Tag Archives: godliness

Is @AnnCoulter Really a Christian?

Is Ann Coulter a Christian?

For over two decades, many people have asked that question and answered with a negative. But Ann, strangely, regards herself as one, boasting: “I’m an extraordinarily good Christian.”[1]

Do genuine Christians talk about themselves in that way? (Ann shuns humility like the plague.)

Speaking of Jesus Christ

With the publication of her bestseller, Godless, in 2006, Coulter became a defacto religious authority, actually boasting about her own godliness. She frequently likened herself to Jesus Christ.

In recent years, Ann has developed the habit of commending sports figures who give thanks to God, even though she herself does not do so.

A recent Coulter tweet was very telling: about the “Godless media” and about Ann.

She accurately identified the Christophobic news media which excised a passionate plea by the brother of an innocent man murdered by a police officer. Coulter noted that the media ignored Brandt Jean’s urging Amber Guyger to “Give your life to Christ. I think giving your life to Christ is the best thing Botham would want for you.”

Coulter’s derisive contempt for Guyger leaps out in not naming her but calling her “the girl cop.”

Of course, Guyger did something Ann never does, indeed, refuses to do: repent and express remorse.

Guyger said,

“I hate that I have to live with this every single day of my life, and I ask God for forgiveness, and I hate myself every single day. I never wanted to take an innocent person’s life. And I’m so sorry.”

Coulter also ignored the import of Brandt Jean’s words. Brandt said:

“I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you.”

(Coulter, herself, is a very unforgiving person.)

Brandt continued:

“I love you just like anyone else and I’m not going to hope you rot and die. I personally want the best for you. I wasn’t going to say this in front of my family, I don’t even want you to go to jail. I want the best for you because I know that’s exactly what Botham would want for you.”

(Coulter, herself, is a very unloving person.)

Brandt then beseeched the judge:

“I don’t know if this is possible, but can I give her a hug, please?”

The courtroom video is poignant and profound: Brandt pleads with the judge to let him hug Amber and Amber rushes to embrace Brandt.

This was the hug that was felt around the world, but not in Ann’s heart.

Fruit of the Spirit

Of course, love is the first and primary fruit of the Spirit in a Christian’s life, something seemingly absent in Ann’s.

Galatians chapter 5 is pivotal in understanding the spiritual makeup of a Christian.

  • Love. Ann’s love is limited to herself and those like her or related to her. It seems as if she hates everyone else. That hatred is profoundly deep and perversely pervasive in her life.
  • Joy. Ann is understandably joyful among her friends, when attending her beloved comedian shows, when being praised and worshiped by her adoring fans, during red carpet events, and when she is enjoying comedy routines or sporting events. But hatred and fear frequently squash her joy.
  • Peace. Ann is seldom at peace. She is always at war with someone. Peace cannot coexist with fear and hatred. “Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).
  • Longsuffering (patience). Over two years of weekly, if not daily, attacks on President Trump over the wall strongly suggests that Ann has no patience. However, Ann was very longsuffering in the long-term illnesses of both Mother and Father.
  • Kindness. Ann’s kindness is extended to only those who can reciprocate or prove useful at the moment or in the future.
  • Goodness. I have long sensed a core of goodness within Ann that she appears to be repressing (perhaps wishful thinking). The absence of goodness seems to be more her forte. Which is Coulter and which is a chimera?
  • Faithfulness. Ann is faithful to a very limited number of people. In most cases, her commitment to faithfulness is dependent upon the recipient’s ability to provide her with what she wants from that person. Faithfulness to God? Hardly.
  • Gentleness. This is an attribute seldom exhibited by Ann, and, even then, usually for self-promoting purposes. Ann can be gentle toward those she loves (e.g., Mother), but is rarely so to those who serve no purpose to her.
  • Self-control. I could say that Ann erupts at the drop of a dime, but she often does so before the dime has dropped. Ann is quick to anger, swift to speak, and slow to listen.

Instead of exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit, Ann is far more prone to display the works of the flesh.

What Happened to the Dog?

