s “smash bestseller” – they pertain to a love of Israel’s policies, not her people. In Adios, America! Coulter is not defending Jews, she is defending Israel. Moreover, she is defending Israel in the areas that pertain to her agenda for America: immigration and border security.

Coulter’s Video Rebuttal

Coulter quickly entered firestorm mode, posting a professionally produced video defense[8] of her tweets. In her condescending self-defense video, Coulter attacked her critics while lying about her tweets and the context of those tweets.

Coulter claimed, ““It’s been a long theme of mine – attacking Republicans[9] for all, you know, trying to prove – I don’t know what they’re trying to prove – by constantly praising Reagan and denouncing abortion.”[10]

Yes, Coulter asserts that her criticism of Jews is really criticism of the GOP.

But even in defending herself, Coulter convicts herself. She added, “I hadn’t even mentioned their, their incessant sucking up to Israel in my column.” So, in Coulter’s view, the GOP is always, incessantly “sucking up to Israel.” Is Coulter suggesting that Israel donates to GOP campaign coffers? Or is she arguing that American Jews – most of whom vote Democrat – will vote for the GOP?

Coulter continued, “Then I watched the debate …” and hated those few references to Israel. Moreover – in her professionally-produced video rebuttal – Coulter again lied about the last question of the GOP debate. She claimed it had to do with what America would look like. No! The object of the question was the “world,” not “America.” In her tweets and interviews, she continually misstates that crucial question.

Regarding her GOP debate questions, Coulter asserts: “That was the anti-pandering section of my tweeting debate night.” Except, her criticism was of Israel, not pandering, and her anti-Semitic tweet called Jews, not GOP panderers, “f—ing.”

Coulter’s logic utterly falls apart in the next section. She argues:

“They chopped up the tweet, sent it out, the apotheosis of which was the Daily Beast post: ‘Ann Coulter Shouts Effing Jew.’ O, come on now. I know how to use Effing in a sentence.”

Coulter then admits that using “Effing Jew” on its own is anti-Semitic, but “Saying how many Effing anything, that’s a comment on quantity. It’s not saying ‘Effing Jews,’ it’s saying ‘how many.’ Quantity, not quality.”

Balderdash! The question queried quantity, but the qualifier on the noun (Jews) denoted quality (f—ing).

Coulter continued: “Because it was chopped up, [some] may have thought that I said something unkind and, I wouldn’t want [dramatic pause] them to think that.”

First, it was not “chopped up.” Second, everyone knows what her tweet meant. It is painfully obvious to all. Third, who is “them?” Why the significant pause before saying the word “them?” Who is “them?” Jews?

Coulter concluded: “I’m pro-Israel. So is everyone in the room. So is everyone on the stage. Can you give it a rest?”

Throughout her various iterations defending her indefensible tweet, Coulter has continually conflated “Jews” with “Israel.” They are not identical.

Anyone with a pulse knows, Jews are a people (racially, ethnically, religiously) and Israel is a nation. Coulter has certainly proven her exuberance for Israel’s policies (fence, immigration, anti-terrorism) and her current leader (Netanyahu). But when has she evinced support for the Jewish people? In fact, Coulter has treated Jews in a derogatory fashion.[11]

Hollywood Reporter Interview

In an astonishing interview with Hollywood Reporter, Coulter made several outrageous (and demonstrably untrue) assertions.

“It’s totally fake outrage from frauds who want to continue the dump of third-worlders on the country, including Muslim Jihadists, and voted for the guy who just gave a nuke to Iran.”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

Coulter claims her critics are “mostly Israel-hating liberals and pro-mass-immigration Republicans. Both of whom don’t want anyone to notice how immigration is changing the country, putting Americans – and Israel – at risk.”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

“The hypocrites who are mad at me are the ones who support anti-Israel college professors, who refuse to condemn Islamic barbarism, who supported the overthrow of Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood, who spread the deadly libel that Jews in America are only successful because of ‘white privilege.’”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

“There has been a huge spike in anti-Semitism across Europe due to the massive influx of Muslim immigrants. The same people in a faux uproar about my tweets are also leading the charge to import Muslims into the U.S.A. Half a million girls in the U.S. are now at risk for female genital mutilation. I doubt their dads are voting for pro-Israel politics. I’m the one who just wrote a book about these problems.”

How does Coulter know that it is the same people? Because they oppose Ann?

Conservative Coulter Critics

Sarah Rumpf lamented that “Ann Coulter Broke My Heart,” arguing that Coulter’s “raison d’être is no longer the bold articulation of conservative principles but rather an ugly and small-minded vision for America.” Rumpf concluded, “Coulter is too smart not to realize the danger she is courting. Her comments, and continued justification of them, are a betrayal of the principles of not just conservatism, but America.”

David French, at National Review, objected to Coulter’s “Snide comments about GOP obsessions with abortion, insufficient attention to immigration … and obsession with Israel.” French charged Coulter with “pandering – pandering to a very small, very angry crowd that’s far more white nationalist than it is recognizably conservative.”

French continued, “[Her tweets] do not reflect conservative ideals, they do not advance conservative ideals, nor will they even advance the civilizational goals she seems to care so much about. Like it or not, if one wants to actually secure the border and impose a sensible immigration policy, extending a middle finger to conservative America – while attention-getting – is ultimately unpersuasive.”

Joseph Farah, at World Net Daily noted, “The use of the F-bomb really does put her on shaky ground in denying her comment was not anti-Semitic. This is, after all, a woman who claims to be a Christian – one who presumably worships a Jewish Messiah called Jesus. As a Christian Arab-American, I can tell you stringing together that epithet with the word ‘Jews’ puts her on very shaky grounds in denying anti-Semitism.”

Farah continued, “At the very least, one has to wonder if she ever had a nasty, twisted, repugnant thought that went unexpressed.”

Farah continued, “Is Coulter aware that of all the religion-based attacks on people in the U.S., some 60 percent are directed at Jews? Is she unaware of the rising anti-Semitism on American college campuses and elsewhere in the country? Is she blithely ignorant of the fact that the one and only Jewish state in the world is surrounded by enemies who seek its destruction?”

Jack Engelhard, a conservative Jewish author, grieved over Coulter’s words to the point of throwing away all of her books. Her former fan wrote “she happens to be a fine, witty writer, a strong Conservative – a gal after my own heart. She was near the top of my list of brainy blonde Conservative bombshells, and politically, we work the same beat.”

But Coulter’s tweet was “like a kick in the gut – from a valued and trusted friend.” Engelhard then asked, “If that is what she is thinking – what about the rest of them who are my trusted political allies?” After mourning his loss, he added, “It’s bad enough that I am at odds with my Leftist acquaintances, but now I feel estranged from the Right. Are we really on the same side?”

“What part of shared Judeo/Christian heritage doesn’t she understand? Apparently the Judeo part.”

Binyamin Jolkovsky observed: “This is about a girl who threw a tantrum … on Twitter. Having an apology that’s acceptable, especially during this time of the year for the Jewish calendar, would be the right thing to do – it would be the Jewish thing to do. This is crazy.”

An apology would also be the Christian thing to do. That’s why she won’t do it.

Supporting Israel

Israel is America’s only loyal ally in the Middle East. Israel is the only nation in the world that truly understands the nature of the Islamist threat, having experienced an existential threat since her founding. Israel and the Israeli people share in the Judeo-Christian roots of the American people.[12]

In an Open Letter to Ann, Dr. Michael Brown wrote:

“Is it that hard to connect the dots between Israel, Iran, and American security, especially when you consider the devastating worldwide effects of a completely destabilized Middle East? And when Iranians chant in the streets, ‘Death to Israel! Death to America!’ it’s not that hard to realize that we’re connected in more ways than one.”

“And, by the way, in case you forgot, the Savior of the world is a Jewish Rabbi.”

Avi Davis observed: “Every one of these candidates has been on record for years expressing unconditional support for the State of Israel and its security needs – and it is for one glaringly simple reason: they believe Israel’s security vouchsafes the United States’ security.”

Davis continued, “Making that connection may not be so patently obvious given the geographical distance between the two countries. But it is abundantly clear to anyone who has heard jihadist rantings in mosques from Oslo to Riyadh – the two countries are regarded as the hydra headed monster whose joint destruction is essential to paving the way for the re-emergence of the Caliphate.”

As reported by Hollywood Reporter, Rick Santorum also took Coulter to task for her remarks, saying, “How many Bible-believing Christians does she think are in this country, who understand the significance of the heritage of the Jewish people in the Holy Land?”

Santorum added, “I think everybody, every conservative has a right to look at that and say that this is someone who clearly doesn’t understand the significance of [the relationship between Israel and the U.S.].”

Seemingly, Coulter makes common cause with the enemies of Israel and America.

Coulter’s Motivations

Tom Sykes echoes what I have been saying for years: “Fearful of being forgotten, Coulter has reacted by becoming ever more offensive.”

Per Joseph Farah, “It’s sad to see Coulter degenerate into a slur machine, one who seems so desperate for fame at any cost that she will say anything and possibly do anything to maintain a career as, frankly, a thuggish commentator.”

