Tag Archives: Constitution

.@AnnCoulter Goes Gaga Over DC Statehood!

Ann Coulter prides herself on being a constitutional attorney, yet she gets so many things wrong!

Now, Coulter asserts that DC statehood is unconstitutional, but she was immediately proven wrong!

Nevertheless, Coulter doubled down, citing the exact same source as before. Coulter twice used her citation (Article 1, Sec. 8, Clause 17) which, like so many of her Endnotes in her second book, Slander, fails to prove her point.

Coulter has a very long history of fabricating junk law.[1] She has lied about Supreme Court cases and nominees for over 25 years![2]

What is particularly striking about all of this is that Coulter regards herself as a constitutional attorney, is a former law clerk, was a Senate staffer for about a year, worked for less than a year as an attorney for the Center for Individual Rights, and was a legislative correspondent for Human Events for over two decades.

Moreover, Coulter lived in the District of Columbia for about five years (failing to pass the DC bar).

Despite all of this experience, Coulter does not understand the Constitution.

When faced with personal, professional, or political outcomes she hates, Coulter lies.[3] Over and over again.

If you think that Coulter has deluded herself, you are correct.[4]

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged examines the psychological dysfunctions and character flaws which cause Coulter to say and do such bizarre things.


[1]              See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter at http://bit.ly/1N7zDji.

[2]              See @AnnCoulter Lies For 25 Years About #SCOTUS Cases and Nominees! at https://wp.me/p4jHFp-tx.

[3]              See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age at http://bit.ly/2a6Ns4w.

[4]              See Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged at https://bit.ly/2TttHtF.

.@AnnCoulter is NOT an American Patriot

For four years now, Ann Coulter has – in word and in deed – rejected the tenets of her last two books: in Trump, Coulter does not trust; Coulter has become part of the resistance which she claimed was futile.

This proved true over the Fourth of July weekend.

Coulter did not tweet one single time about Trump’s fantastically patriotic and positive speech, nor did she rebut leftist claims that it was “dark and divisive.” Instead, Coulter continued her attack on Trump, his family, and his policies.

In this definitive battle between the forces of darkness and of the light, between civilization on the one hand and chaos leading to tyranny on the other, Ann Coulter has more often than not sided with America’s enemies against America, America’s roots, and America’s standard-bearer for American Civilization – Donald Trump.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

.@AnnCoulter = Bernie Sanders

What can arch-conservative Ann Coulter and Bolshevik Bernie Sanders possibly have in common? Surprisingly, a great deal.

Ann Coulter and Bernie Sanders are far closer than one would think in temperament, disposition, and ideology.

Both are New England elites who think that they alone have all the answers.

They would both force their own will upon others.

Both would weaponize the Deep State to their own ends.

Neither forgives nor repents.

Both are anti-Semitic.

Both are obsessed with Identity Politics, but from different perspectives. While Sander’s version is steeped in class warfare, Coulter’s viewpoint is distinctly WASP Supremacy.

Sanders claimed, “Italians are gangsters, Jews are greedy, Irish are drunk and blacks smell.”

Here is Coulter version:

Though one is an avowed Socialist and the other purportedly champions the free market, Coulter is willing to vote for a Socialist in order to get her Wall for the express purpose of preventing America from becoming Socialist.

This is called cognitive dissonance, or, in Orwell’s vernacular, Doublethink.

Coulter told Bill Maher (video) and Margaret Hoover (video) that she would vote for Sanders. It almost seems as if Coulter is a Socialist (or, at least, a Statist) at heart.

Notice, Coulter doesn’t “care about the rest of the socialist stuff.” But it is the “socialist stuff” which would complete Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America into something real Americans do not want. All that “socialist stuff” would permanently solidify the Deep State and destroy what remains of the constitutional structure of our government and the Judeo-Christian ethos of our culture.

Like Sanders and many far-left activists, Coulter has repeatedly called for a wealth tax – a pernicious tax which confiscates wealth and inevitably diminishes the health of a nation’s economy (more on that below).

Coulter has even mirrored many of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s views.

And they call Bernie crazy! Trump was right to label Coulter a #WackyNutJob!

Like a true Socialist, Coulter believes in, operates from, and lives her life in accordance with the Marxist Maxim: The end justifies the means.

We see this exhibited throughout her career, from lying on her resume, to betraying clients, to attempts to subvert the American election process. Coulter will do and say whatever she has to do in order to accomplish her goals. The atheistic “will to power” is strong in this one.

Coulter is Radically Wrong About Radical Sanders!

In her weekly column (BERNIE IS STILL TRUMP’S NIGHTMARE, 3/4/20), Coulter made some utterly ludicrous claims (emphasis added).

“Bernie Sanders is [Trump’s] greatest nightmare.”

Actually, no. Even Democrats fear his fatal flaws with the American electorate, hence the Left’s coalescence around Biden.

“True, the media, the donors and the Democratic Party are convinced that Sanders is a sure loser – just as, four years ago, Fox News, the donors and the Republican Party knew that Trump was a sure loser.”