The real Ann Coulter was on display during a 2015 radio interview[2] which demonstrated, like Animal Farm, that some people are more equal than others and that Ann is more equal than everyone else.

At the beginning of the interview, Ann was told the heartbreaking story of an innocent woman who was struck during a high-speed car chase which resulted in her becoming a quadriplegic. Utter silence from Ann. Shortly thereafter, Coulter made jokes about car chases and joked about a suicide.

Then Ann was told about a tragedy concerning a dog. She asked, “What happened to the dog?” Hearing that he died (burned to death on live television), she replied in shock, “Awww!”

Moments later, Ann said, “I feel sorry for the quadriplegic lady, too. I don’t want you to think I’m only worried about the dog [laughs]. That was just kind of a surprise ending.”

Coulter is so intellectually agile that she immediately recognized the disparity in her reactions to two very similar tragedies and she knew the audience would take note at well. So, she instantly went into justification mode, trying to put out the flame before it became a raging fire.

Note that Coulter is more concerned with what people think of her than she is about the tragedies which have befallen others.

That segment of that interview strongly reinforced my conclusions that, for Ann, most people are worthless (worthless = worth less than Ann). To her, they are invisibles. She cared far more about the deceased dog than about the quadriplegic lady – but doesn’t want us to know that.

The Mind of Christ

The apostle Paul exhorted the Philippian church: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5).

Ann very clearly does not have the mind of Christ.

What can we do?

We can pray for her and encourage her to repent.

We can hold her accountable for her wrong behavior until she repents.

Enabling Ann to persist in her wrong behavior only makes matters worse. Moreover, failure to confront Ann with her behavior which is in direct conflict with the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ taints the reputation of other Christians and of the body of Christ and brings dishonor to our Lord and Savior.

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis of Coulter’s worldview and character flaws which have led her to be so wrong in so many areas in which she regards herself as an expert.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Ann Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.


[1]               “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html. See also “Ann Coulter is Not a Good Person – An Open Letter to Erick Erickson” at http://t.co/7LQTKwbWcg. See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter.

[2]               Ann Coulter, The Drive Home with John & Jillian, KABC, 9/2/15.

Ann Coulter: Betrayer Extraordinaire

Ann Coulter and I became friends in the summer of 1997, or so I thought. My side was real; hers faux.

Ann Coulter’s Betrayals

During that time, I gave her everything she asked for and more. Ann was delighted with her Alamo Award, writing to me, “I love those quotes. that is much better than an interview would have been. they are totally, totally great. yes, please, please drop off or send as many copies as you can part with – I’m going to use it as part of my press packet. I had forgotten making most of those remarks but they do sound awfully familiar. thank you for compiling them” [SIC].

But I quickly discovered certain disturbing things about her. In mid-August, Ann was irate over little details contained in items about, and profiles of, her in three different publications.

She asked me to write letters-to-the-editor on her behalf. (I discovered that she routinely scoured the media for anything about her and that she hated any criticism of any kind, no matter how miniscule.)[1]

Ann found my letters-to-the-editor to be lacking in usefulness and, therefore, concluded that I was no longer useful to her. She dumped me with a nasty email. (I later discovered that she threw everything I had given her in the trash.)

But 12 days later, Ann feigned friendship to get back one of those things she had foolishly thrown away: an 11-page collection of Coulter quote highlights from her appearances on TV.

Having gotten what she wanted, she again dumped me (without telling me so this time). Instead, she made numerous false promises, keeping none of them during a four-month period.

When I confronted her about her behavior, she lashed out at me, using a strikingly similar argument she used to her boss at Human Events (without directing any hostility to him).

Coulter has turned her back on (and been rejected by) friends, colleagues, and organizations who were once her champions and benefactors. I remember Coulter saying on Politically Incorrect that she never remembers ex-boyfriends once they become exes. Apparently, her anti-social behavior applies to everyone.