Rick Santorum argues that Coulter’s rhetoric is reflective of her desires for self-promotion: “some people in the Republican Party who are in the pundit class, who are there to be controversial, and to try to make money, and sell their books. And that’s just fine – they can go sell their books.”

Dr. Brown wrote to Coulter: “You’re obviously no stranger to controversy. To the contrary, you seem to thrive on controversy. In fact, you seem to enjoy provoking it.”

My dear Jewish and Christian friends, let me commiserate with you. Betrayal hurts. But Coulter has never been a trustworthy person.[13] For at least twenty years now, Coulter has betrayed individuals, groups, and causes. Claiming to be a pro-life[14] Christian,[15] she has notably attacked both groups – all to serve her own agenda.

Ann Coulter is her own North Star.[16] Or, to put it another way, Ann Coulter ‘s North Star is Ann Coulter.

Perhaps, at one time, Coulter was guided to some degree by the values of Mother and Father, but no longer. Coulter has become a law unto herself. Her indomitable will seeks to bend the will of others to her own.[17] But she is not a force of nature because nature bends to the will of God.

Time will tell if this particular controversy (again, of Coulter’s own making) will be her Waterloo or her Road to Damascus experience.

Prayer for Ann

Karen Wolfers Rapaport has a gracious response to Coulter’s series of anti-Semitic remarks. Karen began: “Before I continue I would like to be clear that I believe most Christians and non-Jews do not agree with Ann’s remark. I do not see her as a spokeswoman or an ambassador for her religion.”

Rapaport later noted the introspective, soul-searching nature of this season of the Jewish calendar, and she expressed gratitude to Coulter:

“Thank you for being a shofar of sorts, reminding this Jew or any Jew or non-Jew who wishes to participate in a time worn, magical practice, that this is the time for us to do teshuvah; to repent and take stock in our personal character inventory. And in the spirit of forgiveness that marks this time, I solemnly, and with all my heart, forgive you for your insensitivity and ignorance on the subject of perfection.”

Please join me in prayer for Ann:

Lord, cast down Ann Coulter’s haughtiness, her pride and arrogance, her sense of superiority and sense of entitlement. Cast them down to the earth. Cast them down to depths of hell itself.

Then, Lord, lift her up to You. Open her eyes to Your Truth and open her heart to Your love. Grant her a spirit of repentance and forgiveness, a spirit of humility and grace.



[1]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[2]               See “Propaganda: George Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-4j.

[3]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[4]               See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

[5]               See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[6]               See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[7]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[8]               “Ann Coulter Defends Her Controversial tweet,’ producer Graham Flanagan, Business Insider, 9/18/15.

[9]               See “Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-3p.

[10]             See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[11]             See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[12]             See “CPAC: America’s Christian Heritage Denied” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8E.

[13]               See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, 2013, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[14]               See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[15]              See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[16]              See Vanity: Ann Couler’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[17]               See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, 2014, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots

Ann Coulter has come under fire for what have been described as “controversial” (i.e., anti-Semitic) tweets. Given Coulter’s long history of anti-Jewish sentiment, why are conservatives giving her the benefit of the doubt?


Before perusing the historical record, let’s examine Coulter’s most-recent tweets.

Coulter’s Tweets on Israel

Coulter remains single-mindedly obsessed with immigration (and selling herself and her book[1]), so much so that every other cause means nothing to Coulter, who has viciously attacked pro-lifers[2] and Reaganites.[3] Now, Coulter has gone after Jews and Israel. Anything or anyone posing a threat to Coulter’s agenda or her preferred nominee is fodder.

As for her tweets (emphasis added) …

Time Tweet
8:46 pm Huckabee admirably passionate on Israel. If only he cared as much about the survival of the U.S.
8:51 pm GOP definitely wants to protect Israel! How are they going to do it when immigration turns US into CA and no GOP can be elected president?
9:00 pm So glad I’m watching debate! Learned GOP is: anti-abortion, pro-Israel, pro-Reagan. I wonder if there’s any disagreement on immigration…
11:00 pm Good grief! Huckabee is running for PM of Israel.
11:05 pm Cruz, Huckabee Rubio all mentioned ISRAEL in their response to: “What will AMERICA look like after you are president.” [NOTE: The actual question was “world” not “America.”]
11:05 pm How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States? [NOTE: Coulter courteously bleeped out expletive so as not to offend. Answer: Almost 7 million.]
11:06 pm Maybe it’s to suck up to the Evangelicals.
11:14 pm Christie also talks @ Israel in response to the question: What will AMERICA look like after you are president? [NOTE: The actual question was “world” not “America.”]
11:18 pm How to get applause from GOP donors: 1) Pledge to start a war 2) Talk about job creators 3) Denounce abortion 4) Cite Reagan 5) Cite Israel.

In Coulter’s lopsided logic, affirmation of America’s commitment to Israel should be presumed but not expressed.

Coulter must know that there are many reasons for candidates to pledge support to one of America’s staunchest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East. Geopolitically, candidates employ “Israel” as a symbol of their worldviews and global vision: Judeo-Christian camaraderie and a united defense against terrorist, tyrannical, and rogue regimes. One’s stance on Israel presages one’s foreign-policy perspective.

If we’re not standing with Israel, we’re standing with Iran.

Notice that Coulter impugns the motives of all those who are “anti-abortion, pro-Israel, pro-Reagan.” She contends – as she has throughout her book tour – that they are “pandering” to constituencies (offering no evidence) and that they are cowards for not being single-mindedly focused on her preeminent issue: immigration.

The ease with which Coulter enters into scorched-earth polemics is astonishing.

Coulter Defends Tweets on Israel

Coulter’s self-defense began on the Kelly File, with her close friend, Megyn Kelly, lending support. Asked by Kelly, “Do you want to take that back?” Coulter said, “No” and claimed her tweet was part of a larger narrative condemning the alleged political “pandering” of GOP candidates who seek to check off “virtue boxes.”[4] Coulter again misquoted the debate question about how America would be different when the question was about how the world would be different. Kelly then quickly switched topics.

Coulter’s post-Fox interview tweets build upon her creative justification for her earlier tweets (emphasis added):

Time Tweet
1:15 am U weren’t following tweets. About pandering on RR Israel prolife. Last Q was @ AMERICA & 4 Reps talk @ Israel AGAIN! twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta… [NOTE: The actual question was “world” not “America.”]
1:16 am All GOPs = prolife, pro-Reagan, pro-Israel. Pandering on all 3 tonight was EPIC. twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
1:17 am There aren’t even that many Evangelicals to pander to (probably the intended Israel pander-recipients). twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
1:28 am I like the Jews, I like fetuses, I like Reagan. Didn’t need to hear applause lines about them all night. twitter.com/Jimbobbarley/s…
1:32 am It’s not about Jewish people; it’s about Republican panderers. twitter.com/lilenchiladas/…
2:00 am It has to be read w/ prior tweet. Only 140 characters so sometimes they continue. Not @ Jews; about GOP pandering. twitter.com/RightForLife/s…
4:24 am @JoelCRosenberg Joel! I am a huge Israel fan! See my current book. I was attacking GOP for pandering on Israel (AND Reagan AND abortion).

Anyone who is “a huge Israel fan” could not marry the words “f—ing” and “Jews.” Moreover, if it was about pandering, why an expletive for Jews instead of the pandering politicians?

Who uses expletives to express love for a loved one? Yet, Coulter tweeted, “I like the Jews.” Do you believe her?

In that very same tweet, Coulter continued, “I like fetuses.” Since when? Throughout her book tour,[5] Coulter has vilified pro-life Republicans[6] for pursuing a pro-life agenda.[7] For nearly twenty years, Coulter has subordinated pro-life concerns for her own personal or political agendas.

Don’t listen to who or what Ann Coulter claims to be. Pay attention to what she actually does. Her claims[8] and promises are worthless.[9]

Coulter’s Jewish Roots

Throughout her career, Coulter has expressed antipathy toward Jews, from writing about “oily Jews” to wanting them to be “perfected.” These are not gaffes. They reflect her heart.

Coulter has a long history of anti-Semitism, stretching back to at least the early 1990s. In his first anticonservative book, David Brock “outed” Coulter as an anti-Semite, stating, “That she wanted to leave her New York law firm ‘to get away from all these Jews’ was one of her gentler remarks.”[10]

Consider a 2003 column by Coulter (emphasis added):

“In addition to having a number of family deaths among them, the Democrats’ other big idea – too nuanced for a bumper sticker – is that many of them have Jewish ancestry. There’s Joe Lieberman: Always Jewish. Wesley Clark: Found Out His Father Was Jewish in College. John Kerry: Jewish Since He Began Presidential Fund-Raising. Howard Dean: Married to a Jew. Al Sharpton: Circumcised. Even Hillary Clinton claimed to have unearthed some evidence that she was a Jew – along with the long lost evidence that she was a Yankees fan. And that, boys and girls, is how the Jews survived thousands of years of persecution: by being susceptible to pandering.”[11]

Pandering to Jews?[12]

Only Coulter (or an MSNBC host) could write of “oily Jews”[13] and get away with it.

