Tag Archives: provocateur

@AnnCoulter at Her Best

Recently, Ann Coulter celebrated her 58th birthday. Over the years, I have been very critical of Ann, and rightly so, but here I want to acknowledge her strengths and offer you a sampling of the best of her commentary.

Many have remarked upon Ann’s wit and charm (neither of which are necessarily indicators of morality in and of themselves). She is telegenic and knows how to court her audiences in person and on-air.

Ann has written 13 books (of varying quality), published close to 2,000 columns, given tens of thousands of interviews, and was once a favorite (and increasingly controversial) public speaker.

Following are selections from some of Ann’s best columns for your enjoyment and edification.

October 2014 – Ebola Crisis

Ann’s Ebola column was priceless.[1] Factual, well-reasoned, incisive, witty, non-polemical. (I wouldn’t change a word.)

Ann also wrote a literary gem[2] which I would like to share with you.[3]

Entitled “Your ‘to do’ list to save America,” Ann addressed the upcoming elections with insight, wit, and vigor. I thoroughly enjoyed her literary style (while disagreeing with a few of her points). It was well written and engaging, with a good overall structure, and it adroitly expressed her intended message with flair. Forceful, yet restrained.

Ann opened with the need to “swing the Senate to Republican control,” then, in her second paragraph, wrote my favorite sentence in this column:

“Turn that into a mnemonic, sew it on needlepoint pillows, include it in your wedding vows, right-wingers.” Beautiful imagery, quaint, to the point, with a cascading effect which lends a subtle sense of mounting urgency.

March 2017 – Illegals Rape Children

In perhaps her best column of 2017, Ann exquisitely expressed the dangers of political correctness, identity politics, and the negative impact of open borders on America. The tragic rape of a 14-year-old girl – and its emotional and political fallout – deeply touched Ann’s heart, largely in part because it was an illegal raping an American teenager.

May 2017 – Manchester Concert Terrorist Attack

In a poignant column published shortly after the Manchester concert terrorist attack in May, 2017, Ann’s satirically titled column – “Rome Burns – Nero Worries About Pyrophobia” – cut to the heart of the matter. It is, perhaps, her second-best column of 2017.

This was one of Ann’s two best columns of 2017, written with deep passion and conviction about an issue dear to her heart.

June 2017 – Alexandria Shooting

Ann highlighted the hypocrisy and partisan political agenda of the Fake News Media in the wake of an assassination attempt by a Leftist against a group of Republican political leaders! (Trump Derangement Syndrome prevails on the Left. Though, of late, Coulter has been captured by its allure.)

August 2017 – Statue of Liberty

Ann spotlighted the absurdity of the Left’s immigration talking points and their looking to a poem written by Emma Lazarus which is on the Statue of Liberty donated to America by France instead of looking to what is written in our American Constitution.

September 2017 – Immigration Moratorium

Ann showcased the lunacy of current immigration policy and the failure of politicians to protect the American people from dangers both foreign and domestic.

October 2017 – Snarky Media

Apparently without any self-reflection at all, Ann accurately observed the nature of the Fake News Media and its failure to objectively report the facts on the great issues of our day.

November 2017 – Sexual Harassment

Ann exposed the sham nature of the #MeToo movement and its double standards when reporting on liberal vs. conservative villains.

January 2018 – Being an American

Ann drew a line in the sand between those who are American patriots and those who are self-proclaimed citizens of the world.

March 2018 – Walls Work

Through the first two years of the Trump presidency, the Left’s primary talking point regarding securing our border is that nothing can be done about the influx of illegal aliens and that walls do not work. Ann’s counterargument refuted their nonsense.

March 2018 – White Privilege

Ann mocked the Identity Politics Left, which has championed the nonsensical White Privilege narrative for perhaps a decade or more. (Of course, Coulter has her own equally nonsensical WASP Privilege narrative.)

June 2018 – End Immigration[4]

In denouncing the open borders movement, Ann eloquently expressed how unlimited immigration is transforming America from top to bottom.

June 2018 – Genocidal Rwandan Refugees

Ann contrasted absorbing alleged refugees from extremely dysfunctional countries who bring with them the violent antisocial aspects of their homelands to America with the Left’s obsession over microaggressions in American culture.

The only culture the Left condemns is America’s!