Coulter once boasted of betraying her boss, Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-MI), when she was his staffer in 1995-96. Coulter secretly worked with other senate staffers opposed to Abraham’s immigration agenda. (Coulter was Deep State before the term was invented. No wonder she doesn’t attack the Deep State opposing Trump!)

At the very same time she betrayed me in 1997, she betrayed Paula Jones by leaking attorney-client privileged information to scuttle the settlement Jones’ desperately sought and she betrayed her employer,[2] the Center for Individual Rights, by engaging in a “pro-bono” political case CIR would have shunned (that’s why she kept her activities so secret).

In 1998, Coulter plagiarized both the words and the work of her colleague at Human Events, Michael Chapman, to write her first bestselling book, High Crimes and Misdemenaors. She has never given him due credit for his contribution and she even claimed that she’d never heard of him.[3]

In 1999 and on other occasions, Coulter frequently lied to her friend, Geraldo Rivera, on-air, about her connection with Linda Tripp’s tapes and other issues.

In 2000, Coulter sought to betray the people of Connecticut by running a “total sham campaign” for Congress.[4]

Over a period of many years, Coulter betrayed a host of individuals and organizations who had been very supportive of her.

Her fans are no exception. That’s what she did with me in 1996-97, emailing me her TV appearance schedule so that I could videotape her, transcribe highlights, promote her in my newsletter, and write supportive letters-to-the-editor on her behalf. Then, “Goodbye!”

Coulter forsook her own loyal fan club, one still linked on her website, seemingly for no reason whatsoever (the missing link remains missing).

In September 2017, Coulter boasted of having “TWO fan pages,” but by that December, she severed ties with her long-standing fan club.

Her now defunct fan club had a widely-used forum which promoted her books, columns, speeches, and other events. It vigorously discussed her columns and defended her from spurious attacks. And it actively aided her in organizing and setting up events across the country. They gave her 100% loyalty.

In the end, Coulter has also betrayed her readers and the American People with lies and fabrications, making things up from her own imagination. This was especially true during the past five presidential election cycles during which she defamed any candidate who threatened her chosen nominee.[5]

Let’s look beneath Coulter’s faux humanity. She revealed the real Coulter in an interview for The Drive Home (9/29/16): a phony hypocrite who pretends to like those she hates.

Speaking of conservatives opposed to Trump, Coulter boasted (emphasis added), “But all the people that I had to be talked into liking before because they’re technically on my side, whoa, they’re all gone now.”

Her next words: “I don’t have to pretend I like them anymore. It was all the ones I hated. Gone, gone, gone.”

Hear that, conservatives! Coulter no longer has to pretend to like you. Talk about phony! She really hated you all along!

You are now “gone, gone, gone” down into her personal memory hole. Except, naturally for her, Coulter never forgives and she never forgets.

A split microsecond later, Coulter singled out one name: “John Podhoretz.” (Podhoretz, a former friend and ally, incensed Coulter by shaming her inexcusable behavior.)

A few seconds later, Coulter claimed, “I don’t have to defend the people who were the most embarrassing to our side.”

(Who is the real embarrassment, Ann?)

In the end, Coulter has betrayed a host of people, groups, and organizations.[6]

For many years, post-9/11, Coulter betrayed the American Conservative Union and CPAC on numerous occasions.

In 2017, Coulter trashed her decades-long friendship with Sean Hannity in an extremely petty manner.

Also, in 2017, Coulter trashed her beloved Charles Murray and a 19-year-old Cornell student with one tweet.

In 2019, Coulter even threw her long-time good friends, George and Kellyanne Conway, under the bus.[7] (Ann was Kellyanne’s bridesmaid!)

Her one-time friend and ideological mentor, author Joseph Sobran, wrote that lies are betrayal! (emphasis added):[8]

A lie is not just a statement that isn’t “accurate.” It’s a personal betrayal. It means you are a traitor to whomever you are talking to. You make him a fool for trusting you in the way we all have to be able to trust each other for life to go along. You’re willing to turn his good faith against him for your selfish advantage. You treat him not as your friend or fellow citizen, but as your prey.