In an equally astonishing entry on her own personal website, captioned “Who said Jews are smart?” Coulter wrote: “NYT Letter of the Day!: ‘Astroturf’ refers to protesters who disagree with me and therefore are not rational.”[14]

Let’s not forget Coulter’s infamous dialogue with Donnie Deutsch about “perfecting” Jews. To save herself from repercussions for her faux paus, Coulter claimed to be the victim and besmirched Deutsch with a wholly fabricated claim which fellow conservatives and fellow Christians bought into as if it were holy writ.[15]

Regarding her “f—ing Jews” tweet, the Anti-Defamation League immediately condemned her remarks, noting:

“While most of America has rightly tuned out Ann Coulter’s hyperbolic and hateful rhetoric, her irresponsible tweets during the Republican presidential candidate’s debate are truly a new low and must be called out.”

“Ms. Coulter is pandering to the basest of her base. Her messages challenging the candidates’ support for Israel were offensive, ugly, spiteful and anti-Semitic.  Her tweets give fodder to those who buy into the anti-Semitic notions that Jews ‘control’ the U.S. government, wield disproportionate power in politics, and are more loyal to Israel than to their own country.”

“All decent Americans should reject Ms. Coulter’s rhetoric as simply beyond the pale.”

Coulter has often said that she sets out to deliberately offend people,[16] and offend she does. Coulter has no filters. Also bear in mind that Coulter is explicitly seeking the restoration of a WASP culture,[17] one predominated by Western European (i.e., British) peoples. Jews and Israelis need not apply.

Update: As usual, Coulter claims her innocence. She insists she “likes” Jews. Does she consider “f—ing Jews” a compliment? An expression (epithet) of love? How can she defend her choice of words and how could she even imagine marrying those words to begin with? Did she greet her father, “F—ing Father?” How does she speak to her lovers?

Coulter told the Daily Beast: “I’m accusing Republicans of thinking the Jews have so much power. They’re the ones who are comedically acting out this play where Jews control everything.” But, wait! Coulter is the one perpetuating this stereotype that no Republicans have voiced. This is Coulter’s explanation for expressing anti-Semitic thoughts – that other people (who have stated those thoughts) are thinking it.

Coulter interjected, “This episode is not going a long way to disprove that [Jews have too much power in Washington.]” Yes, Coulter laments that Jews are so powerful that they are behind the backlash against her anti-Semitic remarks.

Coulter continued: “My point was this whole culture of virtue-signaling where debates are about nothing. Look, Republicans all agree 100 percent that we are pro-Israel, pro-Life, pro-gun. So why do we spend so much time on these issues? It’s just pandering, so who are they pandering to?”

Except, as noted above, Israel is a proxy for a candidate’s entire foreign policy perspective. Moreover, at this moment in history, with Israel (and Jews) under attack throughout the world, and with Obama’s complete surrender to Iran – who wants to destroy both Israel and America – voicing support for Israel is a good, moral, and rational thing to do.

Moreover, Coulter is a consummate wordsmith. She knows language and is proud of her expertise. The adjective “f—ing” modifies the noun “Jews” – not panderers. Indeed, she only tweeted about “pandering” after fallout from her earlier tweets.

Coulter defended her choice of words – “f—ing Jews” – saying, “I don’t think it was my language. I think it was ripped out of context and lied about.” Contrary to Coulter’s assertions, her words are clear and precise – and they reveal her heart.

See also “Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a9.


[1]               See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s Bio Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-6p.

[2]               See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[3]               See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[4]               Ann Coulter, Kelly File, FNC, 9/17/15.

[5]               See “Coulter Disses Pro-Lifers – Again!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8J.

[6]               See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[7]               See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[8]               See “Ann Coulter’s Crazy Funhouse Mirror” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8n.

[9]               See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, 2014, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[10]             David Brock, Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative, Crown Forum, 2002, pg. 182.

[11]             Ann Coulter, “Party of Ideas,” 11/20/03.

[12]             See Chapter 10: “Equality: Self-Evident Truths,” The Gospel According to Ann Coulter, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[13]             Ann Coulter, “Inmates ‘Have A Plan’ To Run The Asylum,” 10/20/04.

[14]             Ann Coulter entry, http://www.anncoulter.com, 8/25/09, 2:17 p.m. (emphasis in the original).

[15]             See Chapter 6: “I Am Victim, Hear Me Whine,” The Beauty of Conservatism, 2011, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[16]             See “Coulter, Simply Offensive” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5i.

[17]             See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s WASP Fantasy” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7H.

Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior

For Coulter, salvation is always political, not spiritual; temporal, not eternal. For Coulter, pursuing Paradise on earth is preferential to the heavenly one. This has been true for nearly two decades.

Coulter's Savior

Beginning with the 2000 election cycle,[1] Coulter has consistently attacked Christians and pro-lifers, demonized the opponents of her chosen candidates, and sought to subvert the political process to achieve victory.

Apocalypse Now

Coulter loves hyperbole and frequently employs apocalyptic terms. In 2014, she said, “It seems like we’re in the middle of the Democrats’ Thousand Year Reich.”[2]

Keeping with the theme, Coulter asserts, “America is the most consequential nation on Earth … If America falls, it will be a thousand years of darkness for the entire planet.” A thousand years?

Regarding our near future, Coulter argues, “We are talking about the future not only of America but the last genuinely Christian country on earth, and, thus, the world. If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years!”[3]

Sounds like the future of the planet rests in America’s (not God’s) hands.

Just last week, Coulter chimed in again with her apocalyptic millennial prophesy:

“If America is gone, it’s not just lights out for Americans, it’s lights out for the rest of the world. … When this country is gone, who is going to save these other countries from war lords, from tsunamis, from, from Ebola, from, from, from the Nazis?”[4]

America’s Christian Roots

Surprisingly, in the midst of her Cassandra-like oracle, Coulter said, “This is a powerful Christian country. I would say it is the only genuinely Christian country … the only country with any power that is a genuinely shot through with Christianity from its very founding country on earth.”

America, as Coulter observed, “was not only founded by Christians, it was founded by Protestants.” She added, “The underlying, animating philosophy to this country and to our founding is a Christian worldview.”

Coulter is good at expounding upon America’s Christian heritage[5] but fails to grasp that what America needs most is not a political realignment but a spiritual revival to reclaim America’s roots.[6]

Salvation cannot come by means of political saviors but only through a heartfelt appeal to the Savior of the world.

Yet, Coulter ignores the moral morass and cultural decay prevalent in so much of America and seeks a political, as opposed to moral, solution, saying,

“It is like the fall of Rome but, thank God, and I am not using the Lord’s name in vain, I mean that absolutely literally, thank God for raising up Donald Trump and giving us a chance to save the country.”[7]

Coulter is looking to the wrong savior!

Coulter’s Savior

Trumpeting Trump,[8] Coulter warns, “I think any Republican – other than Trump – would be a disaster [for America].”[9]

Coulter reminisced, “Whoever thought that Donald Trump would be America’s savior?”[10] And, again, “If he ran, I had no idea he would be America’s Savior. … our next president, who’s going to save America.”[11]

Donald Trump is Coulter’s current Savior[12] – and America’s, too. So says Ann, who calls Trump, “my hero, our Savior, the man who’s going to save my world.”[13] (Sorry, Ann, but Jesus is the Savior of my world – and yours!)

Calling Trump, “the greatest candidate for president ever”[14] and “the candidate I’ve been dreaming of,”[15] Coulter astonishingly said, “I totally would [marry Trump if he were single].”[16]

Asked to describe her actual relationship with Trump, Coulter replied, “Blind worship.”

Blind worship? Sounds like a religious experience to me. Coulter amplified her answer, “It’s a little like the North Korean people with their dear, dear leader.” (Trump is really like a crazy, socialist tyrant?)

Ensuring that we all get the spiritual undertone of her remarks, Coulter employs biblical imagery. She introduced Trump at one of his rallies, saying,

“And now I think it’s like Joseph in the Bible. He had to be sold into slavery, imprisoned, betrayed so that eventually he could save the Jews. Maybe Mitt Romney had to lose. And maybe we had to give Republicans one more chance in 2014. And maybe Mitch McConnell and John Boehner had to betray us one more time to pave the way for President Donald Trump. God hasn’t given up on America yet.”[17]

On another occasion, Coulter compared Trump to yet another biblical hero: “and then it all works out and David is the assistant to the king and saves all the Jews.”[18]

Vote Republican! … or Else

Coulter sees Republicans (not necessarily conservatives) as America’s savior.

For many years now, Coulter has insisted that we vote Republican, regardless of either the character or conservative credentials of the candidate. History has proven her wrong. Despite historic gains,[19] Republicans have caved in to the Obama/leftist agenda because far too few Republicans are actually conservative.

Why would that be? In part, because Coulter continually promotes RINOs (even when they are not running!)[20] and attacks true conservatives.[21] Then she is chagrined when RINOs act like RINOs.[22]

Coulter now complains that we should not seek out conservatives because they haven’t done anything!

“Forget conservative. What have the conservatives done for you? What did conservative George Bush do? He nearly destroyed the Party and the country in one swell foop. … He wiped out the Republican Party in the House and the Senate. … How about Mitch McConnell and John Boehner?”[23]

The people Coulter complains about are the ones she supported! Coulter practically worshiped Bush throughout most of his presidency. Now – after the facthe’s the problem? Coulter defended McConnell at every turn, even as conservatives discounted his alleged conservative credentials. (Coulter was wrong!)