July 2018 – SCOTUS Panic

Because the ideas of the Left are anathema to most Americans, the Left has used the courts to implement its agenda which is contrary to the will of the people. Ann pointed out why the Left is so incensed over Supreme Court and lower court nominations, employing scorched-earth politics and ad hominen rhetoric against those it deems a threat to its Progressive agenda.

October 2018 – Sanctuary Cities

Ann explained why she calls sanctuary cities the new Jim Crow.

January 2019 – Leftist Anti-Wall Talking Points Walled Off from Reality

Ann cogently and humorously explained why walls work, why they can and should be built, and why the Left’s preferred solutions are ineffective.

 May 2019 – #BuildTheWall

Though I disagree with Ann’s continued attacks against Trump over immigration and the wall, Ann did a good job rhetorically of conveying her viewpoint.

August 2019 – Democrats Should be on a Terrorist Watch List

Ann hoisted the Left on its own petard, using its own standards, to declare that “every Democratic presidential candidate should be on a terrorist watch list right now.”

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.


[1]               Ann Coulter, “We’ll tell you how dangerous Ebola is after the election,” 10/15/14.

[2]               Ann Coulter, “Your ‘to do’ list to save America,” 9/17/14.

[3]               While I disagree with some of her conclusions, her presentation was excellent. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read, except for the elimination rhetoric in the very last phrase. (Some habits die hard.) (I would also have chosen words other than “insane” and “idiots,” though, perhaps I am getting too picky.) But for a nuts-and-bolts let’s-get-down-to-the-details election analysis, it was top notch, and, again, an enjoyable read. Consider it an unpolished diamond.

[4]               Ann correctly diagnosed the rationale and motivating factors behind the open-borders movement and its false narratives against those who seek to preserve national sovereignty and American culture.

Apocalyptic @AnnCoulter Screams Doomsday in Midst of American Renaissance

In the midst of an American Renaissance,[1] apocalyptic Ann Coulter heralds the end of days.

This she has done for two decades.

In the 2000 election, Coulter declared that a Gore victory would lead to Armageddon. In 2004, she claimed a Kerry victory would spell doom for America. Coulter tepidly endorsed McCain in 2008 (Get Drunk and Vote for McCain), although Romney was her true love for close to a dozen years.

In an interview for Amazon, Coulter said, “Insofar as the survival of the Republic is threatened by the election of John Kerry, I’d say 2004 is as big as it gets.”

Why? Post-9/11, terrorism was Coulter’s cause célèbre for over a decade.[2]

But over the past five years, Coulter has claimed that immigration is the only issue that matters! Why? For two reasons: Racial demographic changes would make whites a minority in America and Democrats would rule forever.

Trump has already blown away Coulter’s second contention: He has routed the Democrats[3] and thoroughly exposed their extremism to everyone.[4]

As for her first contention, what difference does it make? To a racist WASP like Ann, it is the most crucial measure of America and American identity.[5]

So, Coulter’s singular concern is implementing a moratorium on legal immigration, stopping illegal immigration, and building a wall.[6]

Once an anti-terrorism hawk, Coulter is now a dove, blithely dismissing the threat of ISIS at home and abroad.

On the Eric Metaxas Show (10/11/19), Coulter said that America had a 50% chance of survival when Trump was elected but now it is only one percent!

She was more graphic speaking to the New York Post:

Like her kindred spirit, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,[7] Coulter is a provocative and hyperbolic doomsayer.

No wonder President Trump nicknamed Coulter a #WackyNutJob![8]

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positive and negative aspects of Coulter’s life and career.


[1]     See @AnnCoulter, the Left’s Secret Weapon Against America at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-oh. Also, consider these recent statistics: Average American middle class household income rose $400 after eight years of George W. Bush, $1,000 after eight years of Barack H. Obama, and $6,000 after just 2.5 years of Donald Trump!

[2]     See @AnnCoulter: From Jingoist to Pacifist at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-mQ.

[3]     See @AnnCoulter, Trump’s 3D Chess is #Winning! (part I) at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-oB.

[4]     See @AnnCoulter, Trump’s 3D Chess is #Winning! (part II) at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-oH.

[5]     See @AnnCoulter: WASP Queen at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-nS.

[6]     See @AnnCoulter – Walled Off … From Reality! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-nr.

[7]     See @AnnCoulter Channels Her Inner @AOC at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-mJ.

[8]     See #WackyNutJob @AnnCoulter at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-ne.