For the entire 22 years that I have known Ann, she has been adept at manipulating people. She uses them and then throws them away.

Many conservative organizations fawned over Coulter as she became a conservative icon and “goddess of the conservative movement.” Among them, the Claire Booth Luce Policy Institute, Young America’s Foundation, the American Conservative Union, and the Media Research Center. All of them granted Coulter lucrative speaking fees and/or promoted her work. They have all since effectively boycotted Coulter.

In 2017, Turning Point USA, sponsored her speeches, but not in 2018, even though its four-day conference was held in West Palm Beach, FL, which Coulter calls her home (she was actually in town during the conference!).[9]

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis this holistic exposé of how and why Coulter became such an untrustworthy human being.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Coulter that we know today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.

Ann’s brokenness provides an object lesson for all of us and, hopefully, this book will act as an intervention to help Ann face her brokenness and seek healing and restoration.


[1]              Even now, Coulter is known to report derogatory social media comments about her. She will often report negative tweets about her to the Guardians of Twitter. Has she nothing better to do?

[2]              Coulter ruined Paula Jones’ life by thrusting her into an unwanted media maelstrom which ultimately destroyed Paula’s marriage.

[3]              See Case Study 2, Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, at http://bit.ly/1N7zDji.

[4]              See Case Study # 3, Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, at http://bit.ly/1M2z2O5.

[5]              Of course, Coulter has famously betrayed Trump for over two years.

[6]              See case studies in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory at http://bit.ly/1M2z2O5.

[7]              On 3/19/19, Coulter doubled down, tweeting, “Trump should declare Kellyanne Conway’s marriage a national emergency.” Remember, Ann and Kellyanne were long-time best friends and Coulter introduced George to Kellyanne and was her bridesmaid. This displays a total lack of conscience or simple human decency.

[8]              Joseph Sobran, “Liar, Liar,” Sobran’s, October 1998, pg. 6.

[9]              When conservative organizations refuse to sponsor a very popular “conservative” speaker like Coulter, you know that there is a serious problem.

Ann Coulter: America’s Fool!

Once hailed the Goddess of the Conservative Movement and a Conservative Icon, polemicist and Alt-Right Queen Ann Coulter has become America’s Fool!

Joker cover

For over twenty years, Coulter’s preferred presidential nominee has become someone she ultimately hates.

Coulter shares astonishing similarities with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and has been called the AOC of the GOP!

Every self-identity Coulter holds is bogus.

Coulter is not a Settler, but an Immigrant.

Coulter is not a WASP purebred, but a mongrel.

In addition to two decades of presidential follies, Coulter’s fiascos are legendary, including at Berkeley, the Hamptons, CPAC, and with Delta.

How did Coulter become America’s Fool? Hubris!

Joker: Ann Coulter Unplugged provides an in-depth, detailed analysis in this holistic exposé of how and why Coulter became the person she is today.

Joker addresses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, familial, sexual, and spiritual dimensions which have shaped the Coulter extant today and it highlights both the positives and the negatives of Coulter’s life and career.

Ann’s brokenness provides an object lesson for all of us and, hopefully, this book will act as a public intervention to help Ann to face her brokenness and seek healing and restoration.

Coulter Hates What She Isn’t and Who She Is

Since the 1990s, Ann Coulter has expressed her hatred[1] for individuals and entire groups of people.[2] Moreover, she has called hatred a patriotic duty.[3]

Not surprisingly, Coulter hates those who are not like her.[4] She hates, in others words, what she isn’t.

Coulter Hates Self

But Coulter also hates who she is.[5]  Indeed, Coulter hates what she isn’t because of who she is.

Let’s look at who and what Coulter hates and see how, in reality, she hates herself.

Coulter Hates Conservatives

But, wait, isn’t Coulter a conservative? Coulter claims, “I’m like the conservative ayatollah.”[6] And, “I really do need to be the ayatollah of this [conservative] movement.”[7] (Do conservatives even have ayatollahs?)