Confronted with the claim that they weren’t conservative, Coulter exclaimed, “They’re Republicans! You have to vote for somebody!”

Wow! She still doesn’t get it. Republicans are not necessarily conservatives. Coulter has consistently supported non-conservative Republicans, yet complains when they fail to legislate or govern according to conservative principles.

Blinded by her own unique paradigm, Coulter is alone in her worldview, exclaiming, “In fact, my ideal ticket is Trump-Romney. That’s what I’m really hoping for. That’s the dynamite combo.”[24] (Two RINOs to restore America’s Christian conservative roots?)

Coulter, the Closet Christian

For almost twenty years, Coulter has boasted of being a Christian. She claimed, “I’m a Christian and everything comes from being a Christian,”[25] adding that “Christianity fuels all of my books.”

Why does Christianity fuel all of her books? “because you are called upon to behave in a certain way as a Christian and that is to fight lies, injustice, cruelty, hypocrisy, that fuels everything.” (One could argue that she has been fighting against herself all of these years!)

Then why has Coulter repeatedly vilified[26] Christian missionaries[27] over a period of years[28] and repeatedly attacked[29] pro-lifers[30]for years.[31]

Coulter even refuses to help Christians being martyred[32] in a horrific genocide overseas! For Coulter, political considerations always outweigh the moral and spiritual implications of any situation. Ann Coulter is about as Christian as Barack Obama.[33]

Yet, Coulter insists, “Christianity fuels everything I write”[34] and claims, “I’m an extraordinarily good Christian.”[35]

Just yesterday, Coulter asserted, “You know I’m a big Christian.”[36]

Many Christians live fearfully in the closet, threatened by persecution, torture, and death. Coulter claims to be a Christian. If only her words and actions would come out of the closet and prove her claims!


[1]               See various case studies in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[2]               Ann Coulter, Heritage Foundation, 7/11/14.

[3]               Ann Coulter, Eric Metaxas Show, Salem Media Group, 1/12/16.

[4]               Ann Coulter, The Costa Report, 1/14/16.

[5]               See “CPAC: America’s Christian Heritage Denied” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8E.

[6]               See “Reclaiming America!” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-9V.

[7]               Ann Coulter, Eric Metaxas Show, Salem Media Group, 1/12/16.

[8]               See “Coulter Hates All GOP Candidates But Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bj.

[9]               Ann Coulter, Eric Metaxas Show, Salem Media Group, 10/22/15.

[10]             Ann Coulter, John Gibson Show, Fox News, 1/14/16.

[11]             Ann Coulter, Live Book Signing, 12/21/15.

[12]             See “Coulter Trumped Up” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7Q.

[13]             Ann Coulter, Alan Colmes Show, Fox News, 1/15/16.

[14]             Ann Coulter, Joyce Kaufman Show, WFTL, 12/17/15.

[15]             Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity Show, Premiere Radio Networks, 1/19/16.

[16]             Ann Coulter, Alan Colmes Show, Fox News, 1/15/16.

[17]             Ann Coulter, speech introducing Donald Trump, Dubuque, IA, 8/25/15.

[18]             Ann Coulter, Live Book Signing, 12/21/15.

[19]             See “GOP Triumphs Despite Voter Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-59.

[20]             See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[21]             See “Coulter Attacks Principled Conservatives” at http://t.co/npUIoRm4gt.

[22]             See “Coulter Discovers RINOs will be … RINOs” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-56.

[23]             Ann Coulter, Eric Metaxas Show, Salem Media Group, 1/12/16.

[24]             Ann Coulter, Hardball, MSNBC, 1/11/16.

[25]             Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes, FNC, 6/6/06.

[26]             See “Ann Coulter’s Xenophobic Anti-Gospel of Hate” at http://t.co/aQGhLuWwtD.

[27]             See “Ann Coulter to God: “STFU”” at http://t.co/avKhlc4yVv.

[28]             See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[29]             See “Coulter Disses Pro-Lifers – Again!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8J.

[30]             See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[31]             See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[32]             See “Let Them Be Martyred!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-aR.

[33]             See “Is Ann Coulter a Courageous Christian?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-60.

[34]             Lisa de Pasquale,Exclusive Interview: Coulter Says Book Examines ‘Mental Disorder’ of Liberalism,” Human Events, 6/6/06.

[35]             “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html.

[36]             Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity Show, Premiere Radio Networks, 1/19/16.

Coulter Attacks Christians for Being Godly

Self-described controversialist Ann Coulter, who claims to be “an extraordinarily good Christian,”[1] has again attacked Christians, this time – for being godly!

In her most recent column, titled, “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, but They Shouldn’t be President,”[2] Coulter exalts Trump and debases the godly.


With an incredible display of biblical ignorance, Coulter urges her readers to shun Christian virtues and overlook the ungodliness of the GOP frontrunner. Indeed, Coulter seems to regard Trump’s ungodliness as a virtue!

Her column is pure propaganda.[3] Remember, Coulter has repeatedly vilified[4] Christian missionaries[5] over a period of years[6] and she has repeatedly attacked[7] pro-lifers[8]for years.[9]

Meekness Is a Leadership Asset

The very title of Coulter’s essay displays a gross misunderstanding of what it means to be meek. Meekness is not an incidental aspect of the Christian experience – it is an essential one. That is why it is one of the first of the Beatitudes. Coulter can cite the verse but has no idea what it means!

(If meekness is a good quality for a spiritual leader, why would it be a bad quality for a secular leader?)

Moses is one of the most revered men in the Old Testament. His dramatic exploits are legendary. Called “a friend of God,” Moses led countless millions of Hebrew slaves out of captivity. Moses courageously confronted the political and religious ruler of the most powerful nation on earth at the time – armed with only a staff and God’s promises.

Yet, God called him the meekest man to ever live. In Numbers 12:3, we read, “ (Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.)” The King James Version uses the word “meek” instead of “humble.”

Throughout scripture, God chastises the proud (epitomized by Trump and Coulter) and lifts up the humble (epitomized by those Coulter berates).

Thinking she has given the coup d’état to her critics, Coulter argues, “The idea that Christians are supposed to be milquetoasts is liberal propaganda. Ask the money-changers how meek Jesus was.”

Jesus was no milquetoast, but He surely was meeker than Moses. Jesus described Himself, saying, “I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29). The apostle Paul agreed, writing: “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8).

No one else in all of creation did what Jesus did. Jesus, the Creator,[10] humbled Himself to be born as a helpless Babe, live the struggles of human existence, and give His perfect, sinless life to redeem those who were persecuting, torturing, and killing Him.[11] That is true courage and genuine humility clothed in perfect love.

As Christian author and quadriplegic Joni Eareckson Tada so wonderfully expressed it, God handicapped Himself in human form for 33 years, with all of the human limitations and vulnerabilities that that entailed. He condescended to be one of us.

Jesus Christ – the most important Person who ever lived – was the meekest of all.

Humility is a key to proven leadership skills and success. Two examples from American history suffice to prove my point.

Father of Our Country

A great warrior and statesman, George Washington is rightly regarded as the Father of our Country. Through his valiant efforts, the British were defeated and thirteen disparate colonies were forged into the United States.

Washington’s courage and character are renowned. Those traits were intertwined with humility, prayer, and a dependence upon the providence of God. Washington prayed to God, and with his troops, every day.

Indeed, Washington’s courage was born out of humility and faith in God’s providence. Absent what Coulter regards as “incidental tenets of Christianity,”[12] the bold courage Coulter champions would never take place.

As a teenager, Washington wrote a book, “Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation.” Washington believed in the moral absolutes which Coulter is so willing to jettison for partisan purposes. The final rule on Washington’s list is especially noteworthy: “Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Celestial fire Called Conscience.”

The Great Emancipator

George Washington fathered the United States; Abraham Lincoln preserved the Union. Lincoln, a humble and devout man, courageously spoke the truth in times of turmoil. Under his leadership, a rebellion was crushed and an enslaved people liberated.

Lincoln’s wit and wisdom are renowned. So, too, his devotion to God and his humble compassion for others. This president who would ultimately restore the Union at great cost to himself and the nation, exhorted (emphasis added),

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Sounds like a good mix of courage and humility to me.

Christian Courage

In the context of courage and humility – and Coulter’s bogus assertion that Jesus was not meek – Coulter declares, “Sometimes the country needs a man.”

But, as we have just seen, humility is a part of manliness. Some might argue, humility is the mother of manliness. Those who cannot forgive or seek forgiveness, who refuse to extend grace, who are unrepentant and filled with hubris – are without courage. Ergo, a very flawed manliness.

Coulter’s lead paragraph puts Coulter’s foolishness on full display (emphasis added):

“It took a billionaire living the glamorous New York City life to exhibit real Christian courage by going against every elite group in the nation, every media outlet, every well-heeled donor, to defend America from destruction by immigration.”