There is simply no reasonable comparison between the two campaigns or candidates, as addressed below.

“What made both Trump and Sanders unique in their respective primaries was their voluble opposition to Wall Street, war and immigration. I’m beginning to suspect that Americans hate Wall Street, hate war and hate mass, low-wage immigration.”

Actually, Trump was the pro-America candidate; Sanders the anti-America one.

“Recall that, in 2016, Trump and Sanders were the only presidential candidates opposed to the mass importation of low-wage workers immiserating our working class.”

Wrong. Ted Cruz and others also opposed illegal immigration.

“Sadly, they both moved left on the issue at about the same time: Bernie when he went from being a Socialist to a Democrat, and Trump when he went from the campaign to the White House.”

Wrong. Trump has made considerable, quantifiable progress on reversing the tide of illegal immigration (to be addressed in future columns).

“Then Trump became president, and the only people working overtime on his war stance became his own voters, constantly on edge that he’s about to start a war with Syria or Iran.”

Wrong. Trump has been the most anti-war president in generations.

“Maybe a Fidel-admiring revolutionary was never the best champion of even the most popular ideas – just as a vulgar reality TV star wasn’t. Maybe Bernie is dead. But the universal popularity of hating Wall Street, war and immigration will never die.”

Who on the Right hates Wall Street? Besides Ann, of course. Coulter’s is becoming a rabid Leftist.

“It could be that a ‘safe’ choice is all the Democrats need. But I think Trump just dodged a bullet.”

According to Coulter, “Trump dodged a bullet” with Sanders delegate failure on Super Tuesday. Actually, No.

Coulter supplemented her column with an interview with Breitbart News. Coulter claimed (emphasis added):

“[Bernie Sanders] really would have helped himself if he had not flipped on immigration.”

Sanders didn’t crash and burn over immigration! The Left loves open borders. No, his anti-Semitism and defense of totalitarian regimes, such as Cuba, did him in.

Coulter’s Tyrannical Wealth Tax

In her Breitbart News interview, Coulter warned (emphasis added):

“The one saving grace from this – because I’m just about to the point of writing my final book Screw It, We’re Doomed – at which point all there really is left for us to is take revenge on the people who have wrecked our country. And we’re getting the initial taste of it right now.”

How would Coulter take revenge (apart from using her oft-repeated firing squad scenario)?

Coulter has repeatedly proposed an unconstitutional wealth tax to target, specifically, the Koch Brothers. That’s right, Coulter would politicize and weaponize the IRS and specific people she does not like.

According to Coulter (emphasis added):

“Hispanics are voting for Bernie, not because of immigration, he’s had the toughest position on immigration, just like they voted in Venezuela, they want socialism. When the country’s over, I’m volunteering to go work for Sanders and AOC to make sure we have a really strict wealth tax. I want to clean out the Chamber of Commerce-types, I want to bankrupt the Koch brothers.

Coulter’s wacky proposal, reminiscent of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other far-left radicals, is blatantly unconstitutional, tyrannical, and something Bolshevik Bernie would love. Moreover, Trump – not Sanders – has the toughest position on immigration.

As noted by American Thinker (emphasis added):

“The Sixteenth Amendment of 1913 gave the federal government an additional right to tax income, and only income.”

“That is because the Constitution includes caveats as to how direct taxes can be applied, most notably in Article I, Section 9, Clause 4, which reads, ‘No Capitation or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken.'”

“A direct tax on assets held without any ‘transmission’ of property having taken place is the arbitrary confiscation of property by a federal government which clearly has no right enumerated in the Constitution to do so.”

One economist put it to me this way:

“It’s especially destructive and immoral. Morally It’s just plain old theft, practically discourages production and encourages hiding wealth. It’s safer to hide it than invest it with a wealth tax.”

#BolshevikBernie could learn a thing or two from Coulter about really going Marxist.

Sanders is Nothing Like Trump

American Thinker provided an excellent analysis debunking the myth that Sanders and Trump are comparable “populist” leaders.

He writes (emphasis added):

“While Trump’s early performance in 2016 signified crossover appeal for the Republican ticket, Bernie has shown no crossover appeal at all.

Bernie is unappealing in critical swing states because he’s openly miles to the left of moderate Democrats and independent voters, and he’s generally unappealing to most Americans because he’s an ideological lunatic whose entire adult life has been devoted to thinking and talking about the magnificence of socialism.”

“His promise to pay for it consists of higher income taxes and an unconstitutional wealth tax to finance the unfathomable amount of debt his proposals demand.”

“And far from being out of touch with the American people, Trump seemed to have his finger firmly on the nation’s pulse.”

“[Trump] shared many other conservative positions with them, too, such as unequivocally declaring himself to be pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-military, and in favor of tax cuts. … He ran on his longstanding opposition to the Iraq War, protectionist trade policies to shield domestic manufacturing jobs from outsourcing (which earned him strong union support), relative protection of federal entitlement programs, and an unmistakable lack of emphasis on reductions to federal spending.”