Joe Newby, at the Conservative Firing Line, made a strikingly accurate observation (emphasis added): “But more to the point, [Coulter] has ripped the mask off and revealed that underneath, she truly hates conservatives, especially those who disagree with her – and she’s not beneath throwing them all under the bus.”

Notice, Coulter hates conservatives who disagree with her.[8] Part of her shtick is that she is always right, never wrong. When Coulter-generated controversies inevitably arise, she attacks and reviles those who hold her accountable for her words and actions.[9]

Moreover, Coulter often has an agenda which is distinct from, and in opposition to, conservative principles. Consequently, Coulter vilifies those principled conservatives who oppose her.[10]

Coulter Hates Christians

But, wait, isn’t Coulter a Christian? Coulter claims: “I’m an extraordinarily good Christian.”[11]

Despite her claims of fealty to Christ, Coulter has attacked Christians for most of the past two decades.[12]

Coulter calls Christian missionaries “fake Christians,”[13] attacks Christians who are godly and promote godliness,[14] and opposes attempts to stop Christian genocide occurring overseas.[15]

Coulter even, with professed “blind worship,” champions a godless liberal as her “Savior.”[16] (Just a decade ago, Coulter pilloried everyone she regarded as godless liberals in her appropriately named book, Godless.  Now, pillories are passé and crosses are chic.)

Coulter Hates Pro-Lifers

But, wait, isn’t Coulter a pro-lifer? Coulter claims to be: “I am totally pro-life.”[17]

Contrary to her assertion, Coulter passionately attacks conservatives and Christians for pursuing a pro-life agenda.

As far back as the late 1990s, Coulter began attacking pro-lifers for purely political purposes.[18] Coulter blames pro-life “putzes” for Republican election defeats – because they pursue a pro-life agenda.

Coulter disparages pro-lifers as morons and cowards[19] for simply seeking to defund Planned Parenthood![20] She calls them “pathetic,” “weak-kneed” “sissies” and “pussies” trying “to prove their toughness by being pro-life.” Perhaps they are actually principled pro-lifers.

In reality, Coulter would have pro-lifers do nothing and let the unborn fend for themselves![21]

Coulter Hates Herself

But, wait, isn’t Coulter a narcissist? Yes![22] (Who knew?)

Even narcissists can experience self-doubt. More than that, two decades of compromising principles and behaving deceitfully[23] have taken their toll. In time, liars tend to believe their own lies. But each lie conflicts with a previous one until discerning the truth becomes like grasping the wind.

Coulter went from espousing principled positions[24] to behaving contrary to those very same principles. Confronted with her hypocrisy, she entered into a prolonged and deep denial[25] from which she has yet to recover. She eventually gave up trying to do the right thing.

The “mass of contradictions” in her life quickly snowballed out of control. In time, Coulter – all the while claiming she has never changed – dramatically changed her positions and views on almost everything.[26]

Consequently, huge swaths of the conservative movement, Christians, pro-lifers, libertarians, and the like now shun Coulter.[27] They will continue to do so until Coulter gets her act together. Even then, she will have to earn their trust.

Right now, Coulter is extremely confused, caught up in a mishmash of conflicting and confusing visions of herself[28]her self-identity[29] – and a worldview which has become warped from years of lies, treachery, and deceit.[30]

I suspect that Ann never really believed in the Christian ideals and conservative principles she espoused. Indeed, she was not the “true believer” everyone believed her to be. Rather, she adopted those ideals and principles from her parents, whom she loved. Her father died in 2008; her mother in 2009. Since then, Ann’s moral and spiritual compass no longer exists. Ann is being tossed to and fro by the pragmatism of the moment and the passing whims of her heart.

Coulter hates conservatives, Christians, and pro-lifers for being what they are because she once believed she belonged in those categories. Now, whenever these people of principle act on their principles, she is put to shame as a charlatan. They expose Coulter for who she really is – a fraud.

Will Ann always be a fraud? Only God knows and only He can bring meaning and direction to her life. Unless and until Ann courageously faces the reality of who she has become and fights the good fight of faith to become the person God has called her to be, she will always be filled with hate and fear.