Pardon me, Ann, but …

“real Christian courage” tackles the thorny moral issues of living a sinful life;

“real Christian courage” denies self instead of exalting self;

“real Christian courage” is found in Christians who are devoted to God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

Clearly, Coulter does not know the meaning of courage.

Coulter also makes an explicit unproven claim: “Trump’s a Christian.” (Jesus – hint: the Person Christians are called to follow – said that a person is known by the fruit harvested in his life.)

(Is Coulter a courageous Christian?[13])

Impugns Russell Moore’s Motives

In her column, Coulter repeatedly impugns Russell Moore’s motives for criticizing Trump. She – with absolutely no evidence to back it up – claims that Moore was “desperate for liberal approval,” adding one of her parenthetical jokes: “(Please like me, New York Times!).”

Coulter belittles Moore as a “bossy Christian” and a member of the “Piety Police with smug certitude.” Defending her and Trump’s use of sarcasm, Coulter calls it “a rhetorical device bossy Christians tell us is un-Christian.” (In defending Trump, Coulter is defending herself.)

She falsely claims, “Moore is especially offended by Trump’s ‘boisterous confidence’ and ‘waving arms’” – points which are incidental to Moore’s critique (see below).

Coulter further reverses reality by exalting her reality star messiah and debasing a man of God, claiming: “It’s not Trump who’s displaying the sin of pride here.” (Coulter’s narcissism rivals that of Trump.[14])

Supports Libertine

Coulter charges Moore with arguing [emphasis added], “that Christian conservatives ‘must repudiate everything they believe’ in order to support Donald Trump, who ‘incites division, with slurs against Hispanic immigrants and with protectionist jargon that preys on turning economic insecurity into ugly “us versus them” identity politics.’”

Moore is correct. Christian conservatives who support Trump despite his many moral (and ideological) failings are, in effect, repudiating their Christian beliefs. Moore wrote:

“Most illogical is [Trump’s] support from evangelicals and other social conservatives. To back Mr. Trump, these voters must repudiate everything they believe. … We should, though, ask about his personal character and fitness for office. … Mr. Trump’s personal lack of a moral compass. … We should also count the cost of following Donald Trump. To do so would mean that we’ve decided to join the other side of the culture war, that image and celebrity and money and power and social Darwinist ‘winning’ trump the conservation of moral principles and a just society. We ought to listen, to get past the boisterous confidence and the television lights and the waving arms and hear just whose speech we’re applauding.”

Coulter blunders as she tries to refute Moore’s criticism. Coulter blindly admits “that Trump is a model-marrying libertine,” yet dismisses that fact by writing, “actual evangelicals understand that this is entirely beside the point.” No! It is precisely the point!

Coulter derides Christians who seek a candidate by checking “off the most boxes on an evangelical lifestyle list” and asserts: “This is an election about saving the concept of America, the last hope for Christianity on the planet.”

Again, Coulter is utterly wrong to claim that the survival of Christianity depends upon America’s survival. Jesus, the meekest Man to ever live, is also the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Jesus is also the Head of the Church and Jesus will ensure that Christianity will not only survive, it will thrive. To quote Jesus, “O ye of little faith!”

Two Decades Ago Coulter Was Right

Remarkably, two decades ago, Coulter took the opposite position, demanding that politicians exhibit both public and private virtue. As she noted, “That is the whole purpose of having standards and religion and character.”[15] She continued, “I think that’s why this country has been able to have unprecedented freedoms that other countries have never even seen, because we have always had a private moral structure. Unfettered freedom is not such a great thing if people don’t have character.”

But now, Coulter champions a libertine, as described by Moore and affirmed by Coulter.


[1]              “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html.

[2]               Ann Coulter, “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, but They Shouldn’t be President,” 10/28/15.

[3]               See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, 2014, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com.propaganda.pdf.

[4]               See “Ann Coulter’s Xenophobic Anti-Gospel of Hate” at http://t.co/aQGhLuWwtD.

[5]               See “Ann Coulter to God: “STFU”” at http://t.co/avKhlc4yVv.

[6]               See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[7]               See “Coulter Disses Pro-Lifers – Again!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8J.

[8]               See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[9]               See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[10]             See “Attacking the Faith: Did Jesus Say that He is God?” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-P.

[11]             See “Resurrection: Life & Liberty, Power & Purpose” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-z.

[12]             See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter, 2012, available as a free download at http://www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[13]             See “Is Ann Coulter a Courageous Christian?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-60.

[14]             See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com.vanity.pdf.

[15]             Ann Coulter, MSNBC, 6/7/97.

Coulter’s “Useless Idiots” and Other Foolishness

Over the past week, Coulter has exposed the foolishness of her heart in countless ways.

Coulter posted[1] anti-Semitic tweets[2] and then denied doing so.[3] Later, her anti-Catholic tweets[4] decried the anti-Americanness of Catholicism. In her weekly column, Coulter added to her foolishness by “sneering” at people who have not gone to elite universities.


An elite’s elite, Coulter’s closest friends and colleagues are elites. She regularly associates with millionaires and billionaires.[5] As a teen, she wanted the “cream to rise” and, now, she regards herself as the crème-de-la-crème.[6] Elitism is in Coulter’s genes.

Consequently, Coulter’s ego knows no bounds and her arrogance no limits. Coulter, a very intelligent person, often acts like a fool.

Coulter’s “Useless Idiots”

Coulter’s most recent essay title, “Useless Idiots,”[7] is reminiscent of Scrooge’s “surplus humanity,” and it brings to mind Jesus’ admonition in Matthew 5:22 – “… whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ [empty-headed] shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.”

Jesus admonished his audience to refrain from calling or deeming other people worthless (the meaning of Jesus’ words). Coulter’s “Useless Idiots” seemingly denies the humanity of those she condemns even as it certainly denies their utility. But we should not be surprised. Throughout her career,[8] Coulter has sought out useful relationships and discarded those she deemed were worthless.

In this column, Coulter again championed her latest hero, Donald Trump, as the new and improved Ronald Reagan. Trump, after all, is a successful multi-billionaire who went to an elite school. In other words, the Donald has the right credentials.

Moreover, Coulter explicitly equates intelligence with going “to top schools.” In fact, Coulter redefines “elite” to exclude “utter mediocrities” who went to ordinary schools. It must be a horror of horrors to attend “a third-rate college in the era of need-blind admissions.”

Ironically, Coulter once adored Reagan, who did not go to an elite school.

From that column (and other of her writings), it appears Coulter would like to establish an aristocracy in which elites (as defined and selected by Coulter)[9] would rule.

Sneering at the Unwashed Masses

In a rebuttal entitled, “Ann Coulter’s sneering at ‘bush-league colleges’ is unbecoming of a true conservative,” Matt Lewis demolishes Coulter’s elitist pretensions.

Lewis acknowledges the importance of “Intelligence and academic performance,” but adds that “they must also be tempered with virtues like wisdom, prudence, and humility – not to mention leadership skills.” He notes that throughout history, many evil people have been intelligent. According to Lewis, “The most dangerous person isn’t a dumb person – it’s more likely a highly intelligent person who lacks wisdom, or has selfish motivations.”

The Founding Fathers would have agreed with Lewis. They knew that the success of our Republic depends upon a virtuous people and without that, it will ultimately fail.

Lewis quotes economist and philosopher Walter Williams, “The opposite of intellect isn’t dullness or slowness, but the opposite of wisdom is foolishness, which is far more dangerous.”

Building upon Williams’ insight, Lewis adds, “Intelligence is important, but without other virtues, it’s more dangerous than ignorance. The unadulterated worship of elite academic achievement employs a brand of tunnel vision that is not only wrong, but dangerous.”

Given Coulter’s hatred of political correctness and the far-left views which permeate academia, one wonders why she would extol the supremacy of those very institutions. Indeed, the Stanford Trinity (racism, sexism, classism) and an environment hostile to Christianity and traditional values pervade many of these universities which deny the conservative and Christian views Coulter purports to embrace.

What’s up with that? Coulter is herself among their alumni. (In an indirect manner, Coulter is praising herself as qualified because she is among the elite as she defines it.)

Coulter’s views, as expressed in her column, reveal an incredibly bizarre perspective for one who claims to be a constitutional conservative. As Lewis notes, Coulter is “condescendingly dismissing the value of … 99 percent of the country.” Just as Coulter would disenfranchise women from voting, she would dismiss the views of most Americans because they don’t measure up to her standards.

As Lewis puts it, “This is not only morally contemptuous and politically stupid – it’s flat out wrong.” He adds that it is “unbecoming of a conservative.” The American Dream has always been something achievable by people from every strata of society who, with determination and hard work, strive to attain their goals.

But not in Coulter’s world.

Open Letter to Ann

Dear Ann,

My dear sister in Christ (if you are, in fact, in Christ)[10],

You have – for far, far too long – trusted in yourself and not in God.

Very intelligent people, like you, Ann,[11] can become extremely foolish when they turn their backs on God. That’s just dumb. God gives His wisdom to those who seek and do His will.

Hence, your many imbroglios.[12]

The apostle James tells us, in James 4:6, “Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’” In the very next verse, he urges us, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Ann, are you bedeviled?

James advises us and assures us, in verse 8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” That is a promise direct from the heart of God. Yes, Ann, he is speaking to you and to me.