Bernie Sanders is a revolutionary whose ideas are radically socialistic and entirely un-American, and he doesn’t seem to like this country much, either. Trump, on the other hand, is not on the political fringe, and there’s certainly nothing un-American about him. His very visage hearkens back to the Reagan era, which many Americans fondly look back upon as a time of patriotic prosperity, where America waged and won a war against the ideology to which Bernie Sanders is devoted.”

Ann Ocasio-Coulter = Bernie Sanders

So much of what Coulter says about Sanders is wrong, perhaps because she actually agrees with so much of his ideological and programmatic perspectives.
For more on Coulter’s dysfunctional views and commentary, see Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged, which provides an in-depth, detailed and holistic exposé of  Coulter.


Ann Coulter obviously never really knew the real Ronald Reagan.

Once a self-described Reagan conservative, Coulter now claims that Donald Trump is the new (and improved) Ronald Reagan.


In her best-failing book,[1] In Trump We Trust,[2] Coulter offers a caricature of the Gipper even as she lambastes conservatives for preserving his legacy.

Chapter 6, “You’re Not Reagan,” is replete with banalities, blunders, and bluster.

Speaking largely to those who never knew Reagan (and the politically disinterested, disaffected, and disillusioned), Coulter offers humor and false analogies in place of facts and reasons. Indeed, this chapter, in particular, employs rationalization instead of rational arguments.

Coulter’s False Claims About Reagan

Among the many ludicrous claims Coulter makes about Reagan, these two are especially laughable.

First, “Reagan was optimistic, but only after he’d been president.

To buttress her claim, Coulter proffered one quote from the Reagan-Carter debate in 1980.

Anyone who knew Reagan saw his eternal optimism. Coulter also asked, “Did Reagan ever blurt out something as insipid as ‘I have an optimistic message’?”

 In his one and only debate with Carter, Reagan actually said, “I am eternally optimistic.” He then addressed racial issues in America and pledged “that we will have total equal opportunity for all people. And I would do everything I could in my power to bring that about.”

Second, “Reagan had a few big ideas but, famously, was not a detail man.

In that same debate, Reagan was extremely familiar with not just the big picture but the details of the various subjects being debated. Reagan was an intellectual populist and visionary who thought before he spoke and his views were thoughtful because he’d given them due consideration. (One need only read his biographies or his journals to discern the depth of his knowledge, understanding, and discernment.)

Reagan could even hold his own with an intellectual giant like William F. Buckley, Jr.

Reagan, famously, knew the details and, more importantly, what those details meant and the underlying principles involved.

Coulter’s False Claims About Reagan Conservatives

Coulter derides Conservatism’s quest for the next Reagan because she does not understand or value the original. She dismisses Reaganism, writing, “(1) Reagan was president in the 1980s, and (2) today’s Republicans don’t seem to remember Reagan.”

 As to her second point, are we to consign to the ash-heap of history George Washington and Abraham Lincoln because many Americans are woefully unfamiliar with those giants?

 As to her first point, Coulter repeatedly reiterated ad infinitum (for Trump supporters, that’s “over, and over, and over again”) that Reagan’s era was 35 years ago and his solutions are old-fashioned, out-of-date, passé, from a bygone age, and no longer applicable to our modern, 21st-century, era. (Sounds remarkably 1960s countercultural, doesn’t it?)

 BT – Before Trump – Coulter claimed, “[Romney is] more conservative than Reagan.”[3] (Now the flavor of this election cycle is Trump.) Coulter also lamented, “These johnny-come-latelies to Reagan worship seem to think that he was Jesus Christ and could do no wrong.”[4]

Coulter added, “I don’t really like groupthink and mob-think. I liked Reagan a lot more when it was unpopular.”[5] (Reagan was always popular.)

 Now, Coulter reviles “Republicans [who] believe they can capture Reagan’s greatness by repeating his answers to the problems of three decades ago.” But Coulter fails to realize that Reagan governed by paying attention to eternal principles.

Human nature hasn’t changed since The Fall. People still want Liberty. The government’s primary legitimate function is security (law and order, national defense). The Constitution remains (nominally) the “law of the land.”

Yet, Coulter told the Miami Herald:

I sent the tweet halfway through a debate where there was no discussion of anything but Ronald Reagan, Israel and abortion.[6] Those things are all fine, but there’s no disagreement about them. All Republicans agree – who doesn’t love Reagan and Israel, and who doesn’t hate abortion? So what’s the point in talking about it? They all go on and on about Ronald Reagan. Yes, he’s great, but Ronald Reagan was 35 years ago. Can we move on?”

Actually, no. Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan were great American leaders, men of character, integrity, vision, and courage. The GOP is (or, at least, used to be) “the party of Lincoln and Reagan.” Trump has effectively jettisoned that legacy down a memory hole in his quest for power.

Nevertheless, Coulter argues, “It’s taken Republicans who aren’t Trump 35 years to become some Frankenstein monster of Reagan.”