May God grant Ann repentance and transform her heart.


[1]               See “Chapter 7: Love: God’s Desire and Goal for Us,” The Gospel According to Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[2]               See “Appendix 1: Sampling of Coulter’s Elimination Rhetoric,” The Gospel According to Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[3]               See “Chapter 8: Polemics R Us,” The Beauty of Conservatism, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty/pdf.

[4]               See “Case Study # 3: Xenophobia: Soccer Flops and Nativism Gone Amok,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[5]               Coulter’s narcissism is renowned. Nevertheless, she has an insatiable appetite for self-glory to prove her worth and her superiority to herself and to the world. See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[6]               Ann Coulter, Piers Morgan, CNN, 10/15/13

[7]               Ann Coulter, YAF interview, “Hot Babes will Spark the Conservative Movement,” 8/8/11.

[8]               See “Case Study # 5: Coulter v. Tea Party,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[9]               See “Conservatives Diss Coulter!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8V.

[10]             See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[11]             “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html. See also “Ann Coulter is Not a Good Person – An Open Letter to Erick Erickson” at http://t.co/7LQTKwbWcg. See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[12]             See “Case Study # 4: Coulter v. Christians,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[13]             See “Fake Christians” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-5T.

[14]             See “Coulter Attacks Christians for Being Godly” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-az.

[15]             See “Let Them Be Martyred!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-aR.

[16]             See “Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bM.

[17]             Ann Coulter, quoted by Emily Freund, “Ann Coulter: She May Be Right …” Westchester WAG, October 2002. See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.

[18]             See “Case Study # 8: Life Issues,” Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[19]             See “Coulter’s Assault on Pro-Life Movement Continues” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9a.

[20]             See “Coulter Disses Pro-Lifers – Again!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8J.

[21]             See “Ann Coulter Still Blind to Abortion” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9I.

[22]             See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[23]             See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

[24]             See “Ann Coulter’s Root Causes – Part 1 (12/8/1961)” at http://t.co/VSsvq9UBlF.

[25]             See “Ann Coulter’s Root Causes – Part 2 (9/11/1997)” at http://t.co/UOApDASifV.

[26]             See “An Open Letter to Ann Coulter” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cK.

[27]             See “Ann Coulter’s Growing Irrelevancy” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8Y.

[28]             See “Delusional – New Ann Coulter Book” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-3z.

[29]             See “Ann Coulter’s Crazy Funhouse Mirror” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8n.

[30]             See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

Ann Coulter is NOT John the Baptist

John the Baptist lost his head for proclaiming God’s truth and holiness. Ann Coulter has betrayed all that she once believed in to promote the ungodly and profane.[1]

Now Coulter is a champion of New York Values, the kind she has opposed her entire adult life.

Not John the Baptist

A recent headline exposed Coulter’s betrayal: “Ann Coulter Says Trump’s Affair With Marla Maples Was Sanctioned By God.”

Coulter Praises Donald Trump’s Adultery

In an astonishing dialogue with Eric Metaxas, Coulter defended Trump’s vice as a virtue![2] In response to Metaxas’ declaration, “His vice of choice was adultery,” Coulter replied, “Allegedly.” Allegedly? Trump boasts of his conquests and his sexual desire for his own daughter!

Coulter added, “You know where he met Marla Maples? You know where he met her? I haven’t really followed his personal story very closely but he met her in church.”

According to Coulter, Trump’s long-term affair was justified because “he did marry her.” (No comment about his subsequent divorce or any of his affairs.) Coulter even claimed, “There are degrees of murder, there are degrees of adultery.” (However, all murderers are punished!)

Coulter will countenance any evil so long as she gets her way. In this case, she wants Trump to build a wall in her honor. She said, “It’s not his strongest point, oh well. He’s the only one who’s going to build the wall.” (Except, Trump will not build the wall Coulter wants.[3] Cruz will!)[4]

Coulter Condemns Divorce and Adultery

Nevertheless, Coulter continues to reject the sacred for the profane.