How do we draw near to God? James tells us: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” We obey Him and seek to become more like Him. As we draw near to God, He reciprocates. In that process, we yield our lives to Him.

I understand, Ann, that being in control is all important to you. You want to control every aspect of your life. Self-sufficiency[13] (except when you depend upon your powerful friends to help you when you screw up) is part of your self-identity.[14] But, Ann, you constantly and continually elevate your will about God’s.

Therefore, God has not shared His wisdom with you and He has given you over to your own foolishness.[15]

In verse 10, James encourages each of us with these words: “ Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

Humility is another Christian trait which remains foreign to you. In point of fact, humility is inimical to your proclivity, your self-perception, and your preferred way of being. But, unless you humble yourself, God will continue to resist you.

Your brother in Christ,



[1]               See “Jews: Quality, not Quantity” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-al.

[2]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[3]               See “Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a9.

[4]               See “First, Jews; Now, Catholics?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-ah.

[5]               See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[6]               See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[7]               Ann Coulter, “Useless Idiots,” 9/23/15.

[8]               See The Beauty of Conservatism, 2011, available as a free download at http://www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[9]               See “Coulter Dictates” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-3E.

[10]             See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[11]             See “Ann Coulter – Smartest Person in the World” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-59.

[12]             See “Ann Coulter Screws Up Again” at http://t.co/IfJD3YVG3o.

[13]             See “Delusional – New Ann Coulter Book” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-3z.

[14]             See “Ann Coulter’s Crazy Funhouse Mirror” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8n.

[15]             See “Fifty Shades of Coulter” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5E.

Jews: Quality, not Quantity

Don’t be fooled by Ann Coulter’s lies about her anti-Semitic tweet. Her very own words betray her heart.

Coulter has repeatedly justified her anti-Semitic tweet (“f—ing Jews”) by arguing that she was addressing the quantity, not the quality, of Jews. This is nonsense! The epithet modifies “Jews,” not “many.”

She also claims she was attacking the panderers, not Jews. Poppycock!


Ludicrously, Coulter claims that there was nowhere else to place Effing in that sentence. If that were true – and it isn’t – then write a different sentence. But her assertions are and remain lies.

All Coulter had to do was place Effing in front of “many” (thereby modifying the quantity) instead of after it (making it a statement of quality) – or – to place it before “people” (panderers) instead of before “Jews.”

Quality or Quantity?

Coulter tweeted (emphasis added):

“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

Coulter did not tweet (emphasis added):

“How f—ing many Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

Coulter’s actual tweet expresses the quality of Jews. To express the quantity of Jews, all Coulter had to do was move her modifier over one word to the left.

Yet, Coulter claims that the only place she could find to put Effing in that sentence was before Jews. Coupling those two words together is ipso facto anti-Semitic. In context or out, they are anti-Semitic by the very coupling of Effing with Jews.


Panderers or Object of Pandering?

Coulter still claims she could not express her views any other way in that short space of characters. She further claims she was talking about the panderers, not the object of their pandering. But then, why not write:

“Those f—ing candidates are pandering to Jews, who are very few in U.S.”

Simple. Easy. Anyone with a pulse could come up with that formulation.

Let’s return to Coulter’s original tweet (emphasis added):

“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

If Coulter had truly meant Effing to condemn the panderers and not the object of the pandering, she should have placed Effing three words to the right, in front of “people.”

Coulter did not tweet (emphasis added):

“How many Jews do these f—ing people think there are in the United States?”

Again, she didn’t.

Why? Because Coulter intended that epithet for Jews.

Not quantity. Not panderers. But Jews.

Coulter’s Choice of Words and Their Placement

Writing is all about word choice and word placement. Coulter chose her words and she placed them exactly where she wanted them.

Why would she do so? Why would she attack Jews?

Because she was exasperated by what seemed to her to be too many references to Israel. Again, she did not attack the alleged pandering of GOP candidates; she attacked the object of their alleged pandering: Jews.

Coulter’s words self-evidently reveal that she believes Jews really do wield power disproportionate to their numbers, prompting the pandering she so despises and, thus, her attack on Jews.

First, Jews; Now, Catholics?

Ann Hart Coulter is a modern-day Know Nothing.


Following her anti-Semitic rant[1] against Jews and Israel,[2] Coulter has now embarked upon a Know Nothing approach to Catholicism. This is especially strange as she attended a private Catholic school until she entered high school. One would think she would know better.

Coulter’s Anti-Catholic Tweets

Among Coulter’s many tweets disparaging the Catholic Church (emphasis added):

Time Tweet
9:55 a.m. Equally accurate statement to the Pope’s: The Catholic Church was “largely built by pedophiles.” twitter.com/WSJ/status/646…
10:04 a.m. I’m an American and this is why our founders (not “immigrants”!) distrusted Catholics & wouldn’t make them citizens. twitter.com/DavidLimbaugh/…
10:06 a.m. Catholics were not accepted until they became more AMERICAN Catholic less ROMAN Catholic-Harvard’s Samuel Huntington twitter.com/DavidLimbaugh/…
10:29 a.m. Yes, 55 Protestants & 1 Catholic. Can we admit immigrants in that wildly diverse proportion? twitter.com/michaelbd/stat…
10:40 a.m. No, I’m attacking the Pope. So did Martin Luther. So did America’s settlers. So did Dems when it was John Paul II. twitter.com/dmataconis/sta…
11:05 a.m. THIS Pope’s philosophy of worshiping the poor, blaming the rich leads to Latin American poverty. American Catholicism leads to success.

Coulter’s WASP Nativism

Coulter has a distinctly WASP (White and Protestant)[3] view of America. For years now, Coulter has hated immigrants.[4] Her nativism has been especially pronounced[5] this year. Coulter even hates the idea of Christians serving overseas.[6] Indeed, she insists that all other nations suck.[7]

During the 2012 election cycle, Coulter compared social conservative Rick Santorum to ultra-liberal Ted Kennedy – because of their shared Catholicism. To Coulter, Santorum was “more Catholic than conservative.”

Last year, Coulter condemned Catholics as “moral show-offs” and “fake Christians,” expressing contempt for church leaders and parishioners alike whose theology compels them to adopt political positions with which she disagrees.

Coulter claims that American Catholics are better than Roman Catholics. Yet, Coulter condemns liberal Catholics in America for their liberalism, while the traditional pro-life Roman Catholic doctrines remain extant. Ironically, Coulter has waged war on pro-lifers for defending the unborn while claiming to be totally pro-life herself. Confused? So is Coulter.

Coulter does not make sense. To reiterate, she claims that American Catholics are better than Roman Catholics because they have been assimilated. Yet, many of those Catholics who have been assimilated into American culture have become more secularized and embraced leftwing views on social issues (abortion, homosexuality, marriage, etc.) while the foreign Roman Catholics hold the views that Coulter cherishes. Reality is the exact opposite of what Coulter claims it is.

As noted by National Memo, Coulter’s ire at Latin American Catholics may stem from her anti-immigration thesis in Adios, America! They correct Coulter on the historical record:

“Catholics in the New World had easily become Americans following the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803, and the acquisition of Florida from Spain in 1819. And Catholics did indeed play a role in the early polity of the U.S. This included one signer of the Declaration of Independence, Charles Carroll of Maryland, and two delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Daniel Carroll of Maryland (and cousin of Charles), plus Thomas Fitzsimmons of Pennsylvania.”

Catholics in the Revolutionary War

Contrary to Coulter’s assertions, Catholics were among the “American settlers” Coulter cherishes. And they fought for America! Several of America’s Founding Fathers were Catholic.

From “Catholics and the Founding”:

“The preeminent Catholic patriot was undoubtedly Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Heir to the fortune of an early Maryland Catholic family, it was said that Carroll risked more (in financial terms) than any other when he became the only Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence.”

“Carroll’s cousin, John, was also an important figure in Revolutionary America. John Carroll had been a Jesuit priest before the suppression of the order by Pope Clement XIV and had continued to minister as one of the colonies’ few priests. Uniquely positioned as an ardent patriot and a Catholic religious leader, he was called upon by the Continental Congress to join Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carroll on an unsuccessful mission to Canada to try to convince the colonies’ northern neighbor to maintain neutrality during the war with Britain. Carroll would become the first American bishop in 1789.”

“A thousand miles to the west, another Catholic with less economic clout and fewer connections would also play an important part in the military plans of the Americans. Father Pierre Gibault was a missionary of French descent in southwestern Indiana. When the Virginia militia under Colonel George Rogers Clark entered the area, Gibault and others met the American commander and pledged the support of the region to the forces of independence in return for assurances of religious freedom. Against the wishes of the bishop of Quebec, Gibault led the French residents of the Vincennes region in cooperating with the Americans.”


[1]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[2]               See “Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a9.

[3]               See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s WASP Fantasy” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7H.

[4]               See “Coulter’s Soccer Flop – Part Trois” at http://t.co/uy7FDPu79v.

[5]               See “Coulter: All Immigrants Are Bad” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8w.

[6]               See “Ann Coulter’s Xenophobic Anti-Gospel of Hate” at http://t.co/aQGhLuWwtD.