 Hailing Trump as the new and improved Reagan, Coulter concluded her Reagan chapter with these words:

 “If history is any guide, in the 2046 election, Republicans will all be campaigning on the issue of who most credibly promises to build a second wall on border, to fortify the Great Wall of Trump.”[7] (Except a President Trump wouldn’t build a Great Wall of Trump.[8])

 Trump is NOT Reagan

Attempting to position Trump as just like (or better than) Reagan, Coulter attempted to favorably compare the two with these claims:

  • “Reagan opposed both the media and his own party to do what was best for the country.”
  • “Reagan refused to accept America’s inevitable decline.”
  • “Reagan was ridiculed for announcing that he would solve seemingly intractable problems, specifically the Cold War.”
  • “Reagan aggressively opposed Republican orthodoxy on a slew of issues: SALT treaties, détente, and the Equal Rights Amendment, to name a few.”
  • “Reagan had a few big ideas but, famously, was not a detail man.” [False – see above]

But Coulter’s observations miss the salient point. Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan. Trump cannot be trusted to keep any of his promises. Trump lacks the requisite character and discipline to do so.

 Indeed, Trump’s only moral compass is his own self-interest.

 As reported by The Federalist, “[Coulter’s] solution – replacing one hero with another – makes even less sense. The Great Communicator had ideas, theories, and solutions; the Great Prevaricator has nothing but his hero project on the Rio Grande.”

After the first Trump-Clinton debate, James C. Capretta observed:

“Trump has sometimes compared himself to Ronald Reagan. But it is hard to imagine Reagan sounding anything like the Republican candidate who debated Hillary Clinton on Monday. Trump never mentioned reining in an activist federal government or cutting back on wasteful spending. He never talked about the power of free markets, or individual liberty, or the importance of the Constitution. On foreign policy, he spoke of American weakness and showed no interest in continuing the U.S.’s post-war role as the leader of the democratic West. When he talked with real conviction, it was about how trade agreements such as NAFTA were broken and he alone could bring the lost jobs back to the U.S., without offering any kind of explanation (even when invited to do so) of how he would accomplish this.”

Capretta added,

“Trump has sometimes hit on traditional conservative themes during the past year, but those themes do not come naturally to him because he spent much of his adult life supporting a very different worldview. What animates him is a determination to disengage America from the world through changes in immigration, trade, and foreign policy. A lot can be said about this agenda, including that it has the support of many Americans. What cannot be said is that it is consistent with what Reagan would propose if he were running for president today.”

 The Ronald Reagan Coulter Never Knew

In the 1990s, Coulter regarded Reagan as the greatest American president of the 20th century. Now, not so much. Indeed, it turns out that Coulter never really knew Reagan.

Just last week, Coulter claimed, “[Reagan] kind of came across as a bumbling old man [in his first debate with Carter].”[9] (There you go again, Ann. Reagan and Carter had only one presidential debate and Reagan won.)

Pardon me, Ann, but the Gipper[10] was brilliant, thoroughly conversant with the issues, utterly conservative, and articulated his principles better than most, including William F. Buckley, Jr. When Reagan spoke to the American people, they could relate to him and they could grasp his message.

Reagan’s legacy is as much who he was as what he did. He accomplished what he did because of who is was and what he became.

Reagan’s Legacy

Twelve years ago, the nation mourned his passing while celebrating Reagan’s life and legacy. Hundreds of thousands of people visited the Capitol Rotunda for his lying in state.[11]

Reagan biographer Craig Shirley[12] has declared that the Republican Party is dead but that Reaganism is alive and well and living in a populist-energized Conservative Movement.

In an exclusive interview at CPAC,[13] I asked about Ronald Reagan’s legacy[14] and its relevance today. Shirley replied, “Reagan’s legacy is intellectual conservatism, a belief in the future, a belief in young Americans, and an optimistic outlook – all the things that he brought to the Republican Party which had been missing since the time of Teddy Roosevelt.”

Asked whether there are any leaders on the stage right now who could fill Reagan’s shoes, Shirley bluntly replied, “No.” He added, “Leaders like Ronald Reagan don’t grow on trees.”

But then he offered hope, saying, “in defense of the current crop of candidates, Ronald Reagan wasn’t Ronald Reagan before Ronald Reagan was Ronald Reagan.”

Shirley went on to explain, “by that I mean that very few saw his greatness before he was actually president and then afterwards. He was actually derided by the Eastern elites and by the Republican establishment and by the liberal media in the Sixties and the Seventies. It took time to understand Reagan’s greatness.”

Consequently, “in defense of the current crop of candidates, we can’t peer into the future, so I would say, if they stick to their principles, if they stick to their guns, they make their argument, they might succeed and make history, and, if they do, then they will also be seen in a different light.”

[In recognition of his Reaganesque qualities, love of America, and devotion to the Constitution, BrotherWatch endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for President of the United States.[15]]


[1]               See “Coulter’s Big Fail” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-ia.

[2]               See “Alternative Ann Coulter Book Covers” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-gr.

[3]               Ann Coulter, Joyce Kaufman Show, WFTL, 5/8/15.

[4]               Ann Coulter, Ricochet, 6/4/15.

[5]               Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham Show, 6/3/15.