Until now, Coulter has condemned adultery (and divorce) throughout her professional career, chastising any public figures caught in that practice. She is wont to call the Democrat Party the party of “killing, lying, adultery, thievery, envy.”

For Coulter, admirable people cannot be adulterers. Coulter once declared, “None of the leaders I admire [have had affairs].”[5] (Until Trump!)

Coulter immediately added, “The greatest president of this century certainly never had an affair. … Of course we know that [he never had an affair]. Ronald Reagan could not possibly have had an affair. It is beyond the realm of possibility.”

Then, faithfulness and kept promises mattered to Coulter. Now, not so much.

Coulter Touts “The Rules”

A stickler for details and the letter of the law (until Trump, that is – now, “THE RULES[6] no longer matter), Coulter has always stridently decried divorce, citing it’s close connection with adultery. Coulter explained:

“To be absolutely punctilious about the sort of Bible description of divorce, it is considered adultery because the ‘one and only’ is your one and only. So you may go through our little civil procedures but your second wife would be considered – I guess divorce would be better than adultery as long as you don’t re-marry because the marriage would technically be considered adultery.”[7]

What about Trump’s confessed adulterous affairs and two divorces?

Coulter Loves Outing Adulterers

Coulter also favors news outlets and tabloids exposing prominent figures as adulterers. She said, “I’m all for outing adulterers, whether it’s some Hollywood starlet telling on a politician. I love that.”[8]

An effusive Coulter continued, “Oh, yeah, I love that. It’s like having all these Bernie Goetzs of adultery out there. They’re preventing people from committing adultery for fear of being exposed.”

But Trump, her Savior,[9] is now off limits!

Coulter Condemns Rudy Giuliani

Indeed, Coulter regards divorce and adultery as disqualifying factors for public office.

In 2000, Coulter denounced Rudy Giuliani as an adulterer (“committed adulterer,” “chasing tail,” “pathetic,” “boob,” and “pig” “forever wetting [himself] in public”), Coulter ridiculed the appearance of his mistresses. Consider Coulter’s lengthy tirade against Giuliani’s mistresses:[10]

“It seems to me that once a woman puts her sexual attractiveness at issue by, for example, competing sexually for the husbands of other women, she’s made her relative pulchritude fair game. Indeed, it is impossible to comprehend why some Republicans are still defending Giuliani’s honor without taking note of how homely his mistresses are.” (Isn’t Coulter now defending Trump’s honor?)

Coulter’s diatribe continued: “On every possible scale – body, face, youthful appearance, accomplishments, style, pedigree, IQ – Giuliani’s wife is several orders of magnitude superior to his apparent mistresses. His latest acquisition is even more squat and frumpy than the last consort.”

Rudy Giuliani was a letch, but Donald Trump is a saint?

John the Baptist

In contrast to Coulter, John the Baptist was devoted to righteousness and holy living. John repeatedly condemned King Herod for his sexual deviancy – and lost his head for it.

As reported in the Gospel of John (6:16-18):

“But when Herod heard, he said, ‘This is John, whom I beheaded; he has been raised from the dead!’ For Herod himself had sent and laid hold of John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife; for he had married her. Because John had said to Herod, ‘It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.’”

Jesus persistently condemned adultery, going so far as to say, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Mt. 5:27-28).”

Coulter once understood and agreed with that teaching, but now, for political purposes, Coulter calls evil good and good evil. Trump even lusts for his own daughter!

Less than a year ago, Coulter bragged, “I’ve never sucked up to anybody. I’ve always said what I believe.”[11]

(Sorry, Ann, but you’ve become the biggest suck-up in modern American history.)


[1]               See “Ann Coulter’s Upside Down World” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cP.

[2]               Ann Coulter, Eric Metaxas Show, Salem Media Group, 4/5/16.

[3]               See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dQ.

[4]               See “An Open Letter to Ann Coulter” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cK.

[5]               Ann Coulter, MSNBC, 6/7/97.

[6]               See “Coulter Hates ‘THE RULES’ That Thwart Trump” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-e6.