[7]               See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)

Ann Coulter’s incendiary “f—ing Jews” tweet was quickly countered by her claim, “I like the Jews.” Really?

As I pointed out last week,[1] Coulter’s tweet was, is, and remains indefensible. Yet, she defends herself. Before analyzing her rebuttal, let’s take a quick look at exactly what her initial tweet said.


Effing Jews – Expletive of Endearment

Coulter tweeted, “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Notice her exquisite courtesy in bleeping out the offensive adjective. Very polite. Who could possibly imagine what that bleeped word is?

The subject is not, as Coulter later claimed, panderers. The subject is Jews – and the modifier is an expletive! (Yet, just hours later, Coulter claimed to “like” “the Jews.”) Coulter’s criticism and wrath was directed at Jews, not GOP candidates. The adjective employed applied to Jews, not politicians.

Regardless of the context of her tweet, even taking in the totality of all of her tweets during the debate, there is no denying the anti-Semitic nature of those two words. In context or out, they are anti-Semitic by the very coupling of Effing with Jews.

Again, as I pointed out last Thursday, who (besides Ann) uses an expletive as an endearment?

Just thinking those two conjoined words is bad enough, but to actually tweet them? And, having tweeted them, to justify using them? Yes, Ann Coulter is an impenitent propagandist.[2]

Coulter and GOP Panderers

As noted in last week’s column,[3] Coulter quickly attempted to rebuff criticisms of her tweets by claiming she was attacking the GOP candidates for pandering. But prior to the fallout, Coulter never tweeted the word “pander.”

Coulter claims: “My tweet was about Republicans and the pandering. It wasn’t about Israel, it wasn’t about Jews. It’s what Republicans are thinking in their little pea brains. I could say the same thing about Evangelicals. Who are you pandering to? A lot of it is to Sheldon Adelson and the Evangelicals…. This kind of suck-uppery is humiliating.”

Wait! Effing Jews isn’t about Jews? Jews was the subject of the tweet and the object of Coulter’s wrath. To claim otherwise is ludicrous.

As Coulter has made painfully obvious, in her view, the Jews are to blame for GOP candidates pandering to them. (If that is, in fact, what the candidates were doing.) Coulter has obviously bought into the narrative that she claims other Republicans have embraced.

A column on Jerusalem Post asks why the GOP would “pander” to Jews: “As Coulter well knows, Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama, not once but twice. She is also aware that the vast majority of Iran-deal opponents is Republican. Sheldon Adelson, whom she made a point of mentioning in her Daily Beast interview, is an exception, not the rule.”

David French noted “a small irony about Ann Coulter: Even while she was slamming the GOP for ‘pandering’ on issues like abortion and Israel, she herself was using specific language that panders to the small, race-obsessed far-right crowd that is particularly focused on those same issues.”

French continued: “We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, ‘All are one, in Christ Jesus.’ Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.”

Coulter: “I like the Jews”

Coulter’s defense includes the self-evidently fraudulent assertion, “I like the Jews.”

We know this is a lie for many reasons. First, is the definitive article “the” preceding “Jews.” If someone said “I like the blacks,” would you believe her? If someone claimed to like “the Hispanics” or “the Asians,” what veracity would you give their claim? (Remember, Coulter is a linguist and a wordsmith who knows how to effectively and accurately use the English language.)

Second, speaking of “the Jews,” Coulter is speaking of all Jews. But we already know from 35 years of commentary, that Coulter “hates,” “despises,” and “loathes” (her words) liberals and feminists, many of whom are Jews. Indeed, a majority of Jews in America vote Democrat. Does Coulter really “like” those “Jews?” Hardly. Coulter has often attacked liberal Jews (as a group or individually).

Binyamin Jolkovsky, the founder of Jewish World Review, wonders: “She could have been drunk, she could have been high, I don’t know, I have to give her the benefit of the doubt … but I don’t have to delude myself. Pandering to Jewish money is about as anti-Semitic a stereotype as you could put forth. Her ‘eff-ing Jews’ comment is not identifying Israel – it’s identifying Jews, plural, and all Jews. There is no excuse for that. You can’t just wiggle out of something that vile and hateful.”

Tom Sykes observes that Coulter’s “whole argument echoes a historic libel against Jews that they hold secret influence.”

Third, claiming to either like or dislike an entire race of people is, itself, a racist claim. It is called stereotyping. Does anyone like all people of a given racial or ethnic group? Or of a particular religion? Or of a particular political persuasion?

Wasn’t it Coulter who said, “All nations suck compared to America?”[4] Isn’t Israel a nation?

Coulter’s Twitter Rebuttal

On September 17th, Coulter tweeted a ludicrous assertion: “No: It’s pro-Semitic. Where is all the GOP pandering on Israel getting us? US becoming Mexico very bad for Israel. twitter.com/ANewSarah/stat…

Coulter has just redefined anti-Semitism as pro-Semitic!

Many of Coulter’s tweets reiterated her many false claims during her book tour that the only issue that matters is immigration. She uses that narrative to justify her attacks on pro-lifers,[5] on Reagan lovers,[6] and, now, on defenders of Israel.[7]

Coulter’s joke – “Boy were they wrong @ Jewish influence! I complained about pandering on Israel (Reagan & abortion) & haven’t heard a thing about it!” – merely reinforces her contention that Jews have too much power, the root of her anti-Semitic rant.

Undermining her own arguments, Coulter retweeted from her friend, Ben Shapiro: “RT @benshapiro: This I know of @anncoulter: she is far more a friend to Jews and Israel than Jewish Obama voters now jumping on her.”

Does Coulter really “like” those Obama-voting Jews? Remember, Coulter called Jews, not Israel, “f—ing!” She obviously has a high regard for Israel’s policies, but not necessarily her people (or Jewish people outside Israel).

Finally, “John Derbyshire @DissidentRight reviews indexed references to Israel in my smash bestseller “Adios, America!” – bit.ly/1V13f9x.”

Derbyshire actually promotes the anti-Semitic stereotype of a disproportionately powerful Jewish lobby –and Coulter is using that as one of her defenses!

According to the Zionist Organization of America, “Ann Coulter made appalling, anti-Jewish remarks which evoked the classic, anti-Semitic trope about Jewish manipulation of America for the purposes of supporting Israel at America’s expense.”

As for Derbyshire’s quotes from Coulter’s “smash bestseller” – they pertain to a love of Israel’s policies, not her people. In Adios, America! Coulter is not defending Jews, she is defending Israel. Moreover, she is defending Israel in the areas that pertain to her agenda for America: immigration and border security.

Coulter’s Video Rebuttal

Coulter quickly entered firestorm mode, posting a professionally produced video defense[8] of her tweets. In her condescending self-defense video, Coulter attacked her critics while lying about her tweets and the context of those tweets.

Coulter claimed, ““It’s been a long theme of mine – attacking Republicans[9] for all, you know, trying to prove – I don’t know what they’re trying to prove – by constantly praising Reagan and denouncing abortion.”[10]

Yes, Coulter asserts that her criticism of Jews is really criticism of the GOP.

But even in defending herself, Coulter convicts herself. She added, “I hadn’t even mentioned their, their incessant sucking up to Israel in my column.” So, in Coulter’s view, the GOP is always, incessantly “sucking up to Israel.” Is Coulter suggesting that Israel donates to GOP campaign coffers? Or is she arguing that American Jews – most of whom vote Democrat – will vote for the GOP?

Coulter continued, “Then I watched the debate …” and hated those few references to Israel. Moreover – in her professionally-produced video rebuttal – Coulter again lied about the last question of the GOP debate. She claimed it had to do with what America would look like. No! The object of the question was the “world,” not “America.” In her tweets and interviews, she continually misstates that crucial question.

Regarding her GOP debate questions, Coulter asserts: “That was the anti-pandering section of my tweeting debate night.” Except, her criticism was of Israel, not pandering, and her anti-Semitic tweet called Jews, not GOP panderers, “f—ing.”

Coulter’s logic utterly falls apart in the next section. She argues:

“They chopped up the tweet, sent it out, the apotheosis of which was the Daily Beast post: ‘Ann Coulter Shouts Effing Jew.’ O, come on now. I know how to use Effing in a sentence.”

Coulter then admits that using “Effing Jew” on its own is anti-Semitic, but “Saying how many Effing anything, that’s a comment on quantity. It’s not saying ‘Effing Jews,’ it’s saying ‘how many.’ Quantity, not quality.”

Balderdash! The question queried quantity, but the qualifier on the noun (Jews) denoted quality (f—ing).

Coulter continued: “Because it was chopped up, [some] may have thought that I said something unkind and, I wouldn’t want [dramatic pause] them to think that.”

First, it was not “chopped up.” Second, everyone knows what her tweet meant. It is painfully obvious to all. Third, who is “them?” Why the significant pause before saying the word “them?” Who is “them?” Jews?

Coulter concluded: “I’m pro-Israel. So is everyone in the room. So is everyone on the stage. Can you give it a rest?”

Throughout her various iterations defending her indefensible tweet, Coulter has continually conflated “Jews” with “Israel.” They are not identical.