[6]               See “Jews: Quality, not Quantity” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-al.

[7]               See “Trump’s Phony Wall” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cn.

[8]               See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dQ.

[9]               Ann Coulter, Good Morning Britain,  ITN, 9/27/16.

[10]             See “Remembering Reagan” at http://t.co/GYAescwhYa.

[11]             See “My Pilgrimage to Reagan” (5 pp.) for a first-hand account of that experience. See also a 1997 “Ronald Reagan Special Edition” (28 pp) with tributes from people who knew him best.

[12]             Mr. Shirley’s latest Reagan biography, Last Act, is available on Amazon and elsewhere.

[13]             See “CPAC: Reagan’s Legacy Endures” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-e1.

[14]             See “Remembering Reagan” at http://t.co/GYAescwhYa.

[15]             See “BrotherWatch Endorses Ted Cruz” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-dw.

Coulter – Face of the Alt-Right

Donald Trump’s chief propagandist and cheerleader, Ann Coulter, is the face of the alt-Right.

Face of the alt-Right

Coulter has been a prominent member of the alt-Right community for decades. Over the past two years, Coulter’s beliefs and character have been exposed as never before. This is particularly problematic given her position as advisor to and promoter of the GOP presidential nominee. Her current book, In Trump We Trust, is a fawning tribute to failing candidate.

The alt-Right, according to Jonah Goldberg, “want[s] to replace the conservative movement.” That is Coulter’s goal, too: Destroy and replace.[1] Following are the core beliefs and attitudes of the alt-Right movement as exemplified by Coulter.


Coulter’s anti-Semitic roots go back to the early 1990s           [2] when she worked for, consecutively, two Jewish-run law firms in New York City. Her anti-Semitism exploded[3] last year[4] during the presidential debates and recently re-emerged[5] to the point[6] where a long-time friend tweeted, “I’m ashamed ever to have known you.”[7]


Once raised Catholic,[8] Coulter now expresses deep animosity toward Catholics.[9] She calls them “moral show-offs” and “fake Christians.” [10]Her anti-Catholic sentiments have only grown worse[11] as she seeks to create a New Know-Nothing Party.[12]


Coulter’s New Know-Nothing Party is modeled after the mid-19th century version, complete with its America First, anti-immigrant rhetoric and platform. Her nativism runs deep[13] as she hates all immigrants[14] and even hates Christian missionaries[15] for going on overseas mission trips to save lives.

Coulter even trashed native-born Gov. Nikki Haley,[16] calling her an “ignorant immigrant.” Haley’s roots weren’t pure enough, unlike Coulter’s which trace back to the Puritans.[17]


Race figures prominently in Coulter’s worldview[18] and remarkably so. Yet, she remains very confused in her racial constructions,[19] regards diversity as white,[20] seeks a restoration of a white WASP nation,[21] and argues that she and Trump deserve a “racism credit”[22] for seeking to help blacks even as she advocates for her own (white) racial grievance industry.[23]

Make America White Again


To that end, Coulter adopts and furthers neo-Confederate ideas,[24] continually defends the Confederacy and Confederate flag, and has actually confused the Confederate and American flags![25]

Coulter’s (and Trump’s) America is one where the elite few (like Coulter and Trump) would determine the nature of our national identity[26] at the expense of individual liberty,[27] the Constitution,[28] and our founding ideals.[29]

If one is truly America first, then one must be #NeverTrump!

[A new book, #NeverTrump: Coulter’s Alt-Right Utopia, examines the origins, worldview, and impact of the Alt-Right movement. It is now available on Amazon at http://amzn.to/2fzA9Mr.]


[1]               See “Coulter Wants to Destroy GOP” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bn. Yes, I know, Conservatism and the GOP are not synonymous. However, Coulter has waged war – for years – against conservative and Christian ideals, values, and principles. She seeks to root out and destroy whatever opposes her will and willingly props up a would-be tyrant and statism to achieve her own objectives, whether they are peculiar and pecuniary or personal and political.

[2]               See “Ann Coulter’s Jewish Roots” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a1.

[3]               See “Effing Jews and Ann Coulter’s Waterloo (or Damascus Road?)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-a9.

[4]               See “Jews: Quality, not Quantity” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-al.

[5]               See “When Will Conservatives Reject Coulter’s Anti-Semitism?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-eY.

[6]               See “Is Ann Coulter Anti-Semitic?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-f4.

[7]               See “I’m Ashamed Ever to Have Known You” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-f1.

[8]               See “Ann Coulter’s Root Causes – Part 1 (12/8/1961)” at http://t.co/VSsvq9UBlF.

[9]               See “First, Jews; Now, Catholics?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-ah.

[10]             See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[11]             See “Is Ann Coulter Anti-Catholic?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-f7.

[12]             See “Coulter’s Know-Nothing American Party” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bP.

[13]             See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

[14]             See “Coulter: All Immigrants Are Bad” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8w.

[15]             See “Ann Coulter’s Xenophobic Anti-Gospel of Hate” at http://t.co/aQGhLuWwtD.