[7]               Ann Coulter, MSNBC, 6/7/97.

[8]               Ann Coulter, Politically Incorrect, ABC, 7/21/97.

[9]               See “Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bM.

[10]             See The Beauty of Conservatism, 2011, pg. 99, available as a freed download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[11]             Ann Coulter, “New Vice Video: Shooting Guns With Ann Coulter –UNPLUGGED,” 8/11/15, https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/video/shooting-guns-with-ann-coulter?utm_source=broadlyfbus.

Ann Coulter is Not a “Good Person” – An Open Letter to Erick Erickson

Dear Mr. Erickson,

In your recent criticism of Ann Coulter,[1] you stressed how much you like her, as if that is relevant. Perhaps you are trying to reassure Ann not to take your criticism personally. I do not have the same luxury. While there is much about Ann that I, too, like (and, unlike many Coulter critics who hate her, I do not), my opinion matters not to her. So, perhaps I can be a bit more blunt than you.


You unequivocally began your column: “I like Ann Coulter. There is no ‘but’ after that. I like Ann Coulter, period.”

Yes, we get it, you like Ann. Period.

As for me, Erick, while I do value your views and your website, I must say that your concluding paragraph is nonsense. You wrote:

“I have no reservations or caveats in liking Ann Coulter. She is a warm, kind, and generous person. I know this from my own experience. I must, however, disagree with her in this.”

Once again, we get it: You like (with no “buts,” “reservations or caveats”) Ann. Period.

But your personal observation – “She is a warm, kind, and generous person” – does not comport with either your analysis of her column nor Coulter’s observed behavior. Is Ann Coulter really a good person?

Are you confusing charm with character? Personality with integrity? A quick wit with a pure heart?

Coulter cannot – by any reasonable measure – be described as a good person. Just consider the column you yourself critiqued. In it, Ann blamed an altruistic and selfless medical missionary for contracting Ebola (in the course of doing God’s will as he saw it), blamed Samaritan’s Purse for sending him to Liberia (in accordance with its mission), and castigated all foreign missionaries for having the audacity to do God’s work and follow His will by evangelizing overseas.

Last March, you criticized Ann’s myopic support of Mitch McConnell,[2] again stressing how much you like her: “But I like Ann and I find myself with her more often than not.”

In your critique of that column, you chided Ann for falsely accusing Jim DeMint and the Senate Conservatives Fund of being charlatans and a right-wing mob.

Didn’t Ann just falsely accuse Christian missionaries of being charlatans? Does that establish an ungodly pattern of behavior? Yes!

Bearing false witnessfalsely accusing Christian missionaries and falsely accusing the Tea Party of being charlatans – is hardly proof that Ann is a good person, or, in your words, “a warm, kind, and generous person.”

Ann said those Christians missionaries were cowards egotistically seeking to be viewed as heroic. Just days before that, she condemned compassionate Christians, calling them “moral show-offs.” Surprisingly, Ann once claimed, “I’m an extraordinarily good Christian.”[3] Do you agree?[4]

But Ann has also falsely accused a fellow journalist of plagiarism and she has besmirched the reputations of Chris McDaniel and his supporters.

These are but a few examples of how Ann is not a good person.

Might I suggest a reevaluation of your perspective on Ann as well as your prayers on her behalf?


Daniel Borchers


The Gospel According to Ann Coulter at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.


[1]       Erick Erickson, “Can Christ Not Spare One Man?” Red State, 8/6/14, http://www.redstate.com/2014/08/06/can-christ-not-spare-one-man/.

[2]       Erick Erickson, “Right-Wing Mobs? No, A Cleaning Crew,” Red State, 3/13/14, http://www.redstate.com/2014/03/13/right-wing-mobs-no-a-cleaning-crew/.

[3]       “Church Militant: Ann Coulter on God, Faith, and Liberals,” beliefnet.com, 2006, http://www.beliefnet.com/story/196/story_19646.html.

[4]       If you do, then check out The Gospel According to Ann Coulter at www.coulterwatch.com/gospel.pdf.