Anyone with a pulse knows, Jews are a people (racially, ethnically, religiously) and Israel is a nation. Coulter has certainly proven her exuberance for Israel’s policies (fence, immigration, anti-terrorism) and her current leader (Netanyahu). But when has she evinced support for the Jewish people? In fact, Coulter has treated Jews in a derogatory fashion.[11]

Hollywood Reporter Interview

In an astonishing interview with Hollywood Reporter, Coulter made several outrageous (and demonstrably untrue) assertions.

“It’s totally fake outrage from frauds who want to continue the dump of third-worlders on the country, including Muslim Jihadists, and voted for the guy who just gave a nuke to Iran.”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

Coulter claims her critics are “mostly Israel-hating liberals and pro-mass-immigration Republicans. Both of whom don’t want anyone to notice how immigration is changing the country, putting Americans – and Israel – at risk.”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

“The hypocrites who are mad at me are the ones who support anti-Israel college professors, who refuse to condemn Islamic barbarism, who supported the overthrow of Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood, who spread the deadly libel that Jews in America are only successful because of ‘white privilege.’”

Except, of course, much of the criticism arises from conservatives, including conservative Jews.

“There has been a huge spike in anti-Semitism across Europe due to the massive influx of Muslim immigrants. The same people in a faux uproar about my tweets are also leading the charge to import Muslims into the U.S.A. Half a million girls in the U.S. are now at risk for female genital mutilation. I doubt their dads are voting for pro-Israel politics. I’m the one who just wrote a book about these problems.”

How does Coulter know that it is the same people? Because they oppose Ann?

Conservative Coulter Critics

Sarah Rumpf lamented that “Ann Coulter Broke My Heart,” arguing that Coulter’s “raison d’être is no longer the bold articulation of conservative principles but rather an ugly and small-minded vision for America.” Rumpf concluded, “Coulter is too smart not to realize the danger she is courting. Her comments, and continued justification of them, are a betrayal of the principles of not just conservatism, but America.”

David French, at National Review, objected to Coulter’s “Snide comments about GOP obsessions with abortion, insufficient attention to immigration … and obsession with Israel.” French charged Coulter with “pandering – pandering to a very small, very angry crowd that’s far more white nationalist than it is recognizably conservative.”

French continued, “[Her tweets] do not reflect conservative ideals, they do not advance conservative ideals, nor will they even advance the civilizational goals she seems to care so much about. Like it or not, if one wants to actually secure the border and impose a sensible immigration policy, extending a middle finger to conservative America – while attention-getting – is ultimately unpersuasive.”

Joseph Farah, at World Net Daily noted, “The use of the F-bomb really does put her on shaky ground in denying her comment was not anti-Semitic. This is, after all, a woman who claims to be a Christian – one who presumably worships a Jewish Messiah called Jesus. As a Christian Arab-American, I can tell you stringing together that epithet with the word ‘Jews’ puts her on very shaky grounds in denying anti-Semitism.”

Farah continued, “At the very least, one has to wonder if she ever had a nasty, twisted, repugnant thought that went unexpressed.”

Farah continued, “Is Coulter aware that of all the religion-based attacks on people in the U.S., some 60 percent are directed at Jews? Is she unaware of the rising anti-Semitism on American college campuses and elsewhere in the country? Is she blithely ignorant of the fact that the one and only Jewish state in the world is surrounded by enemies who seek its destruction?”

Jack Engelhard, a conservative Jewish author, grieved over Coulter’s words to the point of throwing away all of her books. Her former fan wrote “she happens to be a fine, witty writer, a strong Conservative – a gal after my own heart. She was near the top of my list of brainy blonde Conservative bombshells, and politically, we work the same beat.”

But Coulter’s tweet was “like a kick in the gut – from a valued and trusted friend.” Engelhard then asked, “If that is what she is thinking – what about the rest of them who are my trusted political allies?” After mourning his loss, he added, “It’s bad enough that I am at odds with my Leftist acquaintances, but now I feel estranged from the Right. Are we really on the same side?”

“What part of shared Judeo/Christian heritage doesn’t she understand? Apparently the Judeo part.”

Binyamin Jolkovsky observed: “This is about a girl who threw a tantrum … on Twitter. Having an apology that’s acceptable, especially during this time of the year for the Jewish calendar, would be the right thing to do – it would be the Jewish thing to do. This is crazy.”

An apology would also be the Christian thing to do. That’s why she won’t do it.

Supporting Israel

Israel is America’s only loyal ally in the Middle East. Israel is the only nation in the world that truly understands the nature of the Islamist threat, having experienced an existential threat since her founding. Israel and the Israeli people share in the Judeo-Christian roots of the American people.[12]

In an Open Letter to Ann, Dr. Michael Brown wrote:

“Is it that hard to connect the dots between Israel, Iran, and American security, especially when you consider the devastating worldwide effects of a completely destabilized Middle East? And when Iranians chant in the streets, ‘Death to Israel! Death to America!’ it’s not that hard to realize that we’re connected in more ways than one.”

“And, by the way, in case you forgot, the Savior of the world is a Jewish Rabbi.”

Avi Davis observed: “Every one of these candidates has been on record for years expressing unconditional support for the State of Israel and its security needs – and it is for one glaringly simple reason: they believe Israel’s security vouchsafes the United States’ security.”

Davis continued, “Making that connection may not be so patently obvious given the geographical distance between the two countries. But it is abundantly clear to anyone who has heard jihadist rantings in mosques from Oslo to Riyadh – the two countries are regarded as the hydra headed monster whose joint destruction is essential to paving the way for the re-emergence of the Caliphate.”

As reported by Hollywood Reporter, Rick Santorum also took Coulter to task for her remarks, saying, “How many Bible-believing Christians does she think are in this country, who understand the significance of the heritage of the Jewish people in the Holy Land?”

Santorum added, “I think everybody, every conservative has a right to look at that and say that this is someone who clearly doesn’t understand the significance of [the relationship between Israel and the U.S.].”

Seemingly, Coulter makes common cause with the enemies of Israel and America.

Coulter’s Motivations

Tom Sykes echoes what I have been saying for years: “Fearful of being forgotten, Coulter has reacted by becoming ever more offensive.”

Per Joseph Farah, “It’s sad to see Coulter degenerate into a slur machine, one who seems so desperate for fame at any cost that she will say anything and possibly do anything to maintain a career as, frankly, a thuggish commentator.”

Rick Santorum argues that Coulter’s rhetoric is reflective of her desires for self-promotion: “some people in the Republican Party who are in the pundit class, who are there to be controversial, and to try to make money, and sell their books. And that’s just fine – they can go sell their books.”

Dr. Brown wrote to Coulter: “You’re obviously no stranger to controversy. To the contrary, you seem to thrive on controversy. In fact, you seem to enjoy provoking it.”

My dear Jewish and Christian friends, let me commiserate with you. Betrayal hurts. But Coulter has never been a trustworthy person.[13] For at least twenty years now, Coulter has betrayed individuals, groups, and causes. Claiming to be a pro-life[14] Christian,[15] she has notably attacked both groups – all to serve her own agenda.

Ann Coulter is her own North Star.[16] Or, to put it another way, Ann Coulter ‘s North Star is Ann Coulter.

Perhaps, at one time, Coulter was guided to some degree by the values of Mother and Father, but no longer. Coulter has become a law unto herself. Her indomitable will seeks to bend the will of others to her own.[17] But she is not a force of nature because nature bends to the will of God.

Time will tell if this particular controversy (again, of Coulter’s own making) will be her Waterloo or her Road to Damascus experience.

Prayer for Ann

Karen Wolfers Rapaport has a gracious response to Coulter’s series of anti-Semitic remarks. Karen began: “Before I continue I would like to be clear that I believe most Christians and non-Jews do not agree with Ann’s remark. I do not see her as a spokeswoman or an ambassador for her religion.”

Rapaport later noted the introspective, soul-searching nature of this season of the Jewish calendar, and she expressed gratitude to Coulter:

“Thank you for being a shofar of sorts, reminding this Jew or any Jew or non-Jew who wishes to participate in a time worn, magical practice, that this is the time for us to do teshuvah; to repent and take stock in our personal character inventory. And in the spirit of forgiveness that marks this time, I solemnly, and with all my heart, forgive you for your insensitivity and ignorance on the subject of perfection.”

Please join me in prayer for Ann:

Lord, cast down Ann Coulter’s haughtiness, her pride and arrogance, her sense of superiority and sense of entitlement. Cast them down to the earth. Cast them down to depths of hell itself.

Then, Lord, lift her up to You. Open her eyes to Your Truth and open her heart to Your love. Grant her a spirit of repentance and forgiveness, a spirit of humility and grace.



[1]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[2]               See “Propaganda: George Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-4j.

[3]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[4]               See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

[5]               See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[6]               See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[7]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[8]               “Ann Coulter Defends Her Controversial tweet,’ producer Graham Flanagan, Business Insider, 9/18/15.

[9]               See “Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-3p.

[10]             See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[11]             See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[12]             See “CPAC: America’s Christian Heritage Denied” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8E.

[13]               See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, 2013, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[14]               See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[15]              See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[16]              See Vanity: Ann Couler’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[17]               See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, 2014, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.