[16]             See “Adios, Ann: Coulter Trashes Nikki Haley” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7m.

[17]             See The Beauty of Conservatism, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[18]             See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s Blood Politics” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-6H.

[19]             See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s Racial Confusion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7f.

[20]             See “Adios, Ann: Diversity = White” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7j.

[21]             See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s WASP Fantasy” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7H.

[22]             See “Ann Coulter’s ‘Racism Credit’” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7V.

[23]             See “Does @AnnCoulter Love #BLM?” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-fK.

[24]             See “Trump, Coulter, and the KKK” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cF.

[25]             See “Coulter Confuses Confederate and American Flags” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-fg.

[26]             See “The End of the American Experiment?” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-eZ.

[27]             See “Why Brad Thor is #NeverTrump! Litmus test is liberty!” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-fb.

[28]             See “Liberty Died in Cleveland: America’s Establishment Coup” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-g1.

[29]             See “CPAC: America’s Christian Heritage Denied” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8E.

Coulter Proud to be Leni

Ann Coulter is proud to take the credit for Donald Trump’s political ascendancy as the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee.

Coulter Proud to be Leni

Coulter is a propagandist without peer,[1] the Leni Riefenstahl[2] of the Trump campaign,[3] and she is delighted to be called “the most influential commentator of this campaign.” Coulter always wanted to be a king-maker,[4] regardless of the outcome. Previously, she foisted Mitt Romney on us;[5] now she has given us the man with little hands.[6] Little hands, big ego.

If Coulter wants the credit, then she can take the blame!

Trump and Clinton are equally disasters, narcissistic statists who would further Obama’s statist agenda and, perhaps, irreparably end the American Experiment.[7] It doesn’t matter who prevails – Hillary or The Donald – because they are both liberal statists[8] unbridled by morality and unfettered by constitutional restraints.

Coulter has knowingly done this. Coulter admits Trump is a fraud[9] and exclaimed he is mental![10] Moreover, Trump will not pursue her professed immigration,[11] yet Coulter still extols Trump. Whatever his faults – and they are legion – Coulter is worse than Trump.[12]

As Americans suffer under the next liberal president[13] – likely with a Democrat House and Senate and an additional left-wing activist Justice – remember who wanted the credit and deserves the blame!


[1]               See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[2]               See “Ann Coulter = Leni Riefenstahl” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5w.

[3]               See “Coulter’s Orwellian Opus” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e0.

[4]               See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[5]               See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[6]               See “Coulter Hates All GOP Candidates But Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bj.

[7]               See “The End of the American Experiment?” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-eZ.

[8]               See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

[9]               See “Coulter Admits Trump is a Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cf.

[10]             See “Coulter Goes Mental Over Her ‘Mental’ Candidate” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-d8.

[11]             See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dQ.

[12]             See “No Better Than Trump!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dW.

[13]             See “Only Trump Can Lose!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dA.

Stolen Election?

Donald Trump, and his foremost lapdog, Ann Coulter, insist that the GOP nomination and election are being “stolen” from The Donald.

The truth evades those who dwell in lies.

Stolen Election

In her April 20th column, Coulter reprised her absurd election-stealing charges,[1] distinguishing between “elections, not party-rigged conferences or caucuses.”

Every eligible voter is able to do so in a caucus, a primary, or a conference.

Coulter once loved federalism, but now – for this election cycle[2] – wants a single, uniform, monolithic system for voting. Why? Because Trump is ignorant of the rules![3]

A member of Free Republic, Kandy Atz, provided excellent analysis of one particularly nonsensical paragraph contained in one of Coulter’s more vitriolic diatribes.[4]

Coulter’s propagandistic paragraph:

Until Cruz won a primary in mean-as-a-snake Wisconsin, he hadn’t won a single primary – i.e., an ‘election’ – outside of his home state, a sister state and a state where Trump didn’t campaign. In fact, until cantankerous Wisconsin, the only primary where Cruz managed to surpass 34 percent of the vote was his home state of Texas – where he got 43.8 percent.”

You don’t have to be a particularly astute reader to recognize the nonsense contained in those words.

Here is Freeper Kandy Atz’s Response:

“Has Ann gone bat guano crazy? So states that don’t allow Democrats to select the GOP candidate are somehow evil? And they adopted rules to help … Ted Cruz? He must be really amazing to anticipate exactly where the campaign would be a year in advance and then fly all over the country in time to change the rules so that they would work perfectly just for him right at this moment. What an amazing candidate!”

“Instead of attacking Ted Cruz for playing by the rules, she should be complaining about the dysfunctional Trump campaign. He has virtually no ground game, and sometimes doesn’t even know when to show up – see his latest Washington state fiasco. Is this a serious campaign for POTUS, or just another reality TV show Ann?”

“Trump has NEVER topped 50% in any state. His best performance 49.31 was in THE MOST PROGRESSIVE STATE ON THE PLANET, politically just to the left of North Korea. Yep, that Trump fella is a force to be reckoned with. He’s unstoppable. I promise you what people in Taxachusetts want in a President is WILDLY different from most Americans, especially Christians and Conservatives. BTW – Has Cruz whined and complained about the Hawaii, Minnesota, Nevada, or Kentucky caucuses? I wonder why not? Now that the field is narrowed and Conservatives aren’t splitting their votes 3-5 ways, it will get much harder for Trump to win any state, except his mind-numbed progressive friends in the Northeast. Enjoy that lead while you have it, and oh by the way, have Trump read the rules.”

“Speaking of Texas, there were 14 people on the ballot when early voting began, and a massive influx of DNC voters/rent-a-Trump-mob types in the open primary. Even with all those advantages, Cruz still beat Trump by almost 500,000 votes. Setting aside the votes for Cruz, in the MOST RELIABLY CONSERVATIVE STATE IN THE UNION, more people voted AGAINST the progressive reality TV star than for him – (837,154 to 757,489). Don’t know how one spins that as a negative for Cruz, but it’s certainly NOT a positive for Trump moving forward.”

“The primary system in recent years has given us 2 progressives – McCain, Romney, and now a hard core NYC values big government progressive – Trump, is leading. After watching far too many Democrats vote in the GOP primary in Texas, I’m leaning more towards a caucus or closed primary in the future. The GOP cannot allow progressives, especially Democrat crossovers to have so much influence over our nominee. Ann may be happy nominating Obama-lite and Hillary-lite, but it’s the fastest way to kill turnout among Conservatives and Christians, and is disastrous for local and state races down the ticket. They are terrified at the prospect of Trump at the top of the ticket. What a nightmare that would be, even in reliably Conservative districts/counties/states.”


[1]               See “Coulter’s Orwellian Opus” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e0.

[2]               See “Coulter Bass Ackwards on Elections” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-ea.

[3]               See “Coulter Hates ‘THE RULES’ That Thwart Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e6.

[4]               See “Ann Coulter: Wisconsin Sucks” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-ec.

Ann Coulter: Wisconsin Sucks

In her latest column,[1] Ann Coulter called Wisconsin a “mean-as-a-snake” “Soviet” state.

Wisconsin Sucks

Her evidence?

Point One: Donald Trump lost. (We could just stop right there. Just like Trump, anyone opposed to her or her agenda is ipso facto evil.)

Point Two: Thugs from across America joined with teachers unions to besiege and takeover the state capitol in 2011.

Coulter fails to explain her non-sequitur, namely, how liberal activists from across the nation are representative of conservatives running a Republican convention.

Moreover, Coulter concludes that those  very same thugs represent the whole of Wisconsin. How, then, does Coulter account for Gov. Scott Walker’s tremendous popularity in his home state. Walker won three elections there!

Point Three: Because Wisconsin has “virtually no immigrants,” they cannot understand the reality contained in Trump’s message and her latest book.[2]

It would behoove Coulter not to disparage “cantankerous Wisconsin” for – horror of horrors – disagreeing with Coulter. Moreover, Coulter’s own opening paragraph cites “Trump’s rough style,”[3] one which a growing number of conservatives deplore. There is more to a Trump candidacy than a phony immigration platform.[4]

Coulter once said, “All countries suck compared to America.”[5] Now, apparently so does Wisconsin.

Coulter should look in the mirror before casting any more stones!


[1]               Ann Coulter, “Ted Cruz: Tracy Flick With a D*CK,” 4/13/16.

[2]               See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dQ.

[3]               See “Bully Boy Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cv.

[4]               See “Trump’s Phony Wall” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cn.

[5]               See “Ann Coulter Auditions for U.N. Ambassador” at http://t.co/R7IDzwnUJ8.

Coulter Bass Akwards on Elections

Ann Coulter has uttered absurdities which would make even Homer Simpson blush.

Coulter’s lies about caucuses and opened and closed primaries are easy to refute with a little logic and a few facts. Same with her lies about “voter-less” and “stolen” elections.

Coulter = Homer Simpson

Erstwhile law-and-order zealot and federalism advocate suddenly hates both the rule of law and federalism. Why? Because they are thwarting Trump’s efforts to win the GOP nomination.

Suddenly, Coulter sees nonexistent “voter-less elections” and “stolen elections” where none exist. Moreover, she regards primaries as infinitely superior to caucuses and conventions, which she claims are somehow illegitimate. Coulter disparages the freedom that each state has under the Constitution to hold elections and select its delegates.

Coulter is more of a fraud[1] than Donald Trump.[2] To salvage Trump’s quest for the GOP nomination, Coulter engages in full-blown Orwellian propaganda.[3] Her column last week blasted Ted Cruz for following the rules and winning delegates[4]legally and ethically!

In that column[5] (and subsequent Facebook postings), makes Homer Simpson-blushing assertions which are utterly absurd and eminently disprovable.

“Voter-less elections” are not voter-less. Coulter claims that “state Republican parties disregard the voters and give all their delegates to Cruz,” except, the voters in those states elected the delegates. She alleges “procedural loopholes” and charges “corrupt backroom maneuvering” by “tiny groups of insiders.”

The facts are otherwise. Election laws in many of these states are similar to when the Party of Lincoln and Reagan was founded. Each state determines how it will hold elections: (open or closed) primary, caucus, convention. All eligible voters can be part of the process to support or become delegates.

Coulter defends Trump’s ineptitude by claiming, “Trump keeps winning elections, and Cruz keeps winning sneaky procedural victories.” Except, Trump also keeps losing elections and Cruz’s “procedural victories” are neither sneaky nor illegal.

Coulter claims that only primaries are “elections,” and that caucuses are somehow fraudulent.

A caucus is an election. People vote. Everyone who is an eligible voter is able to vote. Not without irony, Coulter favors poll taxes and literacy tests for voting, so, Coulter should prefer caucus voters, who tend to be more informed and more engaged voters.

Nevertheless, Coulter claims: “General election is winner take all; General election is NOT a little meeting of party insiders.”

Repeating a lie does not make it true. Caucuses and conventions are not little meetings of party insiders.

Coulter also asserts, “Caucuses & conventions are not ELECTIONS.”

Except, caucuses and conventions are elections! People vote. People vote.

According to Coulter, “GOP has to beat Hillary in an ELECTION, not a little meeting. Trump keeps winning all the ELECTIONS; Cruz wins little meetings. Who cares if those were the rules??? That’s not how to pick a winner!”

Each state, in its own way, selects its preferred candidate. That’s the way it has always been. The nomination is not being stolen from Trump. Rather, Trump is failing to win it.

Confronted with the reality that over 1.3 million people voted in UT, ND, WI, CO & WY and Trump lost all five, Coulter posted: “Only one of those, WI, was what we call an ‘election.’ Does Cruz think he beats Hillary by winning over GOP insiders?”

All were elections. “GOP insiders” did not steal those elections. Cruz won because more people voted for him.

Coulter hates the results so she fudges the facts.

Let’s remember: More Republicans have voted against Trump than for him.[6]

Remember, Trump did better in open primaries (where Democrats – who will vote Democrat in November – voted for Trump) and worse in closed primaries (where liberal spoilers were foiled).

Remember, a larger percentage of early-voters, than late-voters, voted for Trump. The more the electorate learns about Trump the less it likes him.

Donald Trump, Coulter’s current Savior,[7] is a Clintonesque RINO posing as a conservative populist. A Trump nomination would ensure a Democrat victory in this election.[8]

Update: In her April 20th column, Coulter reprised her absurd election-stealing charges, distinguishing between “elections, not party-rigged conferences or caucuses.” The truth evades those who dwell in lies.


[1]               See “No Better Than Trump!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dW.

[2]               See “Coulter Admits Trump is a Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cf.

[3]               See “Coulter’s Orwellian Opus” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e0.

[4]               See “Coulter Hates ‘THE RULES’ That Thwart Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e6.

[5]               Ann Coulter, “Ted Cruz: Tracy Flick With a D*CK,” 4/13/16.

[6]               See “Only Trump Can Lose!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dA.

[7]               See “Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bM.

[8]               See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

Coulter Hates ‘THE RULES’ That Thwart Trump

In her Trumpmania column of the week, Trump apologist Ann Coulter decries the various state and local election laws (“THE RULES,” as she emphasized nine times) which have frustrated and may well thwart Trump’s presidential ambitions.[1]


Coulter regurgitates the false narrative of the election being stolen from Trump and she reprises her own fabrication that Cruz is ineligible to be elected president.[2] That birther claim has been consistently debunked by constitutional law, history, and logic,[3] as well as in every court where it has been tested.

Coulter, who has inexplicably and inextricably linked[4] her career and reputation[5] to yet another failed candidacy,[6] now frantically seeks to prevent a Cruz victory, even if it means the destruction of the conservative movement[7] and the further suicidal transformation of America from what we once knew to, as Coulter puts it, a “Third World Hellhole.”

Actually, there is reason in her madness. Coulter latched onto Trump as a means to promote herself, her book, and her agenda. Now that the real Donald Trump has emerged[8]a Donald Trump who would never pursue her agenda[9] – Coulter is in denial and desperately deflects attention from the truth and from her own culpability. When Trump falls, so does Coulter.

Foisting RINO Romney on America[10] was bad enough (at least Romney is an honorable man), but libertine liberal Donald Trump?[11] Shame on you, Ann![12]


[1]               See “Only Trump Can Lose!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dA.

[2]               See “Coulter Claims Cruz Ineligible” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9j.

[3]               See “Birther Coulter Births More Lies” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bI.

[4]               See “Coulter Trumped Up” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7Q.

[5]               See “Coulter Crazy Over Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-c5.

[6]               See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

[7]               See “Coulter Wants to Destroy GOP” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bn.

[8]               See “Coulter Admits Trump is a Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cf.

[9]               See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-ex.

[10]             See “Adios, Ann: Only Mitt for Me” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-70.

[11]             See “Coulter Goes Mental Over Her ‘Mental’ Candidate” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-d8.

[12]             See “No Better Than Trump!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